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They went on back and forth for quite some time. It wasn't like the two were ready to burst, so Apollo grabbed his brother and yanked them away. Happily making a scene for sure wasn't what mother nor father wanted. So many cubs all at the same time. What were the adults thinking!? Grumbling to himself. Of course, his brother shook Apollo off and snapped at him. "Get off mee! I'm not going home with my tail between my legs. I'm gunna go elsewhere!"

"Like, where brother?"
"Anywhere but home!"
"You realize,if mother doesn't see you home, she will worry."
"I don't care! As long as dad doesn't see me like this."
"Maybe we should check the healers den. You know, that one cub... Mariko?"

Erebus blushed and took a step back. "Hell no! Not of the likes of her!"
"Did something happen between you two?"
"Of course not!"
"Right..... Ok. Continue so make your macho act and make mother cry and I'm sure we will trample you." Sighing.

Erebus walked away, Apollo stayed watching him. Pissed.
It was then that he noticed a cub with a basket in her maw, and a skull over her face, Apollo recoiled a little. "What the living- SLOW DOWN!"


Apollo was able to retain his position, just slid a little. Chihiro's basket fell on her head /skull and the herbs were everywhere.
"What... in the hell are you." He pushed his paw in to the basket.

Chi moved the basket away, and it was simply an oversized skull.
He realized the body was thin and fragile looking under, he hadn't even realized.

"Um...Who are you anyway?" His voice was softer, but even so, he saw tears dripping from the eyes of the one beyond the skull.
"Hey-" He lifted the skull up to see a beautiful face. But her nose was red, and it was probably from the crashing in to him, and pushing his paw in to her face probably didn't help.

"Why are you wearing this thing- and who are you." But she just continued to stay quiet and cry still. "Answer me!" He growled.


Apollo was more in shock than he imagined or realized. Why in the hell did it take her so long to answer. He huffed. "Chihiro, Djinni's daughter, should be more careful. Running around with that thing on your head, one, you look creepy, and two- it was way more than you should be carrying. You are careless and stupid."

In that instant Chi put her paws over the skull and pulled it over her face so she could cry.

"Stop that- stop!" He yelled again, and for that, he put a paw over her skull. "Stop the crying place, it's making my head hurt."

So she stopped, but simply covered her mouth so she wasn't as loud crying. "Urg... you are annoying. Anyhow.. Where are you taking all this stuff anyways?"

"I heard Erebus, Abila's son was hurt- and and-"
"You came to heal him... you are that spooky healer's daughter." Sighing. Now the pieces began to click. "I see. Well, you ran past him already like, forever ago."
"Well if you didn't have all that stuff, maybe you would have noticed."
She looked about, frantic, "Where did he go!?"
"Away. He is pissed, and I don't think anyone should go after him. He is a loose canon at the moment."
"Loose canon?"
"Something a fighter said when I was watching another fighter lose his mind and go crazy."
"So he is going crazy!? Is it due to his injury!? omg! I have to find him!"

He snatched up her neck like a mother would, as she tried super hard to run, not even realized that her feet wasn't touching the ground.

Then he dropped her.

"I said, he doesn't want anyone around. He WiLL hurt you."
"Healers aren't afraid of being hurt! They are suppose to heal others!"
"You are more of an idiot than I thought." Putting a paw against the skull. "Why don't you fix your face, it's read and ugly."

He finally sat and put his paws against his ears.
"Urg.. you really are annoying."

Katapatan x Ubunifu Baby

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"Ami!" He yelled out to her.

Chihiro turned around, her whine nearly stopped.

"What did you do to her!"

"I didn't do anything- she fell."

"Or was pushed." Niyebe huffed and came up to her, picking up all her stuff.
Ami blushed brightly under the skull, but Apollo tilted her head.

Didn't she say her name was Chihiro? Apollo watched on intently.

"I told you, I would help.." Niyebe turned around, and smiled.
Chihiro had nearly been frozen..

But Apollo leaned in, of course and had to do something to break up this awkwardness. Biting down on her pretty green tail.

"WAAHHHHHH!!!" She screamed!
Niyebe growled and yanked her tail away! "Why would you do that to her!"

"Her name, is Chihiro." His eyes were serious.
He turned to her, moved her skull up. "No. It's Ami." Pinching her cheek and yanking it a little. "It's definitely Ami!" Her cheeks were so bright pink, she thought she had a fever.

"I'm Chi=ch-ch-hiro.. Ami is my sister."
"Woaahhh no way! You guys... look... so much alike- I couldn't tell the difference!"

Chihiro looked down immediately pushing her skull over her face again.
Apollo huffed, and snatched the basket from Niyebe. "I guess you didn't promise -chihiro-, but her sister. What an idiot. Come along Chihiro. Let's get this all home."

"Wah-wahait!" Chi squeaked, her cheeks red. "I.I...I want Ni- to take me."

Apollo was confused, didn't he just embarrass her and get her confused, why the hell would she go with him?

Niyebe smiled. "Thanks... I can't wait to see you home." Coming up to her with a soft nuzzle.

It almost sickened Apollo. Dropping the basket. "I guess you two find your way. Oh and Chi- next time, look where your going... you may find that you bumped in to someone far worse than me."

Chi bowed to the ground, Niyebe helped her up. "You don't have to bow to anyone except the GodMother and Father... not some cub."

Apollo turned and left.