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Name: Blanco Azure
Age: he looks 30 real age is 100
Race: Vampire
Gender: male
Height: 6" 11'
Weight: 120
Eye color: Blood red
Hair color: Midnight black
Orientation: straight
same,uke, seke: Seke
Personality: bloodthirsty to the point of insanity but will care for his master/mistress but if you treat him improperly then he will pretend you're not there
Bio: Blanco was born in a slavers camp they thought he was human until he latched onto one of their jugulars they all jumped back threw things like knives and books at him and Blanco released himself and crawled away leaving his dead mother behind twenty years passed by quickly and he returned there again killing them all leaving behind no blood shortly after he was found by another slaver camp and was knocked out put into a cage and put into the market

Note/other: he has an affinity for finding a way out of any position

Purple= Mysterious behavior and may be used for anything. (If the master can get them to do it)

Question Mark= Unknown behavior.


Black= Dangerous and more likely to fight or attempt escape.

Gray= Less likely to run or resist but is still dangerous.

Brown= Not as dangerous and is loyal. But is strong for fighting or for being a body guard.

Red= Very good for fighting but not protecting.

Blue= More for around the house pleasure and is very loyal.

Green= Unstable, highly dangerous, most likely to try to kill.

Purple= Mysterious behavior and may be used for anything. (If the master can get them to do it)

Pink= For pleasure only.

White Lace= Very delicate.


New charms will be added as they are suggested. If you feel your slave could use a different charm that is not already listed then PM a Vice with your new ideas.

White dove= Virgin.

Daisy= Kind, sweet, and/or submissive.

Black Raven= Lost virginity.

Rose= Mean,deadly, and/or disobedient.

Two fists= For fighting.

A shield= Protection.

Leaf= Outside work.

Broom= Inside work.

Sheet of music= Can sing or play an instrument.

Ballet shoe= Can dance.

Easel= Artistic

Jester hat= Trickster.

Laptop= Intelligent.

Book= Can read.

Pen= Can write.

Chef Hat= Cooks.

Rattle= Child-like behavior, very immature.

Wine Glass= Adult behavior, very mature.

Bone= Wild, completely untamed

Bell= Tamed

An egg= Very delicate.

A Child= Either nurturing or pregnant or has a child.

Question Mark= Unknown behavior.

Jewels= Rare.