For all that she had heard about the effects and results of goldflights, Talis had to admit that she was...underwhelmed, in hindsight.  Going with it had seemed a perfectly reasonable idea at the time, but with the haze fading fast, she found herself rather wishing she could unmake that decision.  She'd not fallen asleep after - it wasn't as though she'd overexerted herself in any way, and would have had trouble falling asleep next to someone regardless - and looking around the weyr they'd occupied, it became fairly obvious to her that it wasn't actually occupied by anyone.  No signs of habitation at all, although the young man was clearly a rider, given the blue dragon out on the ledge.  That left two options: either he'd decided his weyr wasn't close enough, or he didn't have one.  Neither option made for a great impression, although the latter was worse.

Once she thought he was asleep enough for her to do so without waking him, she set about collecting what clothes she wasn't still wearing.  The quicker she was about it, the sooner she could bathe and start pretending her frankly disappointing night had never happened.  Faranth, she should have stayed in the barracks!  She'd left them in part to avoid getting tangled up with another candidate - or in a space that was decidedly not private - but was regretting that decision something fierce.  There were almost certainly fellow candidates she would have been a lot better off with.

I am so sorry.