Maybe it was that she’d been hurled out of her straps to the ground in a heap by her dragon, it could have been that she was sober when it had happened and that was the worst of states for her to inhabit, could even be that the alcohol at High Reaches was mercifully not watered down like many of the bars and taverns across Pern. Whatever it was, whatever had caused her to stalk into that bar and all but square into a man, she was bound and determined to blame it for every ache in her body as her mismatched eyes opened the next morning. Pain radiated down her left side, pain that wasn’t her own so she could at least identify that as pain she shouldn’t have been feeling as it was coming with a full on whining set of curse words courtesy of her brown dragon, large baby that he was.

Slowly she groaned and was able to move one hand to rub at her red rimmed eyes, the other was stuck beneath the body of the man lying beside her and it took quite a bit of blinking to clear her eyes enough to make out what the flightlust had zeroed her in on. Not that she zeroed very well, usually Bail just pointed herself in the general direction of bodies and if one or two took her up on the offer, or even more, then she was more than willing to partake. That was the best thing about Weyrs, probably one of the few good other than the rather delicious alcohol and the ability to get her worn out straps replaced. Zioneth ripped through some straps for a dragon that had never once fought Thread.

Bail’s mind was wandering as she lay taking in every point of her body that either hurt or glowing from the night before and what it was wandering straight towards, unheeded by her jumbled thoughts, was a cigarette. Casting one last, slightly lingering(he was an attractive man), look the mercenary rose up as far as her pinned arm and tangled legs would allow her and was greeted by furs. Everywhere, they were on the bed, which explained how soft she felt, on the walls, on the floors, there was fur everywhere and the small child that she had once been leapt a bit to see it all. The woman that she was identified the man as a hunter, but at least he wasn’t a hunter of other men as she had once been, which reminded her….

She was naked!

Not in the normal way, that she was used to as any time sex was involved there was no way she was keeping her already skimpy clothes on anyway. No, she was naked of weapons, usually there was at least one on her, usually in whatever mop she had decided to cut her hair into, tied up in it or clipped in. There was even one that rested around her waist generally on a chain, around a leg. Everything she had for weapons was gone and while she would proudly walk naked before anyone anywhere, without a weapon at least in her hands or hidden in a glove, Bail felt every bit as vulnerable and naked as those with no confidence must have. Blue and brown eyes scanned everywhere quickly, she could see her clothing, she could see her riding straps, had she been lugging them everywhere with her? Ugh.

No weapons were to be found though and as she glanced back down at the man beside her, something coiled deep within her and wanted to run, but she still had fists and she still had teeth. With a lazy movement she untangled her legs and then rolled him onto his back so she could straddle him and peer downwards, the blanket followed her up for some reason and got tangled around her torso as if to block her, some sort of unintentional armor. It likely wasn’t his fault that her weapons were missing, but Bail wasn’t in the mood to take any chances with a man she didn’t know in a Weyr that she didn’t belong to with weapons that were expensive. Even if he was attractive…
