by Tas Walker

The geology of south-west Western Australia is characterized by exposed continental cratons, thick sedimentary deposits, vertical crustal tectonics, and widespread erosion. The timing of these features can be connected to the sequence of hydraulic and tectonic processes that occurred during the biblical Flood. The period during which the waters of Noah’s Flood were rising on the earth was marked by widespread deposition of thick sediments across the continent. The following period, when the waters of the Flood receded into the newly forming oceans, was dominated by erosion that planed kilometres of sediment from the cratons. The transition between these two periods was marked by vertical tectonics, initiating the opening of the Indian Ocean, the uplift of the continent, and the return of the floodwaters into the sea. This Flood interpretation was facilitated by connecting the processes identified in a biblical geological model with published geological cross-sections and other geological data for the region.
