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Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[P] Plotty Time with Bee [Featured Character: Zezollath!]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:07 am
Legit my dudes I just can't keep track of most of my own plots and relations so I'm gonna make a bunch of text below here to map out who's got what going on and all that. Then I'll remember things better, and people can easily suss out what I might need, or where holes to be filled with plots are!

Please note that very few of my characters have plot armor. What that means is that most of my characters may get hurt or die, at any time, and without future notice. Life is erratic and unexpected. If I play your character's spouse, sibling, child, parent, friend, enemy, if their time comes, it comes. If we had ICly planned something, there is always a chance it may never get to happen. Death is normal, and a part of life on Pern, especially following thread's return. Please do not hesitate to talk to me about our plots as they may be effected, but aside from those characters marked with plot armor, please know that, well...life, and death, happen.

User Image
Pros: Loving, Supportive, Industrious
Cons: Clingy, Self-Sacrificing, Extravagant

Summary: Zezollath is just about at the age where she's set to start noticing the boys... and that's set to be a bit of a problem for her. She'll realize fairly quickly what sort of male she'd like—but the trouble is that it's mostly those males that are well 'above' her rank and status, and really have no business giving her the time of day. While she's happy to be friends with any dragon, it's bronzes that catch her eye, specifically big, handsome bronzes. She's going to be prone to falling hard and fast, and then getting her hearts broken when she realizes that she's been taken advantage of, or that just because a male flies you, it doesn't mean he loves you.

Looking For: 1-2 blue or brown, and 1-2 bronzes to break her hearts. Males she can fall for, who might either tolerate her attention because it's amusing or cute, but have no plans to settle down with her. Can be the more free-spirited type, who indulge her affections but then scarper once they realize she's going to be clingy, or can be the more hit-it-and-quit-it types, who feign interest in her just to get her to do things for them, then leave once they get bored/what they want. **Please note!! I do NOT want males that will end up falling for her back—she already has a long-term plan in the works behind the scenes, so her one-true-love-at-last spot is filled! I AM OKAY with males who dump her, and then later might realize they threw away the best thing in their lives, and regret it—just understand that she's already got HER forever lined up, so this request is NOT for happy-ending drgs.

Full Personality:
Zezollath is a green who knows exactly where her place in the world is...and she accepts such a place quietly and without complaint. She knows she is just a green, but she also knows there is much more to her than the Weyr might see. She is a green who is incredibly industrious and hard working; when she's given a task, she will complete it, and she will complete it well. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and knows that she has much to prove to the world. She may be green, but she is strong, she is reliable, and she is unafraid!

Well. At least, she tries to be.

Another source of pride with Zezollath is how supportive she can be. She is the sort of green who will not hesitate to be there for her clutchsibs, or her rider, during their times of need. When they are in pain, Zezollath will be at their sides; when they need someone to cry to, or fall upon in their most desperate hour, this green will have nothing but open wings and love to pour upon them. This also feeds into her work effort; as a wingrider, Zezollath will make a name for herself by being there, and not letting her wingmates or Wingleaders down.

Most of all, Zezollath is a green who has always been a lover of love, in all its shapes and forms. She loves her clutch-siblings, she loves her parents, she loves her Weyr, and above all else, she loves her rider. Like mother like daughter, Zezollath has nothing but love to give and she does so freely. Love, to her, is something that shouldn't be hidden or kept secret. Love, to her, is the most important trait she could give, and ever be given in return. Thankfully, this little green has love to give in droves, and she is not at all shy about showing it, especially to her beloved rider. Nobody will ever top her view of them!

Ah, but this little green does have her flaws. In her pursuit of showing the world how worthy of love she is, Zezollath is known to be self-sacrificing. Sometimes her desire to support becomes problematic and she spreads herself too thin; sometimes, she pushes herself beyond what she should have and winds up hurting herself in the process. She is a dragon who doesn't always know how to say no, or at least, would willingly sacrifice herself than harm someone else. No matter how hurt she might be, or how difficult the task might be, this green would rather suffer silently then someone else be unhappy.

Furthermore, she's known to be a bit clingy. She doesn't like to be alone, and will find it difficult when her rider is away. Being left alone is a surefire way to distress the poor green; while she won't necessarily say anything, she will tend to pine and mourn while Theirs is away or distant. This poor green just cant help it. A part of her just wants to be needed.

Lastly, and perhaps most secret of all, is how badly Zezollath loves extravagance. When she dreams, she dreams big and boldly; she wants the biggest, most handsome bronze to be Hers. She wants the fattest and most tender herdbeast. She wants her oil to be scented with perfumes, or for the Wingleaders to give her the approval and praise she knows she and Hers are worth. She wants her mother's attention and favored love. This green loves decadence, but knows she is just a green, and possibly unworthy of such things. So she tucks her desire for such things away, and tries hard to keep it a secret. She tries so hard to be humble, but another part of her just wants to have the cream instead of the milk.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:29 am
Seeking Soulmates - Humans
Who doesn't want someone to while away the the days with? Lovers, spouses, close-companions, and booty-calls, everyone needs someone, right? Well, no, not right, but y'know what this is the love-finding post so we're rolling with it.
For full character info, please refer to my journal.
Updated: 7/26/19.

Characters listed by gender and arranged thus:
Name – Gender – Age – Location

On The Market

User Image
B'tar – ♂ – 33 – Pern
Asexual, demiromantic, possibly polyamorous
Brownrider B'tar calls no weyr his home: a child of the wild, he roves all over Pern, dedicating his time to drawing maps and soaking up the beauty of nature. For those willing to put in the time for what would no doubt be a long-distance relationship, B'tar is just the guy to show you and you alone all the secret spots of the world!
Pros: Independent, adaptable, resourceful, detail-oriented.
Cons: Impatient, anti-social, lacks capacity to bond with anyone other than Efraath, aloof.
Likes: Uncomplicated people, competence, people mature enough to not be jealous when he leaves, and knows he won'e be jealous of anything they do when he's gone.
Dislikes: Sex, artifice, sex, being tied down, sex, damsel-types, sex.

User Image
Finnisa – ♀ – 22 – High Reaches Weyr
Even-keeled but slightly reclusive after a bad turn on the sands last hatching, Finnisa's a sturdy lady who's happy to go out or stay in, and either way will be a calm and cheerful companion for some lucky person!
Pros: Independent, even-keeled, patient.
Cons: Slow to start, complacent, envious.
Likes: Animals, snacks, being the center of attention but not all the time.
Dislikes: Having to initiate, plying second fiddle, people who bring up the last hatching.

User Image
Kahina – ♀ – 29 – Pern
Pansexual, aromantic, polyamorous
A free spirit if ever there was one, spotting Kahina sitting still is like catching a unicorn! A literal once-in-a-lifetime chance, while Kahina might not be anyone's happily ever after, she's certainly ready to give you one fairy tale day!
Pros: Confident, free-spirited, ambitious.
Cons: Vain, treacherous, hasty.
Likes: Pretty people, any people. Do you have a pulse? Kahina's into it. Experimentation!
Dislikes: Responsibility (for her), work (for her), thread, structure, rules.

User Image
L'an – ♂ – 47 – Western Weyr
Pansexual, aromantic
Warm sunshine, a light breeze, a line in the water—L'an is more than experienced, but this cool cucumber of a greenrider's definitely the catch of the day. He's seen most of Pern in his time as a rider, and there's no one more ready to just relax with for a casual day together. He isn't the type to demand your attention long-term, but he's always down to reel in a partner or two when they just need to unwind!
Pros: Supportive, disciplined, patient, unflappable.
Cons: Permissive, dispassionate, unambitious.
Likes: Relaxing, fishing, people who approach him, strings-free attachments.
Dislikes: People who get super serious, needy people, storms.

User Image
Peresa – ♀ – 21 – High Reaches Weyr
Pansexual, demiromantic
Love and hate are two sides of the passion coin, and Peresa has both in spades! For those willing to risk it all to crack through her iron shell, be ready for an all-consuming blaze, but be warned! There's nothing as vicious as a woman scorned, and this firecracker lady isn't one to ever let a grudge die!
Pros: Resilient, brave, passionate, romantic.
Cons: Vicious, unforgiving, has a dark (ha!) view of the world, suspicious.
Likes: Eating, fighting, and ********. Also tattoos, people who cuss a lot, secretly yearns for stability and genuine love.
Dislikes: S'del, thread, anyone who talks down to her, people with teeth that are too straight or too white.

User Image
Saed – ⚥ – 27 – Pern
Asexual, panromantic, polyamorous
Feel free to look, and oh baby, feel free to touch! Saed is a true wonder, wrapped up in alluring silks and heady incense, studded head to toe with glitter and glitz. But all this isn't just for show, they're a true creature of luxury, and would just love to pull you into their tent for a feast for the senses that would make any hedonist's head spin. Why not let them show you just how fulfilling solving a mystery can be?
Pros: Sensual, patient, dedicated, contemplative.
Cons: Aloof, distant, hedonistic, the capacity to be very cruel.
Likes: Beauty in all forms, unique people or things, travel, incense, smoking whatever Pern's version of hookah is, a well-managed business establishment.
Dislikes: Getting dirty, people who fixate on what's under their clothing, people who judge based on color/gender/sexuality/etc.

User Image
X' – ⚥ – 32 – Western Weyr
Demisexual, demiromantic
Sometimes you have to weather the storm to get to the sunshine, and X understands that more than most. For those willing to take the time to approach with caution and an open mind, they might find the ultimate respite in X's company, full of long contentedly quiet moments just watching the rain or staying up late to see stars falling. The bombastic need not apply—they need a quieter, gentler touch!
Pros: Placid, introspective, patient, selfless.
Cons: Gloomy, antisocial, comes across as aloof, vague.
Likes: Quiet moments, rain, meditation, long walks on the beach just before dawn in silence.
Dislikes: Courtesans and anything to do with them, especially brothel work, parties.





PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:30 am
Seeking Soulmates - Dragons
Who doesn't want someone to while away the the days with? Lovers, spouses, close-companions, and booty-calls, everyone needs someone, right? Well, no, not right, but y'know what this is the love-finding post so we're rolling with it.
For full character info, please refer to my journal.
Updated: 5/2/19.

Characters listed by gender and arranged thus:
Name – Gender – Age – Location

On The Market

User Image
Aviroth – ♂ – 37 – High Reaches Weyr
Demisexual, demiromantic
You know he’s good with kids, ladies and gents, and he can be good with you too! Those willing to put in the time can find a devoted partner here, but remember! Duty and Weyr above all else...or else!
Pros: Observant, patient, dedicated, mild.
Cons: Devious, detached, internally disdainful towards other chromatics.
Likes: Golds, respectful behavior, playing therapist/shoulder-to-cry-on, cliche-traditional-behaving dragons, flying silently with dragons he likes. Secretly into upstart chromatics, but not for good reasons.
Dislikes: Disrespect, idle chatter, failure (anyone's), the 'fishy' smell of the sea.

User Image
Balizarth– ♂ – 25 – High Reaches Weyr
Heterosexual, demiromantic
If you like double shifts on watch duty, think that the Weyr comes before everything, and have a vast amount of patience to spend chipping away at this stony heart, you might just find treasure deep inside!
Pros: Driven, loyal, resilient, capable.
Cons: Aggressive, cold, impatient, colorist.
Likes: Tradition, golds, strictly lawful types, total transparency.
Dislikes: Troublemakers, underhandedness, softness, cowardice.

User Image
Cath – ♂ – 9 – Pern
Pansexual, panromantic, polyamorous
Your very own brown dragon love guru, Cath is more than happy to join any cuddle pile across Pern! The type to love and leave, he only means well, and you bever hve to worry about jealousy from this fine fellow...or any strings for those just after an experience!
Pros: Loving, accepting, open.
Cons: Simple, yielding, complacent.
Likes: Being a big goddamn dragon hippie, love, cuddles, sunshine, flowers, giving very small greens or whites rides on his back.
Dislikes: Mean dragons, being confined to one partner, being taken advantage of (though it's common), having to take charge ever.

User Image
Nasath – ♂ – 10 – Western Weyr
Heterosexual, heteroromantic, polyamorous
This bronze has got it all! The speed, the strength, the footwork! He works hard and plays harder, and at his size he has ample love to give! Browns bamed Phylideth and fans thereof need not apply!
Pros: Patient, loving, steadfast, confident.
Cons: Bossy, lazy when A'iel's not looking, impolite.
Likes: Attention, a chance to show off, parties, a chance to show A'iel off, hunting.
Dislikes: Phylideth, anyone A'iel likes more than him, being bossed, trying new things (he might not be good at them!)

User Image
Shoggoth – ♀ – 3 – High Reaches Weyr
Pansexual, heteroromantic
Have you ever wanted to hug a porcupine? What about a rabid porcupine with knives for spines and a vibrate setting that goes to 11? Good news! This green is just your style! Should you have the (mis)fortune to catch her eye, beware! She isn’t one to let go without a long and bloody fight!
Pros: Versatile, committed, protective, resilient.
Cons: Wrathful, possessive, base, violent.
Likes: Storms, fighting, dark places (caves, underwater, etc.), hunting, cowing other dragons, dragons that actually stand up to her.
Dislikes: Kindeth, having nothing to do, very hot places, most golds, being told to 'calm down'.

User Image
Strigonth – ♂ – 1 – Western Weyr
Pansexual, demiromantic, possibly polyamorous
The coolest cat in town is this blue, fresh from weyrling training and already talking the talk and walking the walk! Ladies want to know him and guys want to be him. And know him! He’s so much better than you, but when you’re together he just makes you feel special, and he really even seems to mean it!
Pros: Charming, self-assured, popular.
Cons: Manipulative, old-fashioned, commanding.
Likes: Taking charge, pretty dragons, games of strategy, any nighttime activity, or activity done at night, rubbing elbows with the higher ups, getting his way.
Dislikes: Crass behavior, disrespect, very bright days, getting messy or frazzled, childish behavior.

User Image
Ysalth – ♀ – 4 – Pern
Pansexual, aromantic, polyamorous
For those wanting a taste of danger, look to the skies and pray for that special speck of green! As much of a black widow as a dragon can be, she’s happy to give anyone a try, but don’t expect it to last. Those seeking purely physical fun are especially welcome here!
Pros: Confident, quick-witted, analytical, ambitious.
Cons: Vain, short-sighted, impatient.
Likes: Casual encounters, travel, bronzes, especially very large ones, how she can see herself in a gold's skin, attention, meadows with very tall grass.
Dislikes: Anyone but her getting attention, weyrs, dragons that get all romantic and attached right out the gate.

User Image
Zunulth – ♂ – 10 – Western Weyr
Asexual, demiromantic
A literal white knight, this dragon is ready to charge into the fray to defend what’s right! He hasn’t felt the stirrings of his hearts yet, but just because he won’t chase doesn’t mean he can’t love! Maybe you’ll be the one to finally make his hearts beat!
Pros: Patient, confident, highly intelligent, devoted.
Cons: Indifferent to some, a bit of a smart-a**, prone to taking risks, defensive.
Likes: Checklists, a defined process for tasks/events, patience, being able to protect people, racing, people who keep good secrets, the stars.
Dislikes: Fast-and-loose types, being flirted with, dishonesty, traditionalists, PDA.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:32 am
Seeking Family
Got someone needing family? This is a list of who of mine has family that could be adopted!
For full character info, please refer to my journal.
Please note that names, ages, exact stories and current locations are all negotiable unless otherwise noted.
† Name non-negotiable.
Updated: 6/4/19.

Characters listed by gender and arranged thus:
Age – Name – Location – Relation

Male Relatives

42 – Vilforn – Minor Nabolian Hold – Older brother to bluerider V'rind, miner or possibly rider.
41 – Rivian – Minor Nabolian Hold – Older brother to bluerider V'rind, miner or possibly rider.
41 – Savol – ??? – Younger brother to greenrider L'an, presumed deceased after being lost at sea at age 25. Washed ashore without his memory, taken in by a Weyr, now a rider.
39 – Vidor – Minor Nabolian Hold – Older brother to bluerider V'rind, miner or possibly rider.
35 – Dorvill – Minor Nabolian Hold – Younger brother to bluerider V'rind, miner or possibly rider.
14 – Gunne – High Reaches Hold – Foster brother to green weyrling V'tre, apprentice baker.

Female Relatives

28-30 – Alivii – High Reaches Weyr – Younger sister to bluerider E'dan. A stands candidate.
15-27 – Maelon – Western Weyr – Younger sister to mindhealer Raen. A candidate.

Flexible Gender Relatives

22-35 – UNNAMED – ??? – Foster siblings of brownrider B'tar, estranged. Could be crafters, candidates, holders, or riders.
18-26 – UNNAMED – Western Weyr – Half sibling(s) of greenrider Wione.
16-28 – UNNAMED – ??? – Child(ren) of greenrider L'an, born while he was at Benden Weyr. Unknown to him.
15-30 – UNNAMED – ??? – Half siblings of dragonless X. Unknown to them.
14-30 – UNNAMED – Western Weyr – Younger sibling(s) of bluerider A'tte. Candidates or riders. Estranged or unknown to him.
14-30 – UNNAMED – ??? – Siblings and half siblings of greenrider Kahina. Unknown to her.
14-20 – UNNAMED – ??? – Siblings of candidate Meztli, born in Black Sands Hold to one of their fathers and a surrogate.
12-15 – UNNAMED – ??? – Child(ren) of bluerider A'tte. Unknown to him.
9-16 – UNNAMED – ??? – Child(ren) of greenrider L'an, born while he was at Ista Weyr. Unknown to him.
5-30 – UNNAMED – High Reaches Weyr – Child(ren) of bronzerider U'zan. Possibly unknown to him.
10-36 – UNNAMED – ??? – Child(ren) of Weyrlingmaster V'mel. Known or unknown to him.





PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:14 pm
Flight History
So you want to flesh out your dragon's history, want to boost an ego or set up a plot-hook. That's great! I've listed below my assorted FEMALE DRAGONS' unclaimed 'caught by' slots from their pasts. Note that these flights happened off-screen or before the shop's IC timeline began, so there won't be any accompanying RP with them, but they're still useful for building up histories and whatnot!
I have added the assorted locations greens have history at for quicker reference for correct-location characters. Note that flights were NOT location-restricted though, so anyone could have won any flight up to the recent political fall-out.
For full character info, please refer to my journal.
Please note that I am not listing my male drgs, as they can chase all the dang time. If you want your lady to have been flown by my guy (or gal!) just let me know!
Updated: 7/26/19.

Green Alcherath—Benden, Ista, Western

At Benden
-Maiden flight 3546.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3546.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3546.13—caught by bronze Garganth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3547.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3547.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3547.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3547.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3548.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3548.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3548.10—caught by bronze Garganth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3548.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3549.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3549.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3549.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3549.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3550.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3550.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3550.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3550.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3551.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3551.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3551.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3551.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3552.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3552.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3552.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3552.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3553.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3553.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3553.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3553.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3554.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3554.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3554.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3554.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3555.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3555.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3555.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3555.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3556.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3556.07—caught by blue Mnereth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3556.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3556.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3557.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3557.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3557.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3557.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3558.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3558.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3558.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3558.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3559.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3559.07—caught by ???
At Ista
-Rose 3559.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3559.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3560.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3560.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3560.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3560.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3561.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3561.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3561.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3561.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3562.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3562.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3562.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3562.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3563.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3563.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3563.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3563.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3564.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3564.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3564.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3564.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3565.10—caught by blue Mnereth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3565.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3566.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3566.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3566.10—caught by bronze Yffengeth (Teiha)
At Western
-Rose 3566.13—caught by blue Detlath (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3567.04—caught by bronze Delfrith (Teiha)
-Rose 3567.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3567.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3567.13—caught by blue Marasemeth
-Rose 3568.04—caught by bronze Garganth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3568.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3568.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3568.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3569.04—caught by bronze Delfrith (Teiha)
-Rose 3569.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3569.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3569.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3570.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3570.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3570.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3570.13—caught by brown Phylideth (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3571.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3571.07—caught by brown Auroth (Teiha)
-Rose 3571.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3571.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3572.04—caught by brown Auroth (Teiha)
-Rose 3572.07—caught by brown Phylideth (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3572.10—caught by ???
-Rose 3572.13—caught by bronze Delfrith (Teiha)
-Rose 3573.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3573.07—caught by blue Detlath (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3573.10—caught by brown Teth (houllow)
-Rose 3573.13—caught by brown Phylideth (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3574.04—caught by bronze Nasath
-Rose 3574.07—caught by ???
-Rose 3574.10—caught by brown Auroth (Teiha)
-Rose 3574.13—caught by ???
-Rose 3575.04—caught by ???

Green Findith—Western

-Maiden flight 3571.11—caught by blue Mnereth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3572.04—caught by ???
-Rose 3572.11—caught by ???
-Rose 3573.04—caught by brown Teth (houllow)
-Rose 3573.11—caught by ???
-Rose 3574.04—caught by brown Beylith (Teiha)
-Rose 3574.11—caught by ???
-Rose 3575.04—caught by blue Aramath (Teiha)

Green Ysalth—Anywhere on Pern

-Maiden flight 3571.09—caught by ???
-Rose 3572.03—caught by blue Xiezhith (demon_pachabel)
-Rose 3572.09—caught by bronze Casreth (Teiha)
-Rose 6573.03—caught by brown Minoth (Uta)
-Rose 3573.09—caught by ???
-Rose 3574.03—caught by brown Elzebuth (Tsunake)
-Rose 3574.09—caught by ???
-Rose 3575.03—caught by ???
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 2:32 pm
Added match-making section because I'm romantic trash. Gonna take some time to fill in so brace for that hot mess.  





PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 4:49 pm
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2019 11:40 am
Zezollath is officially the May/June featured character! Givin her June too cause May’s half over hurrr.  





PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:11 pm
Updated to add V'mel again as an option to be the dad of a few more kiddos!  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:25 am
Added open flight history for my greens!  



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