Name: R'til
Age: 53
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: He's not even thinking about it anymore.....
Weyr: Unaffiliated
Rider Rank: --
Previous Rank/Craft: --
Physical Description: Tall and broad, R'til has dark skin and dark eyes, with thick black hair that curls off naturally. Usually pulled back out of his face, it tries to poof out everywhere despite of this. There's a perpetual sadness to his expression.
Personality: A certain sad haze exists over R'til that's hard to ignore. It isn't as though he is speaking sadly, but rather that one can tell that he is working through some things. While he won't talk about those things, he is the kind of man that will go on at lengths about the things he does want to. There is a fire that burns inside of him, illuminating the man that existed before grief tried to wipe it away - a man made of smiles, and good energy. Any task put into his hands is given an all or nothing attitude and he doesn't drag his feet about it either. These tasks have to be given to him by himself, mostly, but it seems it takes little to grab up his inspiration and get him chomping at the bit.

However, when the highs are high, the lows are extremely low, and when something kicks R'til's feet out from underneath him, he hits the ground and can struggle to recover. Part of it is a natural sensitivity to the badness of the world and part of it is a tendency to feel powerless in situations he cannot change. If the causes of such feelings stem from people, they will have his ire for a long time. Sometimes, he will simply blame his misfortune on the way the world is. Either way, he will plant grudges into his heart, burning almost as brightly as his passionate positivity.

These grudges, as well as previous sensitivities, are carefully kept out of the eyes of those who may try to see them. His darknesses are for him, but so are certain aspect of his light. Those who try to take more than he is willing to offer will find that he pulls away, and never accidentally overshares anything. R'til shares exactly the amount of information he means to at any time. To some, this gives him an aftertaste of mystery, especially when he can hold onto it for years and years.

Positive Trait List Passionate, Go-Getter, Controlled
Negative Trait List Crash-and-Burn, Unforgiving, Guarded
History: Born and raised in Western Weyr, R'til's youth was fairly standard and to a degree, completely unnoteworthy. At the age of 22 he impressed a large blue named Xiezhith - a dragon after his own heart - and at the age of 25 he met the love of his life. A crafter, she'd come to the Weyr as part of a trading caravan and while pleasantries were exchanged, he found trying to woo her was difficult when she was hard to pin down. Though it took another 6 turns, he eventually did just so and talked her into settling into the Weyr with him. For those who saw it, it looked like a match to last forever and in another 2 turns they welcomed their only child into the world.

To R'til, life was perfect. Until his beloved's health began to wane. After only 14 years together at the Weyr, he buried her. Grief stricken, and absolutely certain he could not go on without her, he made arrangements to leave Western Weyr and to allow himself to rot away alone, leaving his child who deserved better to the creche. Xiezhith would not have it. Defying the wishes of his rider, the blue took them to Fort Hold, rather than the middle of nowhere, and practically dumped him onto the steps of the Healer Hall. A desperate move, perhaps, but one to try and renew his R'til's stake in his life. He understood that grief was making his normally strong rider act unusually and that it would not be a dragon that healed it.

It was a grief not easily overcome, and while he should have returned to a Weyr since his not-quite recovery, he doesn't seem to be in a rush to do so. In fact, he seems to be quite content to stay at Fort Hold.
Other: R'til is working thru some stuff, but he will perk up and recover! Eventually.

Name: Xiezhith
Age: 31
Color: Blue
Size: 33'
Physical Description: Xiezhith is obscenely dark in coat, to the point where he would vanish in the night if not for the light markings around his eyes. He has a broad chest and when oiled the fine quality of his musculature is very clear.
Personality: Xiezhith is a protector of the good from the bad. A strong, silent guardian, he watches the world very closely, discerning The Right from The Wrong within the contexts of it's existence. Sometimes the law is the good, sometimes it is the bad and when this dragon sees it for what it is, he speaks up every time. While he may not commend someone for being good, he will absolutely tear down one who is doing wrong. This can put him at odds with authority - especially when he has not seen an entire situation.

Hearsay is this blue's biggest enemy, as it causes him to struggle between the fact he should trust someone to tell the truth, and the idea that seeing is believing. He posses a strong sense of what type of person strangers are, but can be prone to snap judgements - though what he bases these off of aren't always consistent. A good man and a bad man can both dress sharply, just as they can both be people in a bad situation. These snap judgements are not easily reversed, and Xiezhith can be a stick in the mud about it.

Once something gets him started, Xiezhith is passionately dedicated to the cause. The cause could be anything - a dragon of his fancy, an injustice, the actions of his rider. These are things that are seen through to the end, even as they get more and more unpleasant. Xiezhith has the will to power through badness, and the ability to rebound from things that end unpleasantly. This will make him tend to follow through on things that he can see are a lost cause well ahead of time, rather than abandoning them ahead of time.

Why do you want this character? He has played in and out of my head for over a year now. I figured he needed to get out.
What do you love most about this character, if anything? He's very different than most of my characters and has a potential to explore a route I haven't with the others.
Anything else? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I worked on writing this instead of working on what I meant to today. Whoops.