Hi there I'm looking for a group of people to partcipate in a group roleplay!

This roleplay with take place similar to Kresley Cole's Arcana Chronicles Series

The game was set in stone.
Twenty two people were chosen by the God's, each given their own set of powers to become the Champions. The rules were simple, Kill to win and become immortal. Collect the marks of the other characters. Make your teams for a truce until it comes down to just a short amount of players.
There is a catch however, if by choice you do not wish to "Participate" then you must figure out a way out of the game without getting yourself killed.

Major Arcana:

The fool: Gamekeeper of old
The Magician: Master of illusions
The High Priestess: Ruler of the Deep
The Empress: Our Lady of thorns
The Emperor: Stone Overlord
The Hierophant: He of the Dark Rites
The Lovers: Duke and Duchess of most Perverse
The Chariot: Wicked Champion
Strength: Mistress of Fauna
The Hermit: Master of Alchemy
Wheel of Fortune: Lady of fate
Justice: She who Harrows
The Hanged Man: Our Lord Uncanny
Death: The Endless Knight
Temperance: Collectress of Sin
The Devil: Foul Desacrator
The Tower: Lord of Lightning
The Star: Arcane Navigator
The Moon: Bringer of Doubt
The Sun: Hail The glorious Illuminator
Judgement: the Archangel
The World: This Unearthly One

The rest of the rp can be decided together, just let me know if you are interested and if you have any questions