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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Light of Stars Was in Her Hair (Be'ren and Olliah)

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Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:41 am

Deep into the night he held her fast, beautiful Olliah whose hair like stars was spun, and kissed her lips whose blushing rose gave shame to daylight's dawning. And in her lovely ears he whispered songs with tune that was naught but passion's crooning.

She was, Be'ren decided, a fierce feline. The lady, whom he had known since his youth, was serenity and grace by day. But by night? By night, she was ferocity itself. How they had made it back to her weyr he did not recall. What he did remember were kisses stolen in Rukbat's light, for it had been noonday. They had been together the whole evening, and through the night. He could not stop himself from caressing her silken skin, or the heavy rope of hair that gave shame to night's sky.

Beautiful and fierce, she had drawn him in as Rukbat had the Redstar, forever to wander in her wake, a lone passenger in the dark of night. But she had been feverish with her dragon's lust, and he his. He had not stopped at kisses, and had not been able to resist her pull. The gravity between them was tremendous, and no doubt born of Flight's passion. But he had never given into this urge. Not with this paragon of women. In the depths there lurked a shy, sad girl. He'd known that girl.

K'ienn had used that girl, who had wanted only to be loved by him. More than once Be'ren had come that close to decking his fellow Bronzerider, who was nothing more than a cad and a user. This slumbering beauty, this brilliant mind, was not for the likes of him. But he admired her. And he bore her marks on skin that held Thread's deadly kiss. Be'ren was no stranger to hardship, or indeed to heartache.

His Silmarath lay quietly against another's side, the Bronze's hearts filled with sorrow and joy both in equal measure. All the Bronzerider could offer his darling boy was love. Love and support, and the knowledge that he was enough. Fianth was simply not the one to answer his hearts' song. They had known that already. Silmarath had not forgotten, but he had allowed himself at last to Chase, and in Chasing to hope... to hope that perhaps he might give his sister a gift worthy of the love that he carried for her.

Yet there was no "worthy." Be'ren gently disentangled himself from the Queenrider, laying a soft kiss upon her smooth hair. She was deep in sleep, and he had something rather in mind. Slipping away quietly, he found his way to the Kitchens after getting half dressed. When he had acquired a bounty of food and klah, he carried the tray back to Olliah's weyr. Then, very carefully, he set it on the end table beside her bed. "Are you hungry, my dear?" he inquired at last. She very well might be.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:33 pm
Mr Cheri

Olliah had indeed been in a deep slumber. The passion that had initially consumed her through dragonlust had been slow to pass, and even when it dimmed, her own needs had taken over. Olliah had been pent up, and Fianth's flight had given her both permission and an excuse, to get exactly what she needed. She doubted the man -- Be'ren -- would mind, or even notice; she had learned long ago that the aftermath of a Flight held no real meaning. It was simply something that happened, and if she had allowed herself to get caught up in the passion, in the pleasure, in Be'ren... Well. It was just one night. Nothing more, nothing less.

Getting caught up was a bit of an understatement. Whether it was Fianth, or her own desire, Olliah had no interest in getting out of bed; and had no interest in Be'ren leaving. So tangled in his embrace, she hungered not for food, but for affection, attention, and pleasure. Thankfully, the bronze rider did not disappoint.

When true sleep did finally grip hold of Olliah, she slept hard, and it was only when the man slipped out of bed, and began to dress, that the Weyrwoman Second began to wake. She made no sudden movement, sleepy thoughts slowly piecing together her surroundings. She heard Be'ren dress, and then leave, a new emptiness settling into her weyr. With Fianth still asleep, she couldn't even reach out to her bondmate. Was that it? It wouldn't really surprise her if it was... The behavior was typical of flights. Certainly, he had things to do; a Weyr didn't shut down just because someone's dragon decided to rise or chase.

. . . even she had things to do. No, she wouldn't hold it against the man to slip away. She'd had a nice time, but today, things would go back to normal. She would fuss over her beloved Queen, and ease back into the days routine. If nothing else, FIanth put on quite a show...

Rolling over, the woman buried herself back into her pillows with a small sigh. She was hungry, but not prepared yet to dress and face the day. Letting herself fall back into a light doze, it was only the sound of someone coming back into her aware that shook her once more from sleep. For a brief instant she wondered if it was Rune or Rhys or Tia -- and Faranth help her, she was still quite nude! . . . .

But it wasn't either of them. In fact, it was Be'ren. He'd returned, and opening her eyes, stirring fully this time, she half-rolled over to see what he might be up to. Breakfast. She looked up at him as he spoke, taking just a moment to wonder at such a pleasant surprise. "I... I am. Ravenous, really." She confessed, a warm, but pleased, smile crossing her features. "You really didn't need to go through the trouble," she added, sitting up more fully. Her eyes did glance around her room, debating if she had best pull on some clothes, or at least a robe. She wasn't Zheria, after all, and while no prude... Well. It would only be polite.

"If you give me a minute to at least get half as dressed as you are, we might be able to break in the table." She laughed gently, giving a nod to a small, circular, wooden table, with three chairs. There was a larger one in the living area of her weyr -- but this one was private. Besides having a small centerpiece of some moss and plants that preferred minimal sunlight or glowlight, it looked relatively unused.


Shy Mage


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:57 pm

Welladay, the lady was... still quite wonderfully nude. Olliah was a sight to see, and Be'ren drank her in for a moment, before feeling ashamed of himself for looking. After all, a Flight was not an open invitation to feast his eyes. He crossed over to a chair, noting a silken robe draped over the back of it. Perhaps what she normally slept in? Either way, the lady deserved some modesty. She hadn't signed up to be gawked at.

And she was a lady, for all that she had been quite a wild woman in that bed. He was honestly stunned, and no little impressed. Intrigued, as well. Not that he intended to get carried away with it. There was no telling whether there was anything there beyond linger Flightlust. "Here, no need to get up on my account," Be'ren said, settling the robe around her shoulders.

The fact that there was a stunningly beautiful woman within arm's reach was dizzyingly distracting, but... he was not beast. Even if he was tempted to renew their acquaintance. "I wanted to go through the trouble, Olliah." He sat down on the bed, awaiting her decision regarding their seating arrangement. She'd looked comfortable in that bed, after all.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:32 pm
Mr Cheri

Olliah almost protested when Be'ren went to retrieve her robe, but held her tongue. He certainly seemed genuine in his desire to be polite, and it was a nice gesture. The bed was warm and comfortable, and at least with the robe on her shoulders, she could settle in a bit more comfortably. "Thank you," she said, still curious about her fellow rider's motives.

Was he always this nice? ..... yes. Yes he was. They had been weyrlings together, and she had known him as well as she had come to learn all the weyrlings. He was different from Al'ndru, certainly; where Al'ndru was more aloof, distant, or perhaps even apathetic, Be'ren was .... polite? Too polite? She'd always had a pleasant friendship with him, but they had also never been close. Then again, she had fallen into her affair with K'ienn...well. No need to think about him at present and sully the moment.

"As inviting as the bed is, I'd be worried I'd make a mess of things. Nobody wants to sleep on crumbs, after all." Among other things. "Besides, this poor table hasn't been used since--well. In Turns. We might as well break it in, don't you think?"

...was she doing this right? Part of her could hardly remember. The last time Fianth rose, the event had been hardly memorable. She slipped out of the bed and better secure her robe. Part of the woman still felt as awkward and as shy as she'd been during Fianth's maiden flight; but another part of her knew it was simply a familiar song and dance. A flight was a flight, and she would not mistake any chemistry they had that night as anything more. Honestly, she just wanted to make sure her friendship with Be'ren wasn't spoiled, or that there was nothing awkward between them.

"Did you sleep all right?"


Shy Mage


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:46 pm

Be'ren had to bite his tongue. Twice. As a harper and as a man, it was hard not to point out how her words might be twisted. On the other hand, he was still half naked, and she was quite beautifully robed. He stood up, joining her at the table's edge. "The bed was considerably more inviting with you in it," Be'ren said, for he could not entirely help himself. "And... perhaps the food might wait a moment longer?" he asked, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. For indeed, being so close to her now, hearing such words, he could scarcely contain his passion.

"I slept like a baby," Be'ren admitted, twining his fingers through her own. How could one now sleep well and deeply, when one had spent the night pillowed against - ah, well, it was best that he not focus on what he'd been cuddled up to. In any event, it had been a night to remember. He could hardly forget it. Not even one element had escaped his notice; each moment was etched in perfect detail.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:37 pm
Mr Cheri

Olliah smiled, but ducked her head bashfully as the man spoke. She might have been Weyrwoman Second, but it had been a long time since she'd had that sort of company, much less anyone complimenting her in it. She wasn't Zheria. She didn't have a commanding presence, and certainly didn't go through lovers like some in the Weyr. But what to say?

On the one hand, she was not blind, and not unaware of the attractive man in front of her. While she'd always been peripherally aware of Be'ren --he wasn't exactly unattractive--shealso had never really taken the time to look. Now that she could see... well. It was almost difficult to look away. "It was rather nice, wasn't it?" She asked, a small, almost playful smile crossed her features as she debated what next to do.

She could insist they eat... And yet, a small, affection-starved part of her also wanted the moment to linger. Too soon, she knew, they would all go back to their roles; she would resume her duties as Weyrwoman Second, Be'ren would go back to his fighting Wing, and life would probably resume. Would it be so wrong to let the fantasy linger?

When Be'ren took her hand, and kissed it, a small amount of color did rise to her cheeks. What sort of gallantry was this? Was she so out of touch that such small gestures had her feeling like a giggling Candidate? Granted, Olliah had never had much time for herself, even as a child. Between taking on her Father's craft to support the family, to Impressing Fianth and diving headfirst into the duties of the Weyr, and helping support K'ienn's dreams, and then Zheria's....

Maybe that's what made this moment so different than all the rest.

"If you slept so well, then surely you aren't in the mood to lie back down, are you?" She asked, letting her fingers carefully, almost shyly, toy with his own. She might have felt like a giggling Candidate, but she was well an adult... and old enough to know what she liked and what she wanted.

And maybe, right now, she wanted to go back to bed with Be'ren.


Shy Mage


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:41 am

Suddenly struck by the start of a melody, Be'ren wished rather badly that he had something on hand to write with. But oh, how inspiring was the color of Olliah's eyes, the warmth in her cheeks. How beautiful, how tragic was she? Caught by her beauty, he slips his other hand gently beneath her chin, tilting her head slightly back so that he could regard her. His fingers caressed that lovely face, his eyes stared deeply into her own. "It was quite nice," he said, watching that smile play along her lips. How charming, and how... entirely vulnerable. He had never seen her so unguarded before.

The intimacy of the moment was palpable, and he leaned down and kissed her lightly. "I had rather other things than sleep on my mind," he admitted, the confession whispered against her lips. The temptation to gather her up into his arms was nearly unbearable. But this must be her choice. Hers, entirely. Just like the little laugh he'd heard before. As much as he wanted this, she must want it too.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:48 pm
Mr Cheri

Olliah was surprised by Be'ren's touch, as he tilted her head back to regard her. The way he stared at her almost put her to blush; she could handle a roll in the hay, but to be looked at like that, so closely, so intimately it... It was almost unsettling. Was this just the remains of flightlust? Or was she simply noticing how the bronze rider looked at her for the first time? His kiss did not come as a surprise, and she let herself smile against it. It was rather nice... He was nothing but gentle with her, and though she'd never thought about Be'ren in that fashion, she knew she'd have a lot to think about and consider.

Even if they parted ways and went back to their cordial friendship, there was no doubt that she had a nice time. On the other hand... Another part of her did not dare go down the path of putting any real weight behind this encounter. They'd had a nice night, and she had a feeling she knew where the morning would lead. She was hungry, but she was also starved for affection, physical contact, and to be truly desired. She certainly wouldn't be the only one with a bedmate this morning. Why hurry along a good thing?

So her smile turned, perhaps, a bit more feral and she reached up to slip her arms around the man's neck and shoulders. She let her caress the warm skin, leaning closer. "Then that makes two of us," she confessed. She was no shy, blushing violet; she was no spring wherry. She'd drag Be'ren back to her bed and experience him less under the influence of Fianth and more under her own control and desire. "Shall we?"

[And I think we may need to do a skip over, assuming Be'ren is A+ about it. xD Feel free to reply and .. . do a bit of a time skip cause woot, PG-13!]


Shy Mage

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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