Whoooo baby. What. A. NIGHT. One beleaguered hand snaked up out of the furs to shove into the massive snare of dark curls, flipping it up and off a man's lean, scruffy face. Drowsy eyes blinked blearily out of the revealed face, trailing across the familiar weyr to find his blue, Galxath, curled up in his usual spot. The bright-skinned blue lifted a wing to whirl a pale yellow-green eye back at his rider, and then over his prone figure to the other body E'dan knew very well was still sleeping behind him. No worries, baby blue, it's all fine. I think it's S'tar, honestly, though I'm not certain.

Hearing his rider's mental voice, and the reassurances, seemed to soothe the blue. Any time E'dan had company, the blue got a bit antsy. He was almost, almost as wary about his rider having relations as a weyrling would have been, though thankfully the blue had enough maturity that E'dan need not worry about his dragon leaping between out of distress. He just needed a little reassurance come morning, that was all! No big deal. And with that in mind, the man swung his (yup, definitely naked) self up out of the bed, stretching from feet to upraised fingers, before mildly scratching at an itch and then opening a nearby trunk to rummage through the clothing inside. A tunic (darker blue than Galxath's hide) and trousers were in order, though he was still barefoot as he stepped across the stone floor to let the blue butt his head into his chest. "You got it Gally-x. Scratchies coming right up." And they were. Eye ridges, under the headknobs, anywhere the blue wanted to have tended to. By the time E'dan abandoned the tending of the dragon, his eyes were again a contented green.

And that meant E'dan could get klah ready. Probably-S'tar was a guest after all, and they had to celebrate! A gold had risen, and that meant more precious little hatchlings for High Reaches!

stella cinere