User ImageName: Joana
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Female
Weyr: Western
Rider Rank:
Previous Rank/Craft: n/a
Physical Description:
Personality: She is a strong confident person. She believes in her ability to do what she wants to do. She also tends to be conpetitive against others, and she ahs a strong desire to come out on top. However, she does not usually show this emotion outwardly and mostly keeps her strong desire in her mind. She isn't afraid to do what is best for the world, even if she has to sacrifice herself or an innocent life. If it can save millions, she will do it.

She also is a blunt person. She will state her opinions. She does this because she believes the truth is more important than any lie. Even if the lie is to not hurt someone's feelings.

However, she believes that not all people have to live by her ideals, and she knows there are many other ways to look at life. Like Lilith is more caring when it comes to lives. Joana will respect their ideas, but during compromises she may try to push her ideals more. Some people think this is harder to be friendly to her, but Joana does not care as much. She knows she will never gain acceptance by everyone.
History: Joana grew up in what seemed like a normal life. But, to her, everything was an exchange. When she got something good in life, something bad would also happen to her. It may be simple like one day she would wish for a new toy. And the toy would show up, but then she would trip that day. This was just the way she grew up and how she looked at life. Life is like a giant chess game. You have to sacrifice some to gain a win.

Joana's family is a very uptight family. They worked her very hard in her training and life. Everytime Joana would do something, they would expect her to be the best. Because of this Joana felt very suffocated in her life. However, after she did start achieving some, her confidence grew. But now, she may have times where she thinks she is the best. She started adventuring at a very young age to get out of her house and to learn how the world worked her way, and along the way, she met Lilith.

Name: Lilith
Age: 4 turns
Color: Blue
Size: Please select actual foot length appropriate to their color and our size chart.
Personality: He believes all lives a valuable and should be saved. While Joana would shot down her enemies without too much of a second thought, Lilith is against this, and he will always try to guide the fight in a way that makes changing the person to be a better person instead of Joana shooting them down. He also is very gentle and loving to Joana.