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For lack of anything better to do the brightly colored lioness with sunset wings left her den, early morning, and headed for the border. Her mother had been busy at work, as always, drafting up a new puppet to put out on the market of sorts they had among a number of the markets. Marionet couldn't find a single single sibling to interact with and quite frankly she was tired of trying. The day would go on with or without them and she'd simply have to find something else to do. That something else was wandering - something her father had been prone to doing, not that she knew him. His last visit had been before she was born or so the rumors had told her. Though it seemed he had been here likely inbetween her birth and now, perhaps visitig with the Malenga?

What did it matter though? The lioness thought harshly to herself. She hadn't been keen on meeting the green menace that showed his face around there long enough to meet a 'lovely' lady and pack up, ship off before meeting any results of that particular situation. She cast her silvery eyes towards the horizon and smiled softly at the way the rays of the sun draped over the trees and various rocks. She pulled her gaze away from its beauty long enough to spy something hobble on that very same horizon. "What on earth..?" Narrowing her eyes to bring clarity to the distanced individual and she was finally able to see the face of a weary lion with plenty of oddities collected on him.

Truthfully it could only be one lion, but she still had to wonder. He has many things, a collector of both things and stories. Her older brother had told her that. Titere was long gone now, bitten by the wanderlust that their father seemed to instill in some of his cubs. She'd heard her own younger sibling chatter away about seeing things. A desire to see snow first hand or the ocean up close seemed to come to mind when she spoke with him last. Slowly but surely she was sure that her family would be long gone and only she would remain, save for her mother and her other extended family. Though the lion looked weary from his travels she stayed where she was standing. There was no reason to rush to his aid - why would she? Her heart hammered away in her chest at the thought of finally speaking with him though.

When Ali had left the evening before last to head towards the Nchi`mahadhi, something he was beginning to consider a second home, he hadn't anticipated meeting anyone at its borders. Usually a guard or two would be present, but for the most part no one reacted to his entering the land - not anymore. So his visible golden eye widened at the stark orange pelt against the lush greens and browns of the Nchis land. Shambling along with his goods he almost figured the young lioness, probably an adolescent at best, would help him out. However she remained standing precisely where she had begun to stare at him.

"Usually the young help out when they see an adult in need." His tone was sharper than it likely had to be and he snorted his dislike of her staring. When he spoke her ears twitched and slowly her silvery eyes narrowed to give him a cold look. In which she discovered his other eye was covered in a patch. Still through her sudden anger she couldn't manage to speak up about it. "You seem perfectly capable." Was her retort and she peered away from him, essentially giving him a cold shoulder aproach. "Who is your mother, I ought to have a stern talking too?" Ali was exhausted, his vision beginning to blur a bit, he didn't recognize the youth - not one bit.

"My mother is Boneka."

"Oh, it is now?"

The shock was clearly written across his face now at hearing a familiar name on the tongue of a youth that suddenly became slightly familiar herself. He was a might bewildered that he hadn't seen it before, but really who would have? There weren't many lions with markings quite like his within the naturals corner of the world. He had admired their pelts last he was here. Aside from the Malenga himself he and Boneka stood out like sore thumbs. It must have been a tradition early on? He had wondered last time he was around. "I'm surprised at you then. Boneka would have raised you better than this - or at least Emas would have stepped in." He grumbled in her general direction and debated walking right by her and continuing into the pride, especially to see Boneka about her rude little blip of a daughter. Instead he dropped to his rump and let some of the weight from his goods touch the ground. An audible sigh left the lion as the weight was lifted and he felt a might better about being with his own possible brood.

"What is your name, dear?" Curiosity burned brightly from the male, though he was heaving unattractive breaths while trying to relax himself after his long haul.

The female paused in her small anger fueled desire to rip the male a theoretical new one over his attitude towards her, especially given the situation. "Marionet." She said curtly before speaking her full name. "Marionet-dido." A gasp could be heard from her one man audience which cemented who the lion was to her.

"So you are who I thought you would be." Ali could breathe easy again and shifted slightly to take the burden of his articles again. "Well it's nice to meet you, daughter." He said, stifling a rather proud smile that tried to force him to appear much happier than he was. She was still rude.

"Father." Her response was just as curt as her initial introduction. "I can take you into the pride. Everyone will be beginning to eat their morning meal. We can join them." Ali sighed softly at the opportunity to meet his children, some of them for a second time, but she didn't need to know that.