Let me know if you would like me to edit anything. I'm writing Nyara as if they are already friends, but am happy to change. ^^

It was a brand new day- dawn broke the horizon with a warm splatter of blood. The red swelled brilliantly, turning to gold as Rukbat crested the horizon. Nyara yawned, but it was the good kind of yawn- her lungs were filled with a buzzing energy often found in early morning air.

"Thanks for agreeing to this." She told Solameya with a smile, stretching up to brush her fingers against the gilded heavens, before bending her back to touch her toes. A few more stretches and they would be ready to start. "I know we already get plenty of practice during candidate training, but I think sparring with you is my preferred method of learning. I don't feel like such an a** when it's just you beating me." She grinned at the young woman beside her, then moved to collect one of the wooden training staffs near the candidate barracks.

The weyrbowl was relatively empty, the very Weyr still waking. As the sun warmed her back, she felt a lively, excitable energy course through her body: whilst some still slumbered or grumbled about their wakefulness, she and Solly had the whole world to themselves. It had a bizarre, unreal sensation that was both enchanting and addictive.