So I've recently created a wight character named Grimchain and, for sake of roleplay, I wrote a backstory for him. I somehow managed to write this in 3 hours while entirely dead from lack of sleep, but I'm proud of it. I think it's my favorite short story thus far!


Legends told four Giants were born upon creation of the world of Artorias. They were Land, Life, Death, and Time. Life and Time, however, grew lonely with simply two other companions, and chose to create Humanity for company. Death disliked this.

Life and Death began arguing about Humanity, Death claiming Humans would destroy Land and therefore kill her. Land, however, stood her ground and argued she could not feel more humbled sharing herself with other beings, especially ones with potential, choice, and opportunity. But Death still disliked Humanity. He created a plague to ravage them and stated: “Lest one Human bring knowledge before me for as to why I should let them live, this plague shall wipe their very existence from Artorias.”

Within one small village was born a young, bright Human named Grimchain. However, years passed as he grew, watching fellow villagers fall victim one by one to the deadly plague by Death himself, and so slowly grew the bright Human’s heart hollow and grim. Angry, he swore an oath to the remaining villagers:

“I shall cure this plague, even should my life be lost in trying,” Grimchain said.

Grimchain traveled Artorias in search of the Giants. Crossing vast lands and seas he one day reached an ancient forest and followed the misty path filled with gorgeous foliage and luminescent flowers. Further ahead, however, tree leaves began to brown flowers dulled. Grimchain pursued the path regardless, but eventually the trees became brown and leafless, and flowers wilted and withered and lost their colors. One step further, the forest trees fell to ash and dust, flowers ceased to exist and the sky became murky with decay. Sitting upon a throne of dying branches and long-dead vines with spiky thorns, Death himself stood and gazed down upon the Human.

“After centuries you mortals discover my place at last,” Death said. “But discovery is not much, Human, for your determination alone is not enough to make me care. Anything may have determination if it has feeling. Even the plants here have courage in death, for they seek to turn the sky grey and ancient, punishing me for taking them away.”

Grimchain stood tall before Death and stared him in the eyes. “What must I do to impress you?” he asked. “I’ve been born, I’ve seen the world, and I’ve passed many ages watching this world change.”

“But you’ve only seen death,” the Giant told.

Grimchain looked strangely at Death.

“You have been born and therefore learned about life, you have watched time pass and therefore learned about time, and you have seen the land and therefore learned the land after traversing it entirely. But you have not yet died,” said Death. “You have experienced nearly everything in knowledge for a cure to give your people. Life is everything to you Humans, for, without it, you are nothing. If you truly care about Humanity, be the last to experience death by my plague, because selflessness and sacrifice of the very thing you wish to save will be more than enough to impress me. Such dedication, a Human willing to learn of all four aspects to this world, that would bring such honor to you creatures and I would be glad to share Artorias with you the same as Land herself.”

“I’ll do it,” Grimchain declared.

Death, silent and mouth agape, asked the Human, “You would experience death for the lives of others?”

“It would be my honor,” Grimchain assured.

Astonished, Death stood before Grimchain and granted the plague upon him. Within mere hours, the Human fell quiet and his movements slowed.

Grimchain looked to Death and smiled. “Knowledge is the means to an end,” he said. And there he died.

Death kept the promise and ended the plague upon Humans. Devoted to their courage and desire he even worked with Life, helping Humanity continue and thrive. However, Grimchain’s dedication, desire, and knowledge never left Death’s mind. These beings continued in place of Grimchain–the man who sought knowledge of every aspect for sake of saving them, and Death knew Grimchain must somehow be honored for such sacrifice.

From the afterlife Death pulled the soul of Grimchain and forged a body from his ancient bones, this time larger and stronger–like a Giant’s. And Death placed the soul inside this Giant and bowed before it.

“Once mortal in search of knowledge, I grant you life again,” said Death. “Grimchain of Artorias, I return you to this realm eternally in honor of your sacrifice, this time as Giant of Knowledge for, you have experienced what we are, yet we–Life, Death, Time, and Land–have not experienced you.”

Grimchain rose before Death and embraced him with a smile. Death and Knowledge–master and thrall with eternal freedom–Grimchain forever walked amongst his fellow Giants and the now-thriving Humans bringing wisdom and opening doorways for learning from that day forth.



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