Aya sighed softly as he climbed up another rolling hill. Life had been full of ups and downs, just like his walk. He had started off with his sister in a little pack which they had been sent out on to complete their coming of age journey, but they had never returned after that. They had instead lived as rogues until joining up with another pride, but this one ended up dissolving and they were sent on their way. Then he and his sister were separated, and now he was on his own. Aya wasn't the type of wild dog who did well on his own and he craved being part of a pack once more, even if his sister wasn't there. Perhaps some day she would find him and they could live together again. But for now he marched on, ears and tail drooped, hoping to find some place to rest his head.

Lucky for him, Sireto was on patrol close by and had been watching the dejected dog make his way over the rolling hills her pack currently called home. She watched him with interest but kept her distance, waiting to see if some other creatures joined him. It was soon apparent the large wild dog was roaming on his own, and after some consideration she finally trotted down from her vantage point to intercept him.

"Hello," she called out, her deep voice formal but friendly. "Are you lost, brother?"

Aya lifted his head in surprised at being addressed, his heart leaping in his throat at the word 'brother'. But the smell, sight, and sound of the female approaching him certainly didn't match with that of Mika and his spirits lowered once more.

"Ah...kind of," he admitted. Even though he was large and powerful the male was a tender-hearted giant and it was clear being on his own was not his thing. Sireto tilted her head a bit as she approached, sniffing cautiously at the air. His scent was strong but that was all she picked up on. No mate, not siblings, no friends. It broke her heart to see him so lonely when it was clear he needed a helping paw, so her offer was quickly made.

"You are not far from my pack," she said, watching as his ears perked up again. "We are the Aérastouvíos, a roaming pack of wild dogs. There is no real place we call home, settling for a time and moving on as we see fit. We're always welcoming of new members if you'd like to travel with us for a while." She hoped he'd at least take her up on the offer to stay with them for a bit to make sure he was well-fed and hopefully he could figure out where he was and where he wanted to go.

The pack sounded like perfection to Aya, though, whose tail began to wag furiously. A roaming pack...it was exactly the thing he had been hoping for! If they moved around then the chances of them finding his sister would surely increase and he wouldn't have to be alone the whole time!

"That sounds wonderful," he said with a sigh of relief, his tail still going a mile a minute. It made Sireto chuckle softly but she nodded her head in the direction she had come from.

"Follow me then. I'll show you the way. We're currently camped out in the area for some time as a few females have given birth and it's easier to welcome new pups when we're stationary for a bit. There's plenty of food and water to go around and I'm sure you'll find many in the pack that will be eager to welcome you to your new home, temporary or permanent as it might be." She turned to head back up the hill and Aya was quick to trot after her, a pep in his step that he'd been missing for quite some time.

"So is it all wild dogs?" he asked, ears up and tail wagging proudly in the breeze.

"Well...sort of," Sireto said as she glanced up at the taller male. "Many of us have avian companions so you'll see a lot of birds with the pack. They help us in all sorts of ways and for some ranks you need your companion by your side."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful," Aya said with a happy yip. He hoped he'd find a bird to be his friend. Then he'd never have to be alone again! He followed Sireto for a while as they chatted, the male asking his new friend more and more about the pack. He loved everything he heard and he knew he'd fit right in to the roaming group. Even though he was a gentle guy he did enjoy moving around and seeing new things. Being cooped up in one place was never fun.

Finally they crested the last ridge and they paused as they overlooked the little valley where the pack was resting. Aya nearly teared up at the sight and Sireto puffed up her chest with pride. This was her home, her people, and her life. She was glad to have brought someone new into the folds and she was sure he would thrive here just as they all did.

"Come Aya, I'll show you around and introduce you to some of the other wild dogs here. You'll make friends in no time," she said, making her way down the hill. Aya followed a moment after, taking in all the wild dogs and their different pelts. He couldn't' help but think some of them looked familiar and he wondered if many of them from the Kwa Kikombe had journeyed here. He certainly hoped so!

"Thank you so much, Sireto," he said as he caught up with her. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up!"

"Oh, I'm sure you would have stumbled upon us sooner or later," she said with a little chuckle. "Come on. There's lots of names and faces to learn!" With that she headed into the thick of the pack, calling out to those as they passed. This would be an introduction to remember, that was for sure!

WC: 1042