Reading a Manga book that I borrowed from the library recently (xxxholic series Vol 10) I found definitions of what they call Japanese Honorifics. They basically are descriptive titles that are given to different levels of people in the Japanese Culture. I'm sure that you have heard girls in particular called chan or san. Well below you can find simple definitions. This is not something that Americans do. That's mentioned in the description of the -[blank] Honorific.

Japanese Honorifics
- san: This is the most common honorific, and it’s equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., or Mrs. It is the all-purpose honorific and can be used in any situation where politeness is required.

-sama: This is one level higher than “-san”, and it is used to confer great respect.

-dono: This comes from the word “toro” which means “lord”. Is an even higher level than “sama” and confers utmost respect.

-kun: This suffix is used at the end of boys names to express familiarity or endearment. It is also sometimes used by men amongst friends, or when addressing someone younger or of a lower situation

-chan: This is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. It is also used for little boys, pets, and even among . It gives a sense of childish cuteness. Kawaii?

Bozu: This is an informal way to refer to a boy similar to the English terms “kid” and “squirt.”

Sempai / Senpai: This title suggests that the addressee is one’s senior in a group or organization. It most often used in a school setting, where under underclassmen refer to their upperclassmen as “sempai.” It can also be used in the workplace such as when a newer employee addresses an employee who has seniority in the company.

Kohai: This is opposite of “sempai”, and is used toward underclassmen in school or newcomers in the workplace. It connotes that the addressee is of a lower station.

Sensei: Literally meaning “one who come before,” this title is used for teachers, doctors, or masters of any profession or art.

-[blank]: This is usually forgotten in these lists but it perhaps the most significant difference between Japanese and English. The lack of honorific means that the speaker has permission to address the person in a very intimate way. Usually , only family, spouses, or very close friends have this kind of permission. Known as yobisute., it can be gratifying when someone who has earned the intimacy starts to call one by one’s name without an honorific. But when that intimacy hasn’t been earned , it can be very insulting.