Altxorra enjoyed being able to stay out later at night. As a cub, she would often get in trouble for staying out too late to watch the stars. Or rather, the father that was supporting the truancy would get in trouble. But now… now that she was older, she had so much freedom.

She stared up at the sky now, a bit disappointed at the clouds that hid most of the night sky away. She only got glimpses of the stars, here and there. Beautiful, glinting, cowardly stars. She would never be a star. Better a pebble than a star. Stand against the world and let them try to grind you down. That’s what her father had taught her. Well, Bast’ion. And growing up in the stormborn… she was beginning to realize how right he had been… and how foolish she had been to think a bird would have been better. And the older male had even agreed with her! Oh, how patronizing. Birds were frail boned. Weak to weather changes. Weak in general. And they got caged constantly. Hunted, eaten. No, she would be a pebble. She will live long and grit her teeth to the cruelty of the world.

Sighing, she reached out to the sky with a paw, stretching as hard as she could. They would always be out of reach. She would never be able to touch those cowards. She’ll be like the stones; one among a million. Her paw fell back down to her. ”Stuuuppidd,” she called the stars tauntingly, repeating the words of her papa. Zerrin would have him and her by the ear if he ever caught wind of how she spoke nowadays.


Uongo had once again been minding his own business, going along on his way, when that voice from weeks before reached his ears. Ears twitching at the noise, he turned his head… and got a better look of the lioness who had posed as a rock and pounced him laying there, insulting the stars. How curious. Plopping on his rump, he decided to watch her for a time as she stretched her paw out to the sky. What was she doing?

It didn’t occur to him that she was a troubled youth. Nor did he realize that she was the child of those three fathers he’s been hearing about. It was an odd circumstance, an odd rumor. But that rumor didn’t slip into his head and instead, he just watched the blue and brown lioness curiously.


Altxorra glared at the stars. She was far away enough that she didn’t have to worry about others overhearing. And she had a word or two to say at those taunting stars. ”Why don’t y’all come down here and fight, ya son of a bitches,” she growled, her tail whipping.

”You’re always out of reach, twinkling and blinking up from your high place… just because no one can reach ya… who would want to be something as cowardly as y’all? Stupid bits of dust glued to the sky. Fireflies shine brighter than you,” she snapped, tail lashing more. She was working herself up in quite the lather.


This was… interesting. Was she talking to the stars now? But that would be… ridiculous. Except, she had been posing as a rock not long ago. Perhaps she was a little cucu in the head. That was possible.

Maybe it was time to step in. Standing up, he cleared his throat. ”Ahem,” he politely interjected. ”I… don’t think the stars are going to respond. But…” an idea occurred to him. A grin grew across his maw. ”But I may have a way where you can reach them,” he told her decidedly, proudly.


The voice had her springing to her feet, crouched and ready to attack if need be. When she realized who it was… she groaned. She had asked around about him since their last encounter. A thrall to the previous high priestess Kluna. Someone of no importance. Not worth her notice. She felt disgusted even asking about him; now there were those in the pride that actually thought she was interested in the thrall. And a liar, to boot, if the rumors had any claims to it.

What he said, however… it caused her to pause. Her eyes narrow, a wary expression coming across. She was guard. But… she was curious. A way to reach the stars… ”How?” she demanded, bristled and hostile. She wasn’t about to make herself a fool by actually following the liar. He was probably not right in the head, especially if he thought boulders could talk. It was best just to walk away. But… she was still curious.


Uongo hummed, smiling and tilting his head to the side, drawing out the suspense. When she looked ready to snap again, he decided to speak. ”Go to the water on a clear night. Undisturbed water, that is. You’ll be able to touch the stars, then,” he told her happily.

Maybe… maybe he should leave her alone for now. Besides, he was doing a favor for Kluna and it wouldn’t be right to dillydaddle. He was, after all, a very dutiful thrall. And his paws were also filled with helping with her cubs. And filling their heads with marvelous and heroic stories, of course. A cub’s imagination needed to be nurtured and expanded, regardless of the pride they’re in. So, with a grin and a wink, he headed back along his way, leaving her to mull over his words. He truly hoped he had helped her in some way.


Look at the water on a clear night. Her eyes narrowed. There he went again, rambling about nonsense. He really must be crazy. It was ridiculous. Watching him leave without a word sent relief through her. Though, she was just as troubled before as she was now. Only… she realized he had overheard her rant with the stars. A growl rumbled deep in her throat. That brat better not breath a word about this to anyone. She didn’t want to be put in the same net as him. Though, would anyone believe that liar?