User ImageAlnilam glanced around while her toes wriggled in the sand. It was much finer the soil at home. The heat in this place was hard for her to bear while she hid in the shade. Panting softly she thought over why she was on this adventure. She had wanted to find out what more of the world was like even going so far as to leave Nit behind for a change. She missed her family horribly and really wanted a hug. She had tried to rub against a plant only to find that the bristles on it were more than a little painful. She had never gone this long without being able to snuggle up next to a member of her family. More over she was lost and sore. Yet that made for a bad day. Still even with all that she knew if given the choice she would have come again and again as she wanted to see things and find out more for herself. Sapphire eyes half lidded she decided she would rest for a while longer. She didn’t see any plants or anything other than sand. She had lost her trail that she had been making when the wind had picked up just a bit. The large rock she was hiding in the shade of did provide some shade but it wasn’t much relief for one who wasn’t used to the landscape.