Daughters. He'd been blessed with three of the prettiest little ones he had ever laid his golden eyes upon. They instantly became his world and as such they became his travel companions. Being the wary lion he was he had no intention of taking them anywhere new when they were so young, but instead he focused on replaying out some of the places he had already been. Starting with one of his personal favorites the Nchi`mahadhi. This was one of three places he treasured above most. His daughters had been aptly named after those places. Upon his arrival to the prides lands he'd made no secret in who he was looking for. Shauku.

A few lions had stopped to say hello, recognizing him from his preivous visit, chief among them had been Lijen. The lion had been a merchant that he easily recognized. "Do you know where I can find Shauku?" He asked, his tone was light and fluffy. Returning to the musical lands relaxed him almost immediately and he felt quite a bit less defensive about his daughters running a muck. It was a short conversation between friends before the lion pointed out the direction of the Malenga for the family. Giving his thanks and leaving came a small time after.

"Ali`dido?" The sweet voice rang out cheerfully. "I didn't think you'd be around so soon after your last visit." She approached the lion eagerly and with a large grin. Ali was pleased with how short of a time it took to find the female. "I didn't think so either, truth be told." He chuckled briefly before pushing forward the three girls he had brought with him. "It was these youngsters that drove me to familiar stomping grounds, no pun intended." The pair chuckled nonetheless at his terrible joke before Shauku leaned in to get a good look at the three.

"My, my.. you've got three very lovely daughters Ali. Not to shabby - the mother must have been very beautiful for the girls to turn out like this." She teased him. He would have responded, but instead Lief`dido strode forward and spoke up. "My mom is very beautiful." Clearly she didn't understand the joke and chose to be incredibly proud. Which simply made the Malenga grin a little bigger. "You're quite the spunky little girl. You remind me of my own cubs when they were your age."

"I'd imagine Hlaziya isn't the young sprout he was when I was here last?" Ali queried the lioness with a grin of his own. To which Shauku nodded. "No, I'm afraid that he and his siblings have surpassed my own height. Which I'm sure is typical of cubs, but it does me no good when I need to look up at them and try to discipline." She laughed. "Just wait until these little drum beats grow up to be big and strong." Her nose wrinkled pleasantly.

"Before they do grow up to much.. I'd like to get them some trinkets. Do you have something you'd recommend?" He figured the regular would have been suggested. A drum or some jewelry, but nothing more. He'd even considered skirting speaking with Shauku in favor of simply heading to the merchants himself, but he figured he couldn't avoid a conversation with her. Even if it meant saving her some of her precious time. "Actually.." She thought briefly and considered his question. "I know of just the merchant for you."

"Boneka." Shauku said the name with pride. "Recently we have been in talks with a pride known as the Bahari`mtoto. The talks might lead to a potential alliance and in preparation of that plus many other possible ventures we have begun to name diplomats among our members. One of those very diplomats is Boneka, a puppet maker." Clearly she was very enthusiastic about this news. Ali felt compelled to ask more, but he watched the entranced way his daughters peered at the lioness when she talked of toys. "The puppets are typically made with only our finest materials. These materials are usually collected by a merchant you're familiar with, Lijen." She said the name and it brought a knowing smile to Alis face.

"Well can you point me in her direction?" Ali queried as Lief, chief among her sisters, bounced at his paws excitedly. This was a great opportunity to see the pride and get a toy. Truly there had to be nothing better in life than that. "Well, Boneka can usually be found that way. She's a purple lioness that usually looks as though she is on a mission. I promise you she is quite friendly and eager to please her customers. She'd be happy to make your girls a puppet or two. But don't forget to pick up some new drums. I see you've gotten some use out of yours." She laughed fondly.

"Yeah, the girls and I have enjoyed the company of the instrument." He was going to mention he'd shared some of the instruments with other individuals he'd crossed paths with, but it didn't seem vital at the time. "Thank you Shauku, my girls and I appreciate it. Before we leave we will have to stop by for another visit. I'd like to see how Hlaziya has grown."

"Oh that would be fantastic!" She admitted to him. Hlaziya hadn't asked about the grin lion in a number of moons. But the cycle would be broken if he ended up seeing Ali. How much he had grown would likely also suprise Ali. Having met the lion as a cub and would see him now as an adult? It'd be a surprise she was sure.

"So Daddy, we are going to see the puppet maker noooow?" Lief asked her Father as they turned away from his friend. The dark pelt on her was strange to the youths eyes, but she adjusted quickly enough. "Yes Lief. But you will have to be patient. It's likely that we will have to place an order and wait a couple of days before we get the toys. These lions pride themselves on making personalized items." He wanted to make sure that was firmly in the cubs mind, but he was sure he'd be driven nuts over the course of the days it would take to make the puppets. "Okaaay." Lief finally agreed with what he had said

"Alright, let's find Boneka."