Name: Bartholomew Coinmore
Nick Name: Mr. Crisis, Crisis, Intransigent Animal
Ht/Wt: 6'2/255
Hometown: South Carolina, Myrtle Beach
Entrance Music: Supervillian Theme
Entrance Moves: Crisis comes out in a black leather jacket and with a barbed wire bat, (replaced if holding a belt)he walks down the aisle and towards the ring, once in the ring he'll throw up a fist (belt if holding one) and removes his jacket and preps himself for the match.
Appearance: Crisis is a well toned and somewhat tan male. His right arm is covered in a sleeved tattoo with a star on the center of his upper arm, he has long brown hair tied usually and a beard that is somewhat trimmed. His eyes are a strange amber like yellow and his body as well as his face are covered in little nicks and scars. His attire is normally bluejeans and combat boots, with maybe a elbow pad on his tattooed arm, however on special occasions he comes out wearing a fullbody skeleton outfit that glows in the dark.
Common Moves: Armbar, Clothesline, Big Boot, Big Swing, Big Chop, Boxing Hook, Elbow Drop, Sleeper Hold, Roundhouse Kick, Boxing Straight Punch, Double Axe Handle, Abdominal Stretch
Signature Moves: Liontamer
Finisher: Backbreaker (Close the Book)
Break Him (Grapples the opponent and knees them twice in their chest, then finished the job with a Impaler DDT)
Gimmick: Insane Berserker Rebellious Brawler
Alignment: Neutral (Normally a Face)
Match Type Expertise: Hardcore, Cage Matches, Endurance
Match Type Weakness: Royal Rumble Styled Matches, TLC
Weapon Expertise: Anything he can get his hands on
Division: Hardcore/Heavyweight
Title History: EWA Unified Tag Team Champions w/ Eon Darkheart
EWA Battalion Champion x1
EWA Hall of Fame Class of 2019: Tag Team (Endless)

Patch Notes
[Edited 08/26/17: Thanks CQC for giving me info I thought I had lost! Done some quick edits to Crisis to make him feel more like older Crisis, which is good and gave him some titles which I also thank CQC!]