Rixth lounged on a borrowed ledge not far from the hatching sands. The normally assertive bronze was only slightly less assertive today, giving Fianth and Krah their time alone rather than barging in as instinct softly demanded. The rational part of his brain—or at least the part most greatly influenced by his rider—knew he wasn't cut out for proper doting, but that didn't mean that there wasn't another, sneakier part that longed to tend to the gold's every whim, no matter how unwelcome or how clumsy he might have been at doing so. While he was truly grateful for his role in all of this, sometimes sticking to the assurances he had made was... difficult.

The big dragon sighed through his nose as he stood and hopped off of his perch, gliding back to the ground in one surprisingly smooth stretch of movement. He just needed a distraction. Something to preoccupy him until this feeling passed.
