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[SRP] Finding a taste of love. FIN

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Beloved Lunatic

19,875 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:50 pm
Sugar looked around viewing the plains that ended sharply at the edge of the canyon. She was on her way to see her two girls but that of course meant crossing the canyon which always bothered her. That was the one thing about being in Yasashii that was unpleasant. Her girls didn’t want to join the tribe and seemed to insist on living far far away from their mother. She supposed she understood their wish for independence but the distance was a small sore in her heart. Her elder had given her leave for the long trip to see her girls. It wasn’t something that Sugar often did so she wasn’t used to the trip yet. The canyon looked cold and unfriendly and finding a way down to cross it. There was a narrow ledge full of sharp pebbles that looked like it was the best bet. Her ear chain jangled as she flicked her ears in thought. She moved along the path fearing each step would find the one stone that would cause enough pain to make her jump and off the edge. She closed her eyes and took deep breathes every few steps. The blood pounded in her ears as she kept her eyes on the ledge and not over it. She was half way down when she heard a noise that made her stop. It was the skittering of stones as they bounced down from above her. She clung close to the edge and tried to look up but sand fell in her eyes as a stone fell past her head. Shaking her head she blinked trying to clear her eyes and lifted a paw to rub at the grains of sand. She felt a stone thump the back of her head and she lost her balance. She heard herself give a loud yip as she clawed at the stones trying to catch her footing. She was sliding and falling or perhaps a strange cross between the two. It wasn’t a sheer drop right where she was thankfully but it was enough that she was gathering speed headed down. There was still sand in her eyes which made it hard for her to see as tears tried to get the sand out.

Suddenly there was nothing for her to hold onto as she was finally truly falling. Her tail was above her as she was spinning in the air for what seemed like forever though must have been only a few moments. There was a loud splash and then all that air that had been around her was gone. Her lungs had nothing in them and she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know which way was up because it seemed to keep changing on her. Her head was above water for a moment and she gasped before being tugged back under again. She kicked hard with her legs reaching back toward that precious resource just out of her reach. The tail rings she had only seemed to feel heavier and heavier. The small gasps of air she fought so hard to get drained her off all her energy. The side of the canyon spun around and around as her small body was spun about in the water like a leaf in a storm. She was so tired and her body was so heavy that it was getting harder to keep her head up and soon enough it was impossible. Her last thought before darkness claimed her was that she had come all this way and still hadn’t even met up with her girls. That was the most painful thing of all.

The world came back in a rush and she felt ill. So much so that she was. Coughing and spluttering she rolled her head to the side and it was a mistake. A sharp pain shot down her neck and she winced but even that hurt. There was a noise like someone was talking but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. Thankfully darkness claimed her once more making the throbbing pain leave her be for a moment or two.

She felt a nudge and there was a small whining noise. Opening her eyes she was greeting by a nauseating amount of orange. Shutting her eyes she held them tight for a moment before trying to look again at something that was far too close. There was a large carrot and something brown moving behind it. She was still in a lot of pain but there was something that she couldn’t deny. She was alive and breathing. She would have cried if she could have moved. She could feel a few large rounded stones imprinting themselves on the side of her cheek and she moved to try and get some relief. The brown shape behind the carrot moved and the whiskered face of a brown eyed fox was suddenly looking at her from very close up. She tried to shake her head and she couldn’t seem to grasp any question to ask. She knew there were several things like where she was, and why it was suddenly twilight when it had been early morning when she started down the canyon. Though there where no shadows around her so where in the canyon was she? It looked like she could get a few questions together after all, but her mouth didn’t really seem to work to ask them. The carrot that was covering up half the fox’s face was nudged closer and was not touching her. She was to eat it? She tried to roll more to her stomach than her side and the brown fox moved around to her side to help push up. She was sore and winced with the touch of the other. Still she didn’t complain since she knew she needed the help. Once she was up she was going to say something but found more bright orange in front of her. Taking the hint she grabbed the carrot with her mouth and dropped it on her front paws and started eating. Never before had eating actually been physically painful as it was now. The brown fox darted about here and there but Sugar gave up on trying to start a conversation with her. The other fox was very strange both in her mannerisms and her appearance. She had a fluffy little rabbits tail and whiskers. There was also a red stone that was in her skin it seemed like. The day fell to evening quickly enough and it wasn’t long before Sugar felt down into a doze while slumber crept up on her and dragged her under much more gently than the waves had.

Warmth was the first sensation she noticed on waking up. There was something warm curled up around her. She smelled carrots. Slowly she rolled away from the warmth and stretched out. Her muscles hated her but the pain was much less then before she had slept. It was still dark out but she didn’t know if it was the dark going to night or the dark before dawn. It didn’t really matter she supposed. Her paws bumped something in the dark and there was a small thump. Freezing Sugar decided to try and figure out what it was. Leaning down she sniffed and smelled carrot. Shaking her head she lay there in and out of awareness until she could see a bit in the morning light. She was curled up next to the brown fox from before. Feeling better Sugar stood up and while dizzy she knew she was good enough to walk. She couldn’t just leave the other fox there and take off. Walking around she stretched out and nibbled on one of the carrots that was in the area. It looked like the other fox had a stash about because Sugar counted at least fifteen carrots that were simply scattered about and there was a few large ones curled up in the brown fox’s paws. She was a strange looking fox. Her ears had some fuzz and there were whiskers there. That little bob tail was adorable and was twitching occasionally while the other fox slept. Sugar had to smile at that. Sweeping up the carrots with her tail into a pile she decided it was time to get going and gently bumped the rabbit fox’s back paw. “Excuse me.” More twitching but no response. Tapping harder she tried again. “Hello there.”

This time there was a response but not what Sugar expected. The other bolted up startling Sugar and making her shrink back. The rabbit fox was alert awake and holding a few carrots close to her chest with one paw while she looked around panicked for a moment before calming down once she spotted Sugar. “ah..” Sugar almost wasn’t sure what to say. “I’m sorry for startling you.” The other fox sat down on her rump but didn’t lax her grip on the carrots. “Thank you for helping me. I’m Sugar of the Yasashii tribe.” The other fox made a squeaking sound but didn’t try to respond more than that. “um, I ended up falling into the river.” At this the fox turned her head away and Sugar followed her gaze. In the distance she saw the wide gapping mouth of the canyon and the cliffs she normally traveled. She knew she was miles from them, and then miles and miles from her normal cross site. Her ears drooped as she thought of the marching she would have to do to get back on track. “Thank you for helping me. I was in a bit of trouble. Thank you for the carrots too.” There was another squeak and this time the other fox definitely had a definite reaction. She was looking around and moved toward the pile of carrots and she seemed happy. Sugar really wasn’t sure what to make of the eccentric fox’s behavior. Getting up she followed the rabbit fox over to the pile she seemed to be hording over. The other looked at her for a moment before rolling a few carrots toward her and making a mewing sound. “oh are these for me?” The other nodded. “I see thank you.” Sugar took them figuring they were a farewell send off. “I. I’ll be going now.” She took the carrots and carrying them in her tail started off toward the canyon.

Traveling for a few hours she contemplated how lucky she was to be alive. Her daughter wouldn’t have known for some time and the tribe wouldn’t miss her for far far to long. It could be a year before anyone really realized she would have been gone. That thought made her feel worthless. She was lucky but so alone even living in a tribe and having two wonderful daughters. A noise made her stop and look around. She didn’t want to be ambushed by a predator after all. There were those strange ears sticking out from a bush. “ah hello again.” Calling out she approached the bush cautiously. “It is you again right?” Out popped the rabbit fox’s head. The other made a squeak but had something in her mouth. Sugar tried to coax her out unsuccessfully a few times before she gave and kept walking. The noise from the bush followed behind at a distance. Sugar chuckled and looked back occasionally before she figured out that the other was carrying a number of carrots by their green stems. Sugar didn’t know why the other was following but a part of her was relieved to not be alone now. “You can walk with me if you want. It would be nice to have company rather than a shadow.” Sugar called back to the fox and while the other didn’t start walking to her right away it did happen eventually by the time Sugar was tired and took a few moments to herself to sit down to eat some carrots. Her head was still spinning a bit but she was up and moving and that was something.

The pair ate lunch together and while Sugar tried to start a conversation a few times the other only ever replied with squeaks and nods. That day Sugar didn’t’ know the name of her companion but the other was always very chipper with her movements and happy seeming. Ater a while Sugar decided to beg. “May I please have a name to call you by? All I know is that you like carrots and don’t say much.” The other tilted her head to the side and seemed to be thinking. When she responded it was so quite that Sugar couldn’t hear. “Sorry come again?””Ryo-Ohki.” “Rye-o-oak-ee?” When the rabbit fox nodded Sugar felt better. Not only did she now know the other could talk, but she had a name for Ryo-Ohki.

The rest of the trip to see her daughter was more or less uneventful. There was a close call a few nights with a wolf pact that was hunting in the area. Sugar and Ryo-Ohki spend the night in a tree, it was then that Sugar learned just how attached Ryo-Ohki was to her carrots. When the rabbit fox accidently dropped them out of the tree she looked like she was going to jump down to get them. Placing a paw on her back Sugar held her in the tree. She hissed at Ryo-Ohki to stay put and was shocked to see giant tears rolling out the rabbit fox’s eyes. Sugar only got Ryo-Ohki to stop by telling her the wolves wouldn’t eat her carrots and even if they did Sugar would help her find more. That made the rabbit fox not only stop crying but twist around to hug Sugar which almost made both of them fall out of the tree. Sugar found herself blushing and rather enjoying the sweet nature of the hug. While she didn’t know it Ryo-Ohki was quite cute and her mannerisms were starting to grow on Sugar.

The trip had been something of a success Sugar had been able to talk with Nya at least. Ophelia it seemed had left and had not been seen in a long time by her sister. Nya and Ryu-Ohki had gotten along instantly which was hardly a surprise given how friendly they both were. Still what was a bit shocking was that not once had Nya asked why the other female never actually spoke to her outside of squeaks and just seemed to accept that Ryu-Ohki was quite glued to Sugar’s side. Sugar had expected at least one question about it or at least for Nya to tell her more about Ophelia but neither case happened. Sugar felt a bit flustered about her other daughter off and in the world and Nya’s apparent lack of concern. Finally Nya pointed out that they might be Sugar’s children but they were adults and did have their own lives for Sugar to settle down and back off the matter. No matter what they would always be her babies. The Ryu-Ohki matter Nya pointed out didn’t really matter as it was clear she and Sugar were close and both seemed happy. Sugar didn’t quite get the reason for the wink her daughter threw her way but it really didn’t matter. She would have to head back to tribe lands soon enough so the family visit was short and while tumultuous it was still a good memory

The trip to see Nya was so much more fun now that Sugar had someone to talk to. It was true that the rabbit fox still didn’t’ say much but it was getting easier for Sugar to understand the squeaks. There were more than a few times though she wished she could ask the little rabbit fox exactly what she doing wandering around by self and where she came from. To be completely honest with herself Sugar wasn’t all that sure how her new friend had survived until adulthood. It was clear she knew enough to survive for the most part but there were times the other fox just seemed to act silly and strange. Still Sugar found herself putting those questions off because each time she had asked Ryo-Ohki had given her strange looks like she was the normal fox and it was Sugar who was the strange one. Curling up one night in a thicket she watched Ryo-Ohki nibble on a carrot seeming to try and make it last as long as possible. Sugar knew they were going to be headed back to tribe lands as her little trip had been solely to see her family and it was short lived at that. For some reason or another parting with Ryu-Ohki seemed harder than it was with Nya, at least the thought of it. Laying her down across her paws she watched Ryu-Ohki devour the carrot. It must be because Ryu-Ohki was her complaining on this trip and had gotten on so well with her family … that had to be it. “Hey Ryu-Ohki.” Large ears twitched and eyes looked at her in the pale light of stars and moon. “We should be getting close to tribe lands in a while, are you coming with me all that way?” Sugar could make out a nod. “what will you do after that?” There was a cheerful squeak. That was not very helpful… “Are you heading back to your own home?” There was silence and a bit of shuffling as Ryu-Ohki moved closer to her and lay down just inches from Sugar’s nose facing her with the carrot in her mouth. “That’s a yes?” There was a happy squeak and Ryu-Ohki dropped the carrot and nudged it toward Sugar. Sugar lifted her chin and paced a paw on the carrot feeling somewhat dejected. So Ryu-ohki was traveling either through or around tribal land to get to her own home. That made sense. Sugar couldn’t fault her friend and while was sad she hoped that the rabbit fox made it home safe.

The pair parted ways at the edge of tribe lands as Sugar explained where the boundary line was located at. Ryu-Ohki seemed to shift back and forth. Sugar figured the female was trying to find a good way to say goodbye. “don’t worry you can visit anytime just make this mark” Sugar drew the trib symbol into the dirt with a paw. “and I’m sure they will know you are a friend and bring you to the tribe and you can find me there.” Sugar gave Ryu-Ohki a large warm smile whle she watched the rabbit fox tear up and start crying. Really now this was hard for her as well but she wasn’t going to cry about it. Not wanting to make the other fox as well as herself suffer all night she turned and walked away headed to the tribe. In truth she really didn’t want to go but what choice did she have after a certain point? She didn’t want to part ways either but she thought Ryu-Ohki had her own home to get to so she wouldn’t be so selfish as to ask her to join the tribe and give up her family if there was any.

Sugar lived a quite life for a few weeks until she heard from a fellow tribe mate about a strange little rabbit fox that was seen on the edge of tribe lands who drew the tribe symbol in the dirt but seemed quite content to only stay on the edge of the lands and was more often than not carrying around carrots. Sugar did tell her tribe mates about her friend and explained the fox was no threat and that she squeaked more than talked and well she was an odd fox but a good one. Sugar was really at a loss as to what to do since she didn’t know why Ryu-ohki would be back already. After a bit of coaxing from her tribemates Sugar left to venture out the edge of tribe lands and figure out what was going on with Ryu-Ohki.
Finding Ryu-Ohki had been much easy seeing as the tribe was not so slack in that they wouldn’t keep track of a stranger on their lands.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:27 am
Sugar’s ear chain jangled as she moved at a steady pace toward where she had been told Ryu-Ohki had decided to start staying on the edge of tribe lands. She was weighing the options in her mind. She had been given permission from Kit that the bunny fox could join the tribe if she wanted to as it was clear that Ryu-Ohki was not a violent or harmful fox in any way. Sugar was actually more worried about Ryu-Ohki being out in the wilds all alone. The bunny fox was kind and gentle and not really the kind that should be alone. Before she had worried a bit about trying to bring Ryu-ohki into the tribe as she felt she might be pushing her views onto the other fox but if she was going about and drawing the tribe symbol in the dirt as the others had said then perhaps she wanted to join the tribe? Sugar really wasn’t to sure and it would be impossible to tell without actually going out and asking the other fox. It had taken more cajoling then she cared to admit to get her to head out this way.

Finally she found the overturned tree that was described by the scouts. It was true there was a hole leading under it and while it didn’t seem to inconspicuous by itself the large amount of carrot leaves near it made Sugar chuckle. If there was any home that would make her think of the bunny fox then of course it would have carrot leaves. “Rye-o-oak-ee” she called out gently sounding out the name still finding it foreign to her mouth. As first there was no answer but Sugar could hear some sort of scratching coming from the den. Calling out again she jumped when the bunny fox’s head suddenly appeared out of the den and was looking around. “ei! … Hello again.” She had to brace herself because as quick as a whip the other fox was out of the den and rushing toward her. Almost getting bowled over by the fox Sugar laughed and tried to get her to settle down. “Yes it’s good to see you too. I missed you quite a lot too.” She rubbed her face back against Ryu-Ohki’s. So it seemed that the bunny fox had really missed her. that made Sugar’s chest feel warm. “It seemed you’ve been out here for a few weeks now haven’t you?” She watched the bunny fox nod. “Did you even leave after you dropped me off here at the tribe?” She shouldn’t have been surprised when the fox shook her head no, but a part of her was. “was it lonely?” Again a nod. “oh dear.” She wrapped her tail around Ryu-Ohki and just held onto the other fox for a short time. “You know I have a very serious question to ask you.” She watched as the other fox moved from her side and spun around to face her. Sugar nearly laughed at the supposedly serious look that Ryu-Ohki had on her face while she squeaked. “he, um.” She took a breath to settle herself. It had been a while since another fox had made her laugh this hard about anything at all. That was one of the nice things about the other vixen. She was cheerful and so pleasant to be around. “I asked members of my tribe what they though and I got permission for you to join the tribe and live with me if you’d like t” She couldn’t even finish the statement and ask the other fox if she wanted to before Ryu-Ohki started nodded very fast and hard. “Slow down’ you don’t need to nod your head off!” Sugar looked with Ryu-Ohki with some concern as the other fox stopped nodding but didn’t stop smiling and bounded up to her and was kissing her cheeks and ears and anything else the bunny fox could get a hold of. “Rieo” She tried to place a paw on the other fox to stop her from doing so much but the bunny fox just hopped around her and started to doing it from the other side. Raising both paws Sugar did a half leap to try and tackle the hyper happy bunny and hold her down for a minute. Missing Sugar landed in the dirt and the bunny turned to nuzzling her and still kissing her where she was able to reach. Figuring that she just had to wait for the bunny to settle down a bit and endure Sugar resigned herself and waited though she had a feeling that it would take quite a while for Ryu-Ohki to settle down.

She had been right. It felt like a long time before Ryu-Ohki settled down enough for Sugar to get up and look at the other fox. She gave the vixen a smile. “Well I guess that’s a yes.” Ryu-Ohki nodded again. “Ok then. But I should tell you. You shouldn’t go around kissing and nuzzling quite so much or someone might just assume you’re my mate.” Sugar had said it as a joke but then Ryu-Ohki leaned forward and kissed her right on the mouth. Eyes wide Sugar looked ar Ryu-Ohki smiling. “um eh. You want to be my mate?” She was trying to figure out why Ryu-Ohki had kissed her again. The other vixen nodded once seeming serious. “eh but you can’t!” Sugar didn’t really have a reason why she couldn’t be Ryu-Ohki’s mate but she had said it out of habit after all who would want a fox as old and plain as her as a mate. The look on Ryu-ohki’s face was so cute and so sad. The other vixen looked like she was going to burst into tears, her ears were down and her bottom jaw was trembling. “eee no. no don’t cry.” Sugar could see the tears forming. “It’s ok, please don’t cry. You can be my mate; I just don’t know why you’d want to.” She felt the vixen press close against her. She didn’t understand why the bunny would want to be her mate but Sugar would say anything at the moment to prevent the fox who had saved her life and traveled with her to cry because Sugar was so thoughtless. ‘It’s ok. It’s ok.” Holding the other vixen she stroked her gently with a paw. She couldn’t stop Ryu-Ohki from wanting to be her mate for some odd reason, but perhaps after some time together the bunny fox would find out how dull and plain she was and loose interest and move on? “You can be my mate as long as you want ok?” She looked at Ryu-ohki as the other vixen looked back at her and smiled. “Ok then. Let’s go back to the tribe then. I’ll let the others know that we’re not just living together but mates.” At least for now.  


Beloved Lunatic

19,875 Points
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Beloved Lunatic

19,875 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
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  • Gaian 50
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:28 am

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