"Higema Detective Agency" RPG.

RPG Type: Martial Arts (Regular & Warrior) / Horror

Theme / Description: The Higema Detective Agency (HDA) Investigators have an ability that allows them to see souls, ghosts, & demons. The HDA investigates and recruits gifted individuals that have the same main ability's as the HDA investigators. Also both the Investigators and the gifted potential new members are able to shift between planes of existance (Refer to the movie Poltergeist).

This plane shifting ability allows anyone with this abitity to go back and forth betweeen the different planes of existance (reality). This comes in handy to fight the demons & ghosts to help prevent them from stealing souls from the good & honest people of society (Adults, Teens, and Children).

If a soul is stolen from a person it's too late because the demons or ghosts either eat or make use of the stolen soul. The HDA personnel look for potential recruits all of the time for the agency.

Starting Time Period - Sunday 10/31/2010 6pm Tokyo Time & Sunday 10/31/2010 6am Chicago time.

Character Types: Martial Arts Warriors (Of the current time period, Japanese (Ninja, soldiers, Masters, etc), American, and other races & Countries). Martial Arts Warriors / HDA Ivestigators and Horror Type Creatures use either marial arts, weapons, Light / Dark magic, or magical items. General town folk (Store, business, Inn, Sheriff & deputies, & restaurant employees, school children, relatives, etc), and All Types of Horror Creatures (Including Demons, Ghosts, Spirits, Witches, etc.)

NPC Character Types: Same as the Regular Character Types above.

Weapons & useful items: Regular and magical weapons, Regular and magical staffs & wands, magical artifacts, maces, clubs, bow and arrow, etc.

Magic: Light & Dark Magic (Portal Genertion between planes of existance, offense & defense,etc) Sorcery, magician, or Horror creature use (see Horror creature types listed above). Note: This type of magic is modern (Refer to Buffy the Vampire Slayer series) and not Mage in type.

Setting’s & location: Tokyo, Japan Sun 10/31/2010. The Higema Detective Agency is in a modern office building near downtown Tokyo (South of the downtown area). The Traiji office building has 14 floor total. The elevator can go to floors 1 through 12 & 14 through 15. Out of superstition the 13th floor is not listed on the elevator panel. The office is in suite 37 on the 14th (13th) floor. Also a lot of the action happens at the Treijoma High School which is West of the downtown Tokyo area.

Mission - Refer to Theme above. A HDA Investigator (Syjumie) discovers a potential recruit (Catalina) at the local Treijoma High School. The HDA Investigator Syjumie tries to recruit the gifted female foreign exchange student Catalina from the United States (Note: both of these lead characters I'm going to generate). Other HDA Investigators which include humans and other Horror type races (Noted above) check out the High School for more recruits and other areas of the city as well. Fights and battles between the HDA Investigators and Evil Horror creatures trying to steal souls are continuously ongoing.

General RPG Rules: Posts around 150 words or longer within reason, follow Gaia TOS and Rules & Regulations, PG13 in Nature, Some gore & battle damage (Please don’t overdo).

Make sure to read all previous posts after your last post to see if another character (Regular or NPC) wants to interact with your characters (Use tags in your posts for specific characters), and to keep track of the progress of the journey / quest.

Note JP’s (Joint Posts) can be done: Two or more characters can do private messages back and forth to build the JP and then post it noting which characters were used. (Please don’t make JP’s too long and use a reasonable amount of time to make sure that the JP characters are able to keep up with the rest of the group). Make a title for your post.

Also beware of the date and passage of time. Dates will most likely be noted in my characters posts. Please post regular & typical RPG posts. Don’t do silly posts or ones that mess up the ongoing story lines, Plots, Feel free to post interactions between your characters.

Have fun!!

Smithers456 (Ron)
Guild Captain