Context: This takes place after the massive roleplay I did with my friends. Garrick Dervan's job as the Soulfinder is to go after the souls who attempt to escape death. After the city of Ascaria fell at the end of the roleplay, many died and tried to do exactly this.


Ascaria’s fall caused many a soul to plummet with it. Most, yet not all, were taken by the reapers. But as is only mortal nature, many feared death and attempted to outrun it, and it was Garrick’s job to find those souls and take them to wherever they belonged.

So there stood the lone Soulfinder atop the rubble of Ascaria, unable to tell what was boarders and what was city. But as he looked down below, translucent figures frantically rushed about it all, and ducked low behind corners and beneath small openings which they assumed Garrick could never find them within.

But Garrick was smarter than they thought.

The Soulfinder jumped off the rubble, and landed with one hand on the ground in front of both feet, and tumbled over his shoulder to a standing position.

“Come, lost ones. I promise you salvation.” His voice was enchanting–nearly inescapable as all heads turned to look directly at him. “You needn’t fear me, nor eternity. Heed my call and come forth.”

As if hypnotized by his voice, at least a hundred souls, bloody and battered with crushed limbs and disfigured bodies, marched forth toward Garrick or floated toward him if they could not walk.

Someone stepped out from the crowd with desperation filling her every remaining fiber. “P–please!” she begged, her eyes wide. “I don’t want to go!”

Garrick walked forth toward her, and held out a kind hand. “It’s ok,” he said in a careful, soft voice. “Your eternity shall be spent in a land of joy. I promise you. And you will never be alone.” He eyes began to glow golden, and he softly stroked the woman’s hair. “I see into your life beyond this, and it is far better than remaining here. I know change is frightening, but I can assure this one will be for the better.”

The woman shook her head, and sniffed as a single tear rushed down from her blind eye. “I–I can’t! Sir, please! I beg of you to let me stay!!”

Garrick bit his lower lip and shook his head. “Miss, you fought well. Your job here is done, and you have completed this life. I’m sorry, but you will spend forever wandering–injured and lost like this unless you come.”

“But–but I’m not lost!” she begged. “This is where I belong!!” She toppled over him, the blood from her arms seeping onto the Soulfinder’s cloak. “PLEASE, SIR!!”

Garrick sighed, and patted her pack softly as she cringed in pain. “It will be worse here. You don’t deserve to suffer any longer,” he told her. “Please just take my hand, and come along. Your mothers await you, as does your brother. He left, and you have been searching for him for days, have you not?”

She nodded.

Garrick nodded back. “He is alright, and I can promise you that, for I do not lie. And so shall you be, warrior. And you may forever desecrate my name if that is not the truth.”

The woman backed away, and looked Garrick in the golden eyes. She sniffed once as she viewed the same thing he was seeing through her mind, and she closed her eyes.

Garrick took his thumb and wiped away the tears upon her face “Are you ready?” he asked.

The woman grasped his hand tightly, and sobbed. “Thank you…” she whispered shakily.

Slowly, the golden glow faded from Garrick’s eyes, and with it, the woman’s translucent figure until both were nonexistent. Garrick let out a heavy sigh, and turned to the remainder of the figures surrounding him. He held out both arms, and a glowing blue circle was suddenly drawn across the rubble and dirt of the area, surrounding everyone.

“Eternity guide you all…” Garrick said hollowly. He raised both arms, and the flames of the circle rose several stories for a quick moment. He thrust his arms down to his sides, and the area flashed blue, then slowly faded back to reality. All the figures were gone, and cold winter winds, bloody stains, and dust were all that remained in Ascaria.

Garrick closed his eyes, and fell down to a sitting position, crossing his legs with his hands in his lap. He pulled the hood over his face and bowed his head.

Oh sorrowful victory which has taken so many souls… he thought to himself. Dear war which ravaged the land… You are nothing but a curse, yet a necessary one for the success of the people… Though you have taken this sacred land, and many of its heroes, and though I must bid it all farewell, I hope that nothing like this must occur again. Hold my words true, and let them never fade like this place shall over time. In my heart, these souls live on…

Garrick continued to sit there in silence for many minutes afterword. Never before had he seen devastation quite like this, but alas he could not feel such regret forever. Like the souls and their necessity to move forth, so must he have done the same. So he stood up and looked toward the sun creeping above the horizon, and faded away to return to his platform in the sky.

A new day was coming, and it was time to start again. Tragedy behind him in the yesterday, he walked to a couch by the roaring fire, and watched the starry sky fade away from a pale purple to a vibrant blue as the day dawned upon the world. And with this, Garrick cracked a small smile in joy, and opened his arms, feeling the warmth of the sun upon his body.

It was time to start again, for each end brings about a new beginning.