F'ell didn't expect anyone to know his nameday, not at Western. Hardly any of them knew at High Reaches, despite him having been born and raised there for several turns, and thus when the day actually came the teen found himself older but much the same. Alone, save for the massive brown who currently was napping with his head in F'ell's lap. He liked this level of comfort, the rare moments of quiet that came when his beloved dragon stopped to rest. Even Teth's normally vibrant and overwhelming thoughts were silenced, down to a low thrum as the beast slept.

The day was faintly overcast, clouds blocking out the heat of the midday sun, and the teen allowed himself to enjoy the peace. He even dared to brush his hair back from his face, tucking a few strands behind his ears to allow better viewing of the sea that sprawled before the pair. Today was going to be like any other, spent alone with perhaps a firelizard letter later - from Sam or his mother, and Teth singing to him once he awoke.

It was okay to spend it alone.
