ARC 1: The Beast of a Thousand Knives.

The story begins with the party being hired by the town of Lupa to investigate the disappearance of cattle from their farms by a never seen creature dubbed "The Beast of a Thousand Knives" for the strange marks it leaves behind. After a tense introduction with the dryad gatekeeper they meet with the town Mayor, Mr. Redford, and learn that the town was founded over 200 years ago when the dryad Poa took pity on a group of war refugees and allowed them to settle in the forest under her protection. This caused a schism to form with the other denizens of the forest which Mr. Redford fears might have something to do with the the current situation.

The party then investigates the Hopkin's Ranch, the place were a bull had disappeared from the night before. While there they discover strange puncture marks on the barn and in the bull's pen that indicate it was drug into the forest.

Once in the forest, the party discovers the remains of the bull, obviously torn apart and eaten by some large creature. While examining the remains they her a soft singing voice and while investigating fins a barbarian girl by the name of Ying and her sister Corsica. Upon explaining thier mission to the girls they lead the party to a creature by the name of Razorclaw they believe to be the culprit behind the attacks. The party then attacks and slays the beast.

Upon returning to town late that night the party learns a group of soldiers from the Kingdom of Aria have forced themselves into the town to search for a pair of girls matching the appearance of the ones in the forest. Some of the party members attempt to deal with the soldiers while one runs off to warn the sisters but it is too dark to navigate through the forest at night.

The next day the party present the head of Razorclaw to the Mayor to have Poa reveal the creature was a herbivore and couldn't be responsible for the missing cattle. Simultaneously, some of the party attempt to intercept the soldiers, who learned of of the girls presence in the forest from the party, but they are thwarted by the Arian's invisibility potions. The part then goes into the forest to both confront and warn the barbarian sisters and find out that they are actually escaped experiments from Aria that can take on the form of a monstrous scorpion and centipede. The Arians then surround the an attempt to get the girls to surrender to them but a battle ensues.

The fight begins to go bad for the Arians and then dire wolves show up from the forest and kill the remaining soldiers. The Archdryad of the forest shows up and demands to know why the party is in her forest. When the party explains she decides to spare there lives since they helped kill the Arians, who she despises above all else. It is revealed she allowed Ying and Corsica to stay in the forest as long as they terrorized Lupa but decides they can no longer stay as they are attracting to much attention to themselves. Among the bodies of the soldiers a picture is found of Revenge's thought to be dead wife and it is discovered she is one escaped experiments Aria is currently pursuing. The party then decides to help Revenge reconnect with his wife and ensure her safety.