Soo no one really complains about the shape of our apartment if it's not clean. I have a toddler that runs around tearing up paper, rubbing lotion on herself and often leaving the fridge wide open after she grabs a drink.

You think "Well, how come you never make the time to clean?"
Weeeell, while my husband is recently employed, the GM for his place of work decided to take a vacation after giving him an interview..the GM is the only one that can make the schedules apparently.
Me? I'm a part-time cashier at Wal-Mart, but I work like I'm full-time, only getting paid $10 an hour to do the work of 3 people; Therefore, when I come home from being yelled at and cursed out, I don't exactly have the energy to come home and do a full scale cleaning that our apartment needs.

Now, you would think that my fiancee would do the cleaning while I'm gone. Ya know, at least have the dishes done and the trash taken out by the time I get home 9 hours later....No. He plays his XBox One all day and watches Youtube videos. He'l complain about a mess, but won't clean or pick it up and it's getting to be irritating. I mean, sure, I make messes. Who doesn't? But at least I clean mine up PLUS his.

I'm the only one that does the laundry. I'm the only one that gets groceries. He always wants to eat out instead of a home cooked meal, but then complains when I fill our freezer full of frozen food because he rarely asks me to cook and I simply don't have the time or energy to play games with him.

He watches our daughter all day, sure. But he always gives me the excuse of
"Well, she's been running around and I haven't been able to get anything done!"
THAT IS NO EXCUSE. I do it CONSTANTLY because I know our daughter won't leave us be long enough to actually let us clean, so I clean around her. You'd think it's simple, but he acts like it's impossible.

I love him to piece, but I get tired of being the only one cleaning EVERYTHING: Clothes(We live in a complex btw, so there's 10 washers and 6 dryer for a couple hundred of people to share and 9 times out of 10, 2 of the washers aren't working and 2 of the dryers don't dry...AT ALL), dishes, counter tops, HIS ashtrays, messes left by his family because my family picks up after themselves when they visit..I'm tired. I'm exhausted...and I only clean on my days off because...well, as I said, after I work all day. Even as we speak, it's just about 12:30 and I have washed dishes, picked up our daughter's toys and vacuumed her room while he is STILL asleep.

I get tired of feeling like I'm doing it alone, ya know? And I've told him that and he acts like he does so much. He gets mad because I don't ask for help...IF YOU SEE ME CLEANING, JUMP RIGHT ON IN BECAUSE 90% OF THE TIME, i'M CLEANING YOUR MESS OR OUR DAUGHTER'S MESS. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO ASK YOU FOR HELP.

Alright. Rant over. Sorry about that... cat_sweatdrop