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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] All Fun and Games (Nadry/C'lusi)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:56 pm
If anyone but a certain brown dragonet had been the one to flick a gob of mud at her - intentionally, no less - Nadry would have been giving them an earful. Even so, the glop oozing its way down her arm made her skin crawl, cool and slick and oh so dirty. And there were little splatters on her white blouse and blue skirt, which she would need to get out sooner rather than later, and who knew what was really in that lake-muck and oh this was wretched. It wasn't even like she could brush it off with her other hand, because then that hand would be dirty. Cringing, eyes shut, she shook her afflicted arm to get the worst of the goop off.

There, that was...marginally better. She opened one eye to regard the remaining grit with a shiver. Gross. Just. Gross. Both eyes open now, she shifted her gaze to her tormentor, who at the very least had the decency not to look amused. His eyes were mostly yellow, a reflection of her own anxiety, complemented by a hint of irritated orange. Also hers. "Remind me why spending our rest day throwing mud at each other is a good idea?"

Because the future you want won't always be comfortable. Being a hero is hard work. Dirty work. You need to get used to that.

I love you, b-

That thought was interrupted by a shriek - her own, humiliatingly - when a pat of mud splotted onto her head, courtesy of a tiny blue flit who decided that this all looked like an excellent game and he should play it, too, in spite of not having been invited.

one down!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:59 pm

It was a rest day, which meant that both C'lusi and Macuith could spoil themselves with luxuries. Usually this meant sleeping in, enjoying a late breakfast, and then giving Macuith an especially thorough washing and oiling. Afterwards, C'lusi would luxuriate in a bath, dress himself up to the nines, and either visit his mother, his sister, or one of his may old lovers and friends just to say hello. Or, if he wasn't being social with someone old, he would find the prettiest or most handsome face in the Bowl and see if they were the talking sort.
Just because he couldn't actually do anything like that didn't mean he had to stop communicating with people, and Macuith certainly enjoyed cooing over the men of the Weyr.

Approaching the Weyrlake with supplies in hand, he jerked his gaze away from his strutting Macuith when he heard someone screech. Not far ahead, he saw Nadry covered with a nice pile of runny mud on her head. Macuith's eyes had gone orange and yellow with surprise and a moments concern, before they turned bright blue at the sight of Menankith. The blue would let his rider worry about Nadry -- his bath could wait while he checked on the larger brown.

"Nadry!" C'lusi called out, brows knit with concern. He did his best to hide his amusement -- oh, being covered in mud looked most unpleasant -- but he was glad that she didn't seem to be in any mortal peril. "Oh, oh hunny, that looks a mess. Here, do you need any help getting it off?" He appreciated her good taste in clothing -- even if he didn't agree that a white blouse made appropriate lake clothes. Not because of any reason than the mud and sand would likely become some sort of problem. "I've got a towel here once you shake that off," he offered, setting his satchel and oil pail down. He'd brought a few paddles and brushes, ample amounts of soapsand, a few vials of scent in case Macuith wanted to smell extra good, and a few towels to dry them both off.

Macuith, for his part, didn't waste his time heading over to Menankith. The blue gave a happy and delighted croon, stretching out his head so he could playfully and affectionately greet his clutchmate with a headbutt. Dearest, most lovely Menankith! How good to see you here today. Are you and yours quite well, mud incident aside?

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:24 pm
Having mud seeping through her hair was bad enough - so bad - but it got exponentially worse the moment someone called her name. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if it had been Ichta, or even G'ran or R'gan,, but of course it wasn't any of the above. It was one of the Weyrlings she didn't know nearly as well, but had very much noticed. It was impossible not to, and not because his sister was a goldrider.

It's Macuith and His! Menankith supplied helpfully, interrupting his own scolding of their wayward young flit. Sir took the opportunity to settle on his back, little muddy feet leaving prints as he turned in a circle and curled up.

Yes, I can see that, Nadry replied, reluctantly turning to face the embarrassment of being caught with mud not just splattered on her arm, but running through her carefully-braided hair and into her face. She still didn't want to touch it, but mud on her hands was just a little bit more tolerable than having it in her hair. She wiped it from her forehead and took a steadying breath. "C'lusi," she offered with a shaky attempt at a polite smile. If given the opportunity, she would have likely gone on to act as though she didn't have mud dripping down her neck, but of course he had to be helpful. "It's fine, I've got it."

She really didn't, though, as running a hand over the worst of it assured her that nothing short of a bath would do much good. "Or rather, I'm afraid there's not much to be done for it short of a good wash," she admitted with a sigh, and flicked the mud from her hand. "Silly flit, I just had to get one with a troublesome streak."

The critter in question chirped proudly from his dragon-perch, from which he nearly toppled when Menankith moved to reciprocate his clutchmate's friendly greeting. It is good to see you as well, Macuith. I am well, and so is Mine. More or less. Appearances in front of her classmate trumped how upset she was with being dirty, apparently. That was...a start. Not quite what he'd been going for, but it worked. And you and Yours?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:44 pm

A towel certainly wasn't going to do much for her hair -- that was more than clear. Nadry was going to need a good soaking and scrub to get that mess out of her hair, and what a shame! "I don't think I've ever met a fire-lizard who wasn't trouble on some level," he added with a an easy-going grin. "But yours is the first I've met with a penchant for throwing dirt." Poor Nadry. She looked quite ridiculous standing there with mud dripping down her head. "Seriously, if you change your mind about the towels, I've got plenty to spare. I seem to wind up more and more soaked the larger he gets, so I've learned to bring spares." Not to mention his blue was particular about how he was oiled, and any excess had to be dabbed off immediately, and any sticking sand brushed away before the process could even begin.

"So what have you three been up to? Mud slinging aside," he added. Honestly, C'lusi was trying hard not to notice the mud dripping down Nadry. He wanted to whisk her back to the barracks, get her cleaned up, and then brush out her hair... but then, much of weyrling training was dirty, and gross, and mud was better than the blood and guts they had to sort through to feed their dragons; or mucking up after them. Still, if he had to dump some mud on his own head in the name of camaraderie and easing any embarrassment, he would do so.

Just maybe not yet... not if she shrugged it off without looking too self-conscious or embarrassed.

"We're not interrupting anything, are we?" He glanced from Menankith back to Nadry with a good-humored grin. He didn't really know what they were doing, but he certainly could carry on his way if they preferred to be alone.

Macuith, for his part, was pleased to have stumbled upon his larger brown brother. He gave a croon -- one that sounded more like a purr -- and let his eyes whirl a very happy blue. You two look well... all the mud aside. I'm doing very well, especially now that I've a bit of company. The blue couldn't help it -- he liked being around his clutch sibs, and was glad to have stumbled upon Menankith. Even if he was half-covered in mud himself. Mine and I are going to bathe, and then I'm going to get oiled. You wouldn't be interested in joining, would you? If there was a slightly plaintive tone in his words, it couldn't be helped. Nobody else had been interested in coming along, to his dismay and offense, so he could only hope his clutchmate might not spurn such an honor.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:46 am
"I'm beginning to see that." Nadry regarded the creature in question with a sigh, but not without fondness. At least now that he was a bit older, he'd stopped screaming at the top of his lungs about this thing or that thing, or nothing at all. It was a phase she sincerely hoped he didn't repeat. "The dirt-throwing is new, but I think it's just an extension of wanting to imitate Menankith." Because that was exactly what the brown needed, a little minion to do everything he did. Soon enough, she'd be waking up to meatrolls on her pillow just in case she got hungry in the middle of the night. When C'lusi insisted that he had plenty of towels, she took a moment to reconsider the offer - both out of politeness and because all the mud really did feel wretched. Maybe it would at least go some way to remedying the awful oozing sensation. "If you're sure you have enough, and Macuith won't mind?"

"You're not interrupting, no," the young woman answered with a shake of ehr head. "We haven't been up to much, really. Between lessons and training and chores...and the bigger he gets, the more work he is. I almost feel like I'm slacking off just sitting down to eat, or going to sleep at night."

It's not so different a color from my hide, Menankith noted with tones of amusement, flicking some of the excess muck from his tail. It was a bit drabber than his color, but brown was brown. I don't know why Mine dislikes it so much! It doesn't look so different from some of the things I have seen her put on her skin to make it soft. Things that intrigued him very much, but she hesitated to share them with him, citing uncertainty about whether or not it would be good for him...and a reluctance to ask anyone who might know. We would like that! I have had one today already, but Mine needs a bath, don't you, Mine?

Redness rushed back into her cheeks. Not in the lake, Menankith.

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:55 pm

"Please, by all means -- take it," he encouraged again, wanting the poor girl to get all that mud and ick out of her hair. "It looks so wretched I'm wanting to dunk my head in the lake just looking at it!" He smiled broadly at the girl though, hoping to take any possible sting or offense out of his words. It wasn't that Nadry looked bad, but the mud really did look abysmal.

"I brought the towels mostly for me," he encouraged. "Mac's just here for water, and the future oiling to follow."

And the view! The blue dragon added with a happy little churr. C'lusi decided not to repeat that sentiment. His young blue always seemed to be enjoying some sort of view, particularly ones with handsome boy dragons. He was incorrigible, but the man couldn't really blame him. Like rider, like dragon, after all.

Still, the weyrling was glad that the girl didn't seem to mind his approach or appearance. "I'm actually glad Macuith's a blue," he confessed. "He's going to be quite the handful and he's one of the smaller colors. I always wanted a dragon, but I feel like the work that goes into them is pretty understated. I know they talk about how much work it is, and they try to warn you, but until you're doing the scrubbing, the oiling, the mucking out, the feeding, day after day after day.... I mean, I wouldn't change it for the world, don't get me wrong, but like you said -- there's always something more to be done." He didn't begrudge having minimal downtime though -- it kept him out of trouble, and the work didn't always feel so bad when he had Macuith there to talk about boys, or the lesson V'mel gave, or some other piece of gossip and news either heard throughout the day -- but it was exhausting.

"I don't think I've slept as hard since I impressed. I think part of that's just having Impressed, ya know... but the other half is just being bone tired."

Macuith, for his part, was more than happy to have found a new playmate on his bathing trip. He looked between the mud and Menankith, before giving a little nod. It is not so different, no, but your hide is much lovelier than dirt. It is a bit dirtier, though -- perhaps she just doesn't like it on her hair? He suggested. Mine puts some stuff on his hair, and different things on his skin. But if she needs a bath, she can come swim with us. The water is right here, and Mine intends to go! Yours should come too -- I am quite sure we'd all have such a good time. The blue's eyes whirled a bright blue-green, and he reached out to nose playfully at his larger clutchmate, his excitement and clear.

Still, he would be happy simply to have Menankith to swim with. The mud is fun, but the water will be much nicer, yes? The blue trotted in a circle around Menankith, hoping he might get his brother to join him in a game of chase. C'lusi could tell that the earlier focus of getting cleaned up was fast turning into some sort of fun game.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:01 pm
Nadry ducked her head as she accepted the towel, another flush coloring her cheeks at the reminder of how terrible she must look right now; not that he meant it that way, it was clear that he didn't, but, well. She was a very fasitidious, appearance-conscious person to begin with, and now she had mud in her hair, and he was, well. Of all the people who could possibly have come across her in her current state, had it really had to be him? Looking away a moment, she pulled her braid over her shoulder and started running her thumb through it plait by plait to undo it, so that she could better start the process of getting the mud out of it. "I'm almost tempted to do that."

"I can't say I really wish Menankith were smaller, not that he's going to be as big as Elzebuth or Kratoth, but I don't even want to think about what a job it's going to be to have him scubbed and oiled once he's full-grown." She glanced the brown's way and shook her head fondly. No, she wouldn't change anything about him, but shards was there a lot of work involved! "At least we won't have to do it as often, but still..." And eventually they wouldn't have to do the mucking, and their dragons would be able to feed themselves, so there was that.

"I've never slept the way I did after the Hatching," she admitted as she started to work some of the muck out of her hair with the towel. "Not that I've had much trouble sleeping since, either, as busy as they keep us."

She doesn't like dirt on anything, Menankith elaborated, Although I'm not sure why mud is so terrible, but the things in her jars are fine...the things in the jars do smell better, though. But Yours has those things, too? The brown looked genuinely surprised to hear this, and made a thoughtful sound. Mine has always said that they are girl things when I ask about them! I thought that was odd, since all humans have skin and most of them have hair.

If you and Yours are swimming, then I and Mine should, too! he agreed, responding to the playful gesture with a little bounce that dislodged Sir Moustache, and sent the flit chittering unhappily into the air. It would be great fun! And Nadry would surely feel much better without mud in her hair!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:37 am

C'lusi watched as Nadry tried to get the mud out of her hair. His eyebrows knit with a bit of concern--honestly, a towel wasn't going to do too much until it was properly washed, or at least rinsed. His gesture was a bit out of order, he realized too late. Thankfully, he had some towels to spare, and the lake water would be perfect for a rinse. Assuming, of course, she'd be up for it. "Say, we were planning on going for a swim anyway--maybe you'd like to join us? If nothing else, I can at least get a bucket of water and help rinse your hair? I'm afraid the towel might be up against a losing battle." He laughed gently, though it wasn't meant to be a tease; more to take any sting out of his words. "Otherwise, I'll happily scrub some mud in my hair, and that way you won't be the only one sporting such a fashion." He added helpfully.

Getting mud in his hair was not ideal.... but he also didn't want his fellow weyrling feeling out of place. If he had to sacrifice his lovely locks than so be it; he had enough products back in the barracks to save both their hair if need be. "If nothing else, Mac would sure like some company. We both would, really!" He added cheerfully. Even if Nadry denied the swimming or the hair help, they could at least hang out on shore. No one could ever claim he wasn't an agreeable sort of weyrling.

"Big dragons might draw the eye, but there's definitely a lot more work that goes into their upkeep and care. I can't tell how big Mac's going to be-maybe average, maybe a little bigger--but that's more than plenty for me. I certainly like to oil him, but it's not exactly a quick task, is it?" It wasn't that allure had rubbed off--any time spent with his lifemate was bliss for C'lusi--but it did take a good chunk of the day. Given how much bigger Menankith would be, he didn't envy Nadry at all. "And they just keep getting bigger! Menankith is certainly going to be a heart-breaker when he gets full size, I'm sure." He laughed, glancing over to see how his blue continued to romp around the larger brown.

Macuith's eyes whirled with humor as Menankith seemed surprised to hear about his rider's grooming habits. He has all sorts of things in jars. Some of them smell nice, others not as nice, but he uses them for all sorts of things. He even makes me a special type of oil that smells quite nicer than the normal stuff. I'll be getting that today, after I bathe. He stated with a bit of excitement and pleasure. He always did like to look good, and he always felt ever-so-posh after C'lusi scrubbed and oiled him. It was a long process, but he felt it made him look even nicer, and to the blue, that was what was important.

Especially when around such cute boys like Menankith! He could make you some if you wanted, you know. Or teach Yours how to make it. It's simply wonderful. Nevermind that it was just the usual oils with a touch of scent. To the young Macuith, it was genius.

When the brown dragon seemed to concede on the game, or at least the swim, the blue dragon couldn't help but creel with excitement. His eyes whirled a bright blue-green, and he half-flapped his wings with his pleasure. It will be much more fun if we're all there together! We'll make such handsome company, and the water is surely divine! He toddled forward a bit, pausing only long enough to ensure his clutchsib would willingly follow him to the water.

It was time to swim, and he wanted to show off to both Nadry and Menankith.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 pm
At C'lusi's suggestion, Nadry - predictably - balked, although she tried not to look quite so alarmed as it made her, fiddling with her hair and the doomed towel rather than looking directly at her fellow weyrling. She hadn't...really dressed appropriately for swimming (or the mud-slinging that had started all this, for that matter), let alone swimming with...with company. But the alternatives, oh! C'lusi helpign her rinse her hair, or rubbing mud in his...the first was rather a terrifying prospect in its own right, but she would be mortified if he got himself dirty just to make her feel better! Oh, dear. Oh, oh, what to do? She couldn't really say no, but she also wasn't sure she should say yes.

"I...I suppose it is rather a lost cause, isn't it?" Not that that kept her from continuing to fuss at it, as it was a very convenient task to focus on while she delayed giving a real answer for at least a few more moments.

Meanwhile, Menankith was deeply curious about these things-in-jars that Theirs used - and he would have to remember to tell Nadry later that they were not just girl things, which he found to be a very exciting discovery! - but he brightened even more at the mention of the special oil that Macuith's made for him. A special oil? Really? A blue-purple mix of curiosity and want colored his eyes, and he practically wriggled with it as he bounced after his blue brother. I would like that very much, and I think that Mine would, too, since we both end up smelling like it by the time we're done! Some of her things smelled quite nice, like flowers and spices, and he...might have tried tasting one once, but it had not tasted anywhere near as good as it had smelled. Getting that taste off his tongue had taken hours, and he didn't stick his nose straight in thsoe jars anymore.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time, was all he really had to say for it. Yes, it will be great fun! he agreed, following Macuith without the slightest hesitation. Thanks to Aurinkoth, he'd quickly learned to appreciate the merits of having fun, and wanted His to do the same...to fret less about the things that she was and wasn't 'supposed' to do, and embrace that she could do whatever she wanted! (Well, sort of. But all those arbitrary girl rules needed to be shaken loose!)

Mine, I am going to swim with Macuith! he informed her, feeling her hesitation and concern over C'lusi's offer quite acutely. She needed a little extra push, or else she might really just sit and wait on the shore, and that wouldn't be nearly as much fun. We should all swim together, and then you will not be muddy anymore.

Shards. If Menankith wanted to stay and swim, and it would make him happy, she could hardly say no. "A swim is probably the best thing for it," she finally agreed, although it still left her with the 'not dressed for swimming' dilemma. Wading in fully clothed would probably look daft, even though she wasn't wearing a particularly long or heavy skirt, but... Faranth. If the ground could please swallow her up, she would very much appreciate it. "I'll have to plan ahead better, next time he gets an idea like this into his head - I don't know about heart-breaker, but he's trouble when he wants to be!"

Nadry left off her fruitless attempts to towel the mud out of her hair and picked at the hem of her skirt self-consciously, more than just at a loss. Seeing this, Menankith loped back to bump her from behind before gamboling back over to Macuith with a chortle of amusement as His stumbled a couple of steps forward and shot him a look.

Speaking of trouble.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:56 pm
Macuith couldn’t help but be pleased by getting to spend some time swimming with his brown brother. The young blue couldn’t have asked for a better time of it, and the bright green in his whirling gaze proved it. I will have mine give you some, so you can try it! And then, if you like it, he can teach Yours how to make it. The blue gave a happy croon, glad to share such a secret with a brother who seemed inclined to enjoy a more enhanced type of oiling. Some of his clutchmates probably would find it silly or impractical, but thankfully, Menankith was not one of tem.

When Menankith confirmed that swimming was on, the blue dragon gave a happy trill, and with a playful bat at his bigger brown clutchmate, the blue suddenly bolted towards the water. The lake was inviting, and he couldn’t wait to get all the mud off his feet. I thought I’d have a nice time by the water, but it’s better with you and Yours. The blue dragon’s joy was genuine, even as he dipped beneath the water, blowing a happy trail of bubbles as he went.

C’lusi, for his part, found his blue’s joy infectious. Still, he wasn’t so blind and knew that Nadry was in a bit of a fix, clothing wise. “We don’t have to go deep in,” he assured. “Or if you want to run back to the Barracks, I don’t mind watching the boys.” It only now occurred to him that maybe swimming in such a thing made her uncomfortable; it never occurred to him on the why until now; riders were often seen half-undressed or solely in under-things, and nakedness on any level wasn’t exactly uncommon. But maybe Nadry was a bit shy? He remembered how different life had been Turns prior.

Of course, when Menankith moved over and gave His a bit of a bump and stumble, C’lusi immediately moved over, reaching out to grab hold of her arm, hoping to keep her from toppling right over. “At least the water’s tolerable. Just wait until fall and winter.” He grimaced at the thought. “So where’d you come from anyway? You’re not from the Weyr, I know that much. Settling in all right?” He asked breezily, hoping to distract Nadry from the mud in her hair, and any other possible self-consciousness.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:21 am
It sounds wonderful!  Mine would be very pleased to learn how to make it, I'm sure.  Even if he had just shoved her.  No hard feelings, surely!  And Macuith's steadied her, anyway, so no harm done!  Now that he had given His the necessary push, Menankith wasted no time in cavorting after his brother.  He bounded into the water with a great splash, not bothering at all with anything like grace or dignity.  Playing in the lake with one of his favorite clutchmates was just too exciting!  And what fun was playing in the water without some splashing, anyway? Good company is much better than being alone, he agreed, pushing out until he was floating.  The brown might have been a little discerning about what he considered good company - he would certainly not have been so eager to spend time with Aresoth or Eleusith, for example - but the handful he was fond of were always welcome near.

Nadry turned quite a shade (again) when C'lusi reached out and steadied her, even as Menankith skipped off, feeling nothing but pleased with himself. "Th..thanks," she managed after several mortified seconds, eyes fixed on the ground. "See?  Definitely trouble."

A little nervous laughter, and she composed herself enough to get back to the questions at hand. "I-It's alright.  They're already muddy, what's a little water going to hurt?" And going back to the Barracks also entailed, well, going back to the Barracks.  While covered in mud.  That was not an attractive prospect.  That, along with mention of winter, prompted a shudder. "Bathing dragons in the middle of winter?  I can't wait."

"Honestly?  Nowhere interesting, just a little cothold." A rather backwards one, as she was increasingly aware. "I had some idea what to expect, my brother's a rider, but...well, some things get exaggerated, and other things get left out.  It's definitely different, either way.  It's been better since Menankith, though, even if some people don't think it's proper."

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:35 pm
Macuith was absolutely thrilled to be splashing and paddling about with his brown clutchmate. The blue dragon loved to be around company, and while he adored having His around, he also was eager to better get to know his clutchmates. How he yearned to be close to them, and to tell them all the gossip and scandalous things. Still, the little blue knew his company wasn’t fully welcome, or at least, not entirely understood, so to have Menankith so willing to play and splash around brightened his little hearts.

At least someone besides him in the clutch had good taste.

Then I shall have Mine show yours how to make it. Another playdate for them, and some future fun for you and I. Macuith practically warbled with joy at the prospect, his eyes a bright green-blue. The lithe blue paddled happily around Menankith before sending a little splash of water his way with his nose. He was clearly enjoying the company.

C’lusi, for his part, was also enjoying himself--even if poor Nadry was still mud-covered. Though he released her arm, he didn’t move away. “I suppose it can’t be helped, can it? He does seem to have a penchant for it.” Impressing Nadry was trouble itself in High Reaches, while being vocal against its traditions and color bias made it double. “Don’t let Macuith fool you, though. There’s a little monster beneath that sweet face.” Grinning, he leaned closer to Nadry and half-whispered, “He really wants to bring the lake to you if you don’t wish to swim.” Nevermind that his blue knew he was letting his secret out. In fact, his little head bobbed up again from the water and he let out a honk in agreement. Giving a small laugh, he added, “I’ve convinced him to keep his splashing to a minimum, though, so you’re safe enough for now.” He hastily assured, not wanting her worry.

“Don’t worry about what anyone says or thinks,” C’lusi waved off her worries in his usual cheerful fashion. “I know High Reaches isn’t perfect, but I don’t think it’s as bad. I actually lived in some nowhere Hold outside of Crom,” he confessed. “Moved here when I was eight, and let me tell you, for all that people grouse about it, High Reaches is home. Sure, there’ll be folks who’ll turn their noses up because you’re on a brown, or because I’m only a blue rider, but overall, it’s a pretty nice place to be.” Nevermind that his memories of his old home he’d rather forget.

This thread is officially 2 years old. How time flies.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:50 pm
That would be excellent!  It is good that she is such friends with Aurinkoth's and Elzebuth's, but more will do her good. Especially if they overlapped with his own friends!  It would be a touch awkward if, say, she got friendly with their bronze clutchmate's rider.  Not that he would ever discourage it or try to tell her who she could or could not be friends with, but it would certainly be convenient if they consistently preferred the same company.

Menankith responded to the splash by thwacking his tail against the surface of the water to produce his own, his eyes a bright and sparkling blue.

"He's practically made of it, but he means well, at least." Though not everyone saw such rabble-rousing as well-meant, which was why she'd been working from early on to get him to tone it down when they weren't in tolerant or sympathetic company. "Macuith, a monster?" she gasped, feigning disbelief. "I'd never have guessed it!  He sounds like a perfectly helpful gentleman to me.  At least he's not offering to throw more mud at me!"

That C'lusi was also from nowhere was a bit of a surprise, as she'd assumed him to be Weyrbred, but having been at High Reaches since he was young, he'd clearly had time to settle in. "It's better than where I came from, so I can't complain much, not when the alternative was marrying a cobbler." Realizing belatedly that that might come across as a touch snooty, a negative statement about cobblers as opposed to one about marriage, she added, "Not that there's, ah, anything wrong with cobblers, specifically." She just wasn't keen to marry one.  Or anyone else, really.

/bakes it a cake! yum_cupcake
[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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