Two young lions stood side by side at the front of a group of Reavers. They were the only two Freeborn - and the only two adolescents - in the group that were out a-Viking today and the Captain had only taken them on grudgingly. They were placed at the front and declared 'buddies' so they wouldn't get into trouble...or at least, that was the hope. Saisana didn't care much for her partner even if he was rather handsome as she was more focused on performing well and doing her mother proud. She had wished Zjarri had been here to take her out Viking personally, but alas, she was off on a grand adventure with another Captain. She would just have to be surprised upon her return.

The other lion, Zander, was only out and about for his own benefit. The striped male had dreams - big ones - but they required earning the title of Reaver first. He wanted riches and furs and glory but he had to start small, and while he had a ways to go, he could already imagine himself sitting pretty as a Captain with Thralls and wonderful things decorating his den, a few saltwives, the respect of his peers...ah...what a day that would be!

But for now they marched side by side, two very different youths at the head of the more rowdy adults. So far they were behaving but they had only just left the pride. Time would tell whether they would prove successful or not. Zander glanced over at his companion with a slight curl to his lip, not overly fond of having a female as his 'buddy'. While it was true the Stormborn had come quite a ways recently with females being able to do more, he had been raised with a more traditional mindset. Although 'traditional' was dying out and becoming anything but the norm, he still felt as though females should be tending the dens and cubs and wounded and pleasing the gods rather than coming out here for the dangerous work.

Saisana caught the little grimace and snapped her head towards him sharply, eyes narrowed as they continued to walk.

"What? Like what you see?" she asked with a sneer, clearly not at all impressed by the other adolescent's look. The comment made Zander bark out a laugh as he looked away, blue eyes rolling slightly.

"You know, if we were older and you weren't out here with me right now, I might take you as a wife," he said conversationally, intentionally poking at the old way of thinking to rile her up. "You're easy enough on the eyes, although you'd look better fat with cubs."

The paw that came flying through the air to strike him was so fast he didn't have time to react. His head was knocked aside with the power of the strike and it took him a moment to look up at Saisana in surprise and shock. The young lioness had turned to face him completely, teeth bared and claws out.

"Do not," she breathed heavily. "Talk to me like that again if you value your face the way it is right now." Some noise from behind them let her know the group of Reavers had stopped and were watching the little exchange, but she didn't care.

Zander lifted a paw to his face and pulled it back, checking for blood. There was none but it still hurt, her paw having caught him in just the right way to really rattle his brain. A female had struck him and his mother had trained him not never return a blow, but there were Reavers watching and she looked about ready to murder him! What should he do?

Before he could think of an answer Saisana started moving again, walking away from him and leading the Reavers away. They picked up the pace again, moving around him in his stunned pose until he was left behind. At that point he finally began to walk, his head hung low in shame, not for what he had said but for submitting to a female like that. He was never going to live that down. He'd just have to figure out a way to show his dominance over her to get back on the good side of the Reavers so they'd start the long road to respect that he definitely deserved.

A few hours of walking found them setting up camp in a circle of trees. It offered protection from any incoming attacks and also had really nice acoustics. The Captain had organized a bit of drinking and merry-making as one of the Thralls that had come along had carried mint to mix with the water they had found along the way. Saisana was enjoying herself quite a bit - perhaps a bit too much - and was chewing happily on a sprig of the plant when Zander stood and looked through the trees. Glittering eyes were looking back at them and little giggles accompanied them. Hyenas.

"Sir," he called out, but everyone was having too good of a time to hear him. He narrowed his eyes at the encroaching creatures, but they didn't seem to see him. Their eyes were focused on the stash of mint that was off to the side of the group of lions, sitting in gourds full of water. Zander growled quietly in warning, which Saisana did manage to hear, and it was only for that reason that she didn't jump when Zander let out a surprisingly loud roar. The hyenas as well as the Reavers all jumped, and it was in that moment that the potential thieves were spotted.

Chase was given and soon the hyenas were far out of sight. The Reavers returned to the camp and both Zander and Saisana plopped down together, breathing heavily but with grins on their faces. That had been exciting! Saisana felt like this was going to be a great Viking even if her 'buddy' was idiotic and annoying. He had proved himself useful at least, alerting them to the hyenas and helping to chase them off. And Zander, although he still held the view that females really shouldn't be out on Vikings, had to admit that Saisana was the one who had chased off the hyenas with the most energy. She'd even managed to bite one of them on the rump! Although they were of different upbringings, it was a good lesson in learning how to work with those that you didn't get along with.

WC: 1090