“We’ll get you out with Theath on a good flight and you know the only reason the girls haven't gone up was because of our little Nugget,” rather, that ‘Someone’s missing’ was very serious business to both of them. Though it felt at times Miryath wasn't quite as maternal as her twin. The fact he was getting little more than confirmation that their little one was still doing fine when prodded was evidence to that.
Euryale’s comment about them populating their own Weyrhold would have earned a heartier laugh than it had if A’star had not been so certain that she was deathly serious. “We’ll impress a whole clutch ourselves at this rate,” he said, though the image of too large of a herd of redheads was a bit intimidating. But they were still young, so there was no need to rush to any such decision. Unlike their wedding to make sure Bump was born into wedlock.
Ah, so there was gossip. “And how does one keep rider blood strong in times like these without riders having children? As long as I don't keep you bedbound and constantly pregnant they really have no grounds for their complaining.” Of course, recently it had felt like they were just as fertile as the constantly rising golds…..