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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] It Doesn't Have to Be Hard [A'iel/Serfie]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:04 pm
A'iel did his best to keep his composure as he hustled down the long stone hallways of the Weyr. Western was the most recently built weyr, made long after the 9th pass, and longer after the end of the tools that carved the older weyrs with such perfect angles. The result was a slightly weaving hallway, and a floor that was a bit uneven. In turns and turns more the ripples of the stone that hadn't been bothered to be made smooth when the passage was carved would be worn down by a hundred thousand feet. For now though, it was just one more thing standing in his way—the threat of stumbling—but even that didn't keep him from speeding up.

I told you it wasn't anything to worry about...you didn't have to come running, A'iel. His bronze, already perched on the edge of their weyr's ledge, chided him. It had been a burst of recognition and surprise from the bronze that had alerted A'iel that something was up, and though he knew that someone had been assigned to clean the space today, that sort of reaction wasn't usual for the big male. It got A'iel's antenna up, and he'd ended up hustling out of a meeting with a few others in his wing (though it'd been nearly over anyway, he'd assured Nasath).

Finding his door (left cracked slightly open) A'iel came striding through with all the air of someone who belonged in the space within, and then some. In a heartbeat his eyes picked out the figure sharing the rooms with him, as well as his ears Nasath's low croon of reassurance. Don't yell at her please, A'iel. Remember? I don't know how she is here or why, but we mustn't startle her if we can help it. the bronze had been dozing when Serfie had come into the rooms, and now at last he blinked his double-lidded eyes open and lifted his head to turn and regard the girl, eyes whirling a calm, steady blue.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:28 am
Serfie was back in the weyr doing Drudge work, earning a couple of marks, but mostly trying to explore the Weyr, finding out that actually, drudges tended to find shortcuts and secret places to move about quicker, though not necessarily into the plaes she wanted to get to most, first and foremost she was looking for a way to sneak into the Sands during a hatching, but be hidden from humans while still being available to the hatchlings when they arrived.

Currently she'd been assigned to clean out a few rider weyrs, sweep floors, make beds that the riders didn't have time to, as well as clean and refresh the dragon couches and sand wallows with fresh supplies. Trivial things that riders shouldn't even have to thing about, not now more important things were happening to focus on.

She knew a dragon was sleeping in the room next door, but she didn't bother the creature that was just a dark shape beyond a curtain, it was a large shape but without sneaking a peek (which she wasn't about to do with no rider around to placate a possibly prickly creature) she couldn't even tell what colour it's hide was, the curtain across the gap between the spaces being of a colour that hid the beast beyond.

She busied herself, flinching a few times when the dragon shifted, stopping and praying, but it seemed the beast was just turning about in it's sleep. She chided herself for being silly, she wanted to Impress one of these things, she needed to stop being so sharding jumpy. She shook her head at herself and carried on tidying things in the room, she'd already made the bed, picked up a few things that seemed to have fallen to the floor, intentionally or not, she picked them up, dusting them off and putting them on the table in the room, the rider could put them in the right places.

She was sweeping the floor, halfway done, when the rider strode into the room, and she squeaked in alarm, but hung her head quickly, maybe not quickly enough, she realised she knew this rider, hopefully he didn't recognise her as she tugged on the hood of her clothes down and affected an accent "s,...s....sorry" she mumbled, trying to make herself sound different. However..... she couldn't help looking over when the shadow behind the curtain moved and gentle blue eyes whirled at her from above the level of the curtain, her cover was well and truly blown, but she still tried to be invisible, backing away from the doorway, clutching the brush mid-sweep  


Friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:45 pm
A'iel had ground to a halt as soon as he'd realized the truth of the situation. Mental images of a dirty, scruffy youth, young enough to still be barely notable as a girl and not a boy, alone in the jungle and trying to hide in the ruined hollow of a tree behind a shield of thorns...Timidly reaching out to touch Nasath... He'd hated to leave the girl behind that day, and he knew thread had fallen between that meeting and now. He'd been frankly worried after her, but when Nasath had been convinced to fly him back to that part of the jungle they'd found no sign of her.

Now he realized that she'd apparently been clever enough to get herself into the weyr, and perhaps had done so when thread had come. He certainly hoped so. It might say something about the state of the weyr if someone could sneak in unnoticed, but a quick glance at her drudge's tatters...no, no one would bother to remember how a drudge looked. It was a clever disguise, and he felt better about the idea of her as a drudge than alone in the forest.

But still the idea rankled at him. She was clearly intelligent, adaptable, and a survivor. The life of a lowly drudge just seemed not to fit the mental image of her he'd built. She'd be late to an apprenticeship...and he knew not what skills she had...but he wasn't a poor man. If only he'd been able to convince her to let him help her. At the very leas she would make a fine runner or a deft hand for the butchers. Something to give her a bit more in way of a livelihood and respect. And Nasath had mentioned that perhaps he might see a future rider in her. The bronze had, unfortunately, never been much good at searching. But maybe...

Mine, you're glaring at her. Stop, or you know she'll run! The bronze's mental shove broke his racing train of thought, and he realized that he had in fact been all but scowling at the youngster. He was in no way angry with her, of course, though she probably wouldn't believe it. The situation itself was upsetting, and vexing. "You've nothing to apologize for, I promise." He sighed, deciding to abandon his spot between her and the door (though he did close it snugly behind him...but did not lock it) and cross the room to yank aside the curtain between the rooms. Sudden light flooded Nasath's couching area, making his hide glitter. A moment later he shoved his head into the space, whirling bright blue eyes at Serfie and crooning, hoping she'd not instantly bolt and at least take a moment to say hello.

"Nasath got excited when he realized he knew you, and it made me come running to see...you're not in trouble though. Even if I'm not quite sure how you came to be sweeping out our weyr—we're just glad you're here, and not threaded out in the wilds."

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:01 pm
Well shaff, it was obvious Nasath told on her when A'iel glared, practically berated her with a look, in fact she couldn't understand why his silent, disapproving scowl bothered her more than yelling would have, it was almost as if she didn't want him to be mad with her, as if she actually CARED what someone thought about her, how strange.... All these fleeting moments flashing through her mind, confusing the strong willed young Holdless child.... no not child, young woman.

She sighed when he moved and spoke, throwing back her drudge hood "Nasath, you sneak!" she muttered, though not one bit actually annoyed at the bronze, his eyes were so happy looking, odd, she actually felt SAFER around the dragon than she did his rider, not that she thought A'iel would dream of doing anything to her but after her meeting with another rider, she realised how great it was that a Dragon appeared to be a friend... at least that's sort of what it felt like when she looked at his big shiny head and his silly noises, unfortunately A'iel was between her and the dragon so she stayed where she was, fighting lingering urges to escape.

"Do you like my cave?" she said, a smirk playing on her lips. She hadnt exactly LIED about having a cave to be safe from Thread in, not really. "Trust me, i'm well practised already at getting safe ahead of that stuff" she shuddered here, having seen the remains of a cow once after it had been Threaded, yeah no she made sure she was nowhere near the open when that stuff fell, it helped being near the Weyr, dragons were normally in the air moments before it got anywhere near close enough to do much harm, it was just the ground crews she had to avoid and that was easy enough for one, skinny, dirty, clever girl intent on surviving on her own.



Friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:21 am
She didn't bolt, and that was a good start. She was willing to talk, and didn't seem as afraid of him as before. Nasath had apparently done more than he, and charmed her entirely, but he couldn't blame the bronze for that. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the set, but he was a sweetheart to those he liked. He nosed closer to her, crooning and creeling, making a show of himself out of happiness to see her there. I rather like having her clean our weyr. She is much quieter than most of the candidates they send. That made sense...he'd always been one for his beauty sleep.

"Well, it's much more reliable than a hollow tree and a thorn net. Honestly, we're more glad to find you safe than upset about you creeping in. I should turn you in..." He trailed off, let the threat hang...then shrugged. "But for now, maybe instead you just tell me what might have made you want to come here? I understand wanting to shelter in the weyr...but living as a drudge?" It made little sense to him. Nasath was sure (one of his rare moments of certainty with searching) that she'd do fine as a candidate if she'd commit to it. And that life would be much more respectful, clearly...Drudges in the Weyr were at least better cared for than in Holds.

"How long have you even been here...? Are you getting enough to eat?" So many questions might very well send her skittering, but he couldn't help it. He'd forgotten just how...small, really, she was.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:07 am
Serfie smiled, since being in the Weyr she'd gotten a little more confident, especially as a drudge she was barely noticed, everyone just seemed to take them for granted. She couldn't ignore Nasath's please for attention so she moved towards him, it was so obvious he was just being sweet that she couldn't be afraid of the big shiny brute. She automatically reached out and rubbed his nose gently before remembering herself, looking to A'iel for silent permission to pet his dragon.

"Trees and thorns aren't Thread safe" she said with a smile, having seen how ineffective the transportable Holdless shelters had been against Thread. "NO!" she cried when he mentioned turning her in, "i'll go and never come back if you do!" she crossed her arms, in a huff. "Well .. drudges don't really get any attention paid to them i noticed, they move about and people just take them into the scenery, there, but ... not there" she explained, why was she explaining? she didn't know but she couldn't stop "they get to go places most don't too" she said, a sly smile playing on her face now, wondering if A'iel would figure out what she meant.

She almost chuckled at his questions, anyone else and it would have sent her fleeing but she trusted A'iel, as far as a little feral girl trusted anyone. "on and off for a couple of sevendays, maybe... i don't pay much attention, i go whenever it gets too much, then come back after a bit" she paused "Eating more regularly here... it's strange, not feeling hungry all the time" she didn't admit, she wasn't sure she liked being fed properly, she felt slightly dulled, one of the reasons she went back to the forest, to keep herself sharp she supposed.



Friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:44 pm
Oh, it was...really nice, actually, to see her smile. She'd only seemed afraid or wary before. Almost angry at him for daring to find her. She must be doing better. That was good, right? Safe, in the weyr, happy...He nodded along, of course she could pet Nasath! He was going to be a whining wriggling lump otherwise, begging for attention and creeling if he didn't get it.

The sudden mood shift, the threat to leave threw him off. What? No! "Alright, alright!" She'd just gotten here, gotten to safety. Well, sure, she could have gone out and come back, she clearly had no trouble sneaking in...but staying in was better. And he had no doubt she'd go tearing off to the wilds again if he even hinted at turning her in...Shards. He knew there were rules for this sort of thing...but if all she was doing was hiding out and sweeping floors, what was the harm?

"Places most don't go? Serfie, please tell me you're not getting into any trouble..." Clearly she meant sneaking into riders' weyrs, like his own. She wasn't a thief though, so...was that bad? And she WAS cleaning. His weyr looked better already. The thought that she might try to go down onto the hatching sands didn't even cross his mind. After all, everyone knew the danger of touching an egg or interfering if you weren't meant to. It could mean death...and not just her own.

And really, if it meant one more child of Pern was safe bneath stone with food inside, that was alright. Wasn't it? "Well, where do you go at night? Curl up in some corner or a hallway? That'll get you caught for sure, you know."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:25 am
Serfie smirked at A'iel "oh no, no trouble A'iel" she said, which was true "i just meant drudges travel the lesser known areas" she quickly countered before moving to scritch Nasath's eye ridges and his nose, feeling more comfortable the more time she spent with him. It was true she'd been into the Weyrs of some riders, she'd been to weyrling barracks, candidate barracks, among other places, She was learning to go about hidden more than you'd think.

She sighed, here she could tell the total truth "No not with the drudges, those hidden places i told you about, there's warm vents where the hot water goes up for the baths nice and warm and safe" she told him with a smile, looking up at him. "I go between here and the forest, i am safe A'iel, i promise" she said, meaning it.



Friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:31 pm
That...all made sense, mostly. Honestly, he knew there were rules about this sort of thing, things he should do, people he should talk to...but if someone tried to wrangle her, he knew she'd run. would it be so bad to just wait, wait a little longer, get her settled in and then do it when there was less chance she'd bolt? Winter was coming too, and if she grew used to the shelter and safety here...Whatever the reasoning, he found a way to convince himself that keeping her secret, for now, was the right way to handle it. And besides. What harm could come of it?

"You don't want...a bed?" Curling up somewhere warm was fine. At least she wasn't freezing. Western wasn't High Reaches, but winter and night could still be cool. "I don't think anyone would mind giving you one." Even if it meant she'd be noticed and probably recorded somewhere on some list. It would make her subtly more part of the weyr, and more traceable...though that wasn't entirely behind his motivations just then. The poor girl had had enough of sleeping on floors and stone, if you asked him. That was all.

"I just...I suppose I don't understand why you'd want to keep going back out there. Just because it's all you've known doesn't mean you have to...to keep living that way. You could have more, you're allowed to have more, you know?"

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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