Aresoth was lazily laying out upon his ledge, enjoying the sunshine upon his hide. C'ryn was currently inside of the weyr, working over the new pair of straps he had made. The young bronzerider had felt stupid for what had happened during their first full Threadfall, though he had been glad to be able to finish it out in his spares. He should have been checking and changing his straps as they went, as he gained weight from his muscles, but he hadn't thought of that and neither had Aresoth. It was neither here nor there, right now at least, he was working on them now, working on fixing his mistake.

The bronze let out a lazy confident push towards his rider. The mistake was one that needed to be learned, no one had died because of it, better for it to happen while they were weyrlings and not when they had graduated, better for V'mel to still be able to give direction and advice.

Figures dancing up above caught Aresoth's attention and he turned his head upwards, watching the dancing dragons as they chased after a green.

Another green flight, he would have dismissed it altogether if he hadn't noticed some of his clutchsiblings among the group. There was a curious feeling of how it would feel to chase such a lovely green, though he wouldn't chase just any green, though Neiveth was quite beautiful.

No, for Aresoth to move from his ledge in chase of a green, there was just one he would really do that for. A picture of the beautiful star appeared in his mind, as his eyes moved to see her ledge, watching as she seemed to be watching the flight as well. There was an urge to go and join her, to spend time with her during this, and the bronze shook his head, pushing down those feelings as, for a moment, a fleck of purple had appeared in his whirling blue eyes.

C'ryn felt the strange emotion coming off of Aresoth and he lifted his head from his work on his straps to look out towards the door that lead to his weyrledge. The young man easily left his work, he was at a stopping point anyways and would need to go and get some food to eat pretty soon, to go and join the bronze on the ledge. Hazel eyes watched the twisting forms of the dragons as they moved through the air and he situated himself beside Aresoth, leaning against the large dragons side. "Wanting to join them?" a way yes, but not after this green, as lovely as she is. There was a flicker in his mind of Cynosuth for a moment before he pushed it away. You care for Zenobiath's bonded...Alumet...yes? There was a nod of the head in response to this, Aresoth was able to pick up on the feelings that C'ryn had for the young woman, though the young man did try his best to hide it from others, though he was sure Alumet could see right through him.

How do you deal with it? This caught the young man off guard and he turned his head to look at Aresoth, seeing the bronze staring right at him.

"Well...there isn't anything you can really do. You focus on your work, but the heart, or hearts, tends to decide what it wants." He could tell this wasn't the answer Aresoth wanted and the dragon turned his head away to look at the flight, his gaze stopping for a moment on Cynosuth's ledge before turning away again.

It complicates things.... He had always been protective of his siblings, even those he did not truly get along with, and yet there was an aggressive protectiveness when it came to Cynosuth. Add in the fact that she was always so sweet to him, so graceful in her movements, she was a Queen in her own right. A Green Queen, one befitting to rule a weyr just as easily as a Gold.....

Aresoth huffed and shook his head, those were dangerous thoughts. Golds were made to rule the weyr, they were the ones who could clutch after all, the ones who could command their fellow dragons.

"Aresoth...having feelings for someone else doesn't complicate matters..."

Yes...It does. I am a bronze. His eyes moved to look at C'ryn then, looking at him full on once more. There are certain things that are expected of me that are not expected of a brown or blue. While, yes, I know that a green and a bronze can be weyrmated...I cannot allow that. I am needed to chase after Golds, to catch them and help bring in the next generations....and... His whirling eyes turned a soft shade of grey for a moment. She deserves nothing more then to have someone who would only have her in their hearts. To bring her the Sun and the Moon...I cannot be that someone...So these...feelings for her...they complicate matters, and I must be gentle with it and not...hurt her.

Aresoth turned his attention away from the flight, turning his back from the weyr, instead letting his head rest so he could look inside of C'ryn's weyr proper. The young bronzerider didn't know what to say, he knew that duty was something that was high on Aresoth's list, knew his desire for a golden hide, so hearing that there was a green that was causing him turmoil, well C'ryn didn't know how to offer advice that would help with this.

Have you rechecked the straps? Returning to the business at hand was the best course of action, and one that Aresoth was pushing his bonded to. "Yes, but I'll do it again, just to make sure."

As C'ryn was walking into the weyr, Aresoth lifted his head so his rider could pass and found himself once more drawn to where that lovely green star was. He would not allow himself to hurt her, if anything, if these feelings persisted anymore, he would have to be forthright with her. If, after that, he rejected her, well he'd deserve it.

With a huff, Aresoth laid his head down once more, eyes turned inward to watch his rider work.