He winced. "No, perhaps not," Merric murmured, resting his head against Lysander's shoulder, because it felt like too much effort to keep it raised. He exhaled a breath that rattled a little; the hand that the creature had bitten was still throbbing painfully with every movement.

"A demon? I didn't realize that they could be friendly." Maybe he'd just had the misfortune of running into the worst ones, although a small amount of fear flickered in Merric's chest instinctively at the idea that Lysander had been alone with a demon. "Did it...do anything to you?"

The infirmary was not the most ideal of places to be, but Merric was for once glad to be going to it and not to his grave. He managed a nod, flinching slightly, then said, "Zombies" as though trying to convince himself that it was an actual thing, shuddering.

"Of all the creatures to have run into."
