I had this super obnoxious dream where, even though I graduated I was back in senior year of high school. Irl for my senior year I didn't take ANY math courses because I absolutely suck at math and can't understand it for s**t, but in this dream/nightmare I for some reason took one. And it was required to pass it for graduation. Specifically, this was algebra 2. And algebra is the HARDEST math for me.

So the entire year in the dream/nightmare we didn't do ANY math problems whatsoever. Not even 1. Then two weeks before school ended we got a final study guide, and it explained everything we needed to know for our final exam. However, if seniors get A averages in their classes they can be exempt from final exams, yet this time for whatever reason the principal wouldn't let me be exempt from the final despite having a 99% grade in math. Having been exempt from every other final, I slipped the study guide into my backpack and forgot about it for two weeks. Then I went into class on the second to last day of school, and the teacher started handing out the math finals.

I panicked. "WHAT MATH FINAL?!" I cried. "THERE'S NO MATH FINAL!!" But despite this, she handed out thick 120 page packets, exactly 4 inches in height with everything we needed to do, and the exam would be split into 2 days it was so long.

I knew none of the formulas. I knew none of the problems. I hadn't done algebra in over a year because we didn't do anything in class, and I only took my last algebra class my junior year. So thinking to myself I realized, the final counts at 20% of my grade. If I fail the final I'll still wind up with 79%-80% depending on extra credit which means I'd still pass the class with flying colors (you need at least 80% to pass in the dream/nightmare, but irl my school just requires a C- average to pass which is 70% and above), and so, looking down at the thick final exam packet I gasped, seeing the industrial staples holding one half together then the second half underneath, and figured I should at least attempt the problems I can remember how to solve. That way I'd get some credit, therefore boosting my failing grade to at least the 80% I needed to graduate.

I failed the exam miserably, but got a perfect 80% in the class and a grand 1% on the exam. I graduated. But damnit I pray to never have a nightmare like that again because I HATE MATH!!! Why did I have to dream about math??!?!!?!?!