and transplanted in donor bodies within three years, claims surgeon

By Sarah Knapton, science editor
27 APRIL 2017 • 11:46AM

People who have had their brains cryogenically frozen could be 'woken up' within three years, a pioneering Italian surgeon has claimed.

Professor Sergio Canavero, Director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, is aiming to carry out the first human head transplant within 10 months and then wants to begin trials on brain transplants.

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Excerpt: If we are able to prove that our brain does not create consciousness, religions will be swept away forever. They will no longer be necessary, as humans no longer need to be afraid of death. We no longer need a Catholic Church, no Judaisim, and no Islam because religions in general will be obsolete.

"It will be a turning point in human history."

More: An outlandish surgeon who aims to perform the first head transplant just gave a rat a second head