Black City, gone. Zygarde Complete, split up. Flare leadership, neutralized. Unova, in chaos but the sun has begun to rise. A lot has happen in the Battle for Black City and while there is still much to be done the war has turned sharply in favor of the allies and if not for you, the finest of Team Snagem, it would have certainly gone much different. Now, for your much earned rewards.

RFR Rewards:

1 Snag Emblem
12 Snag Coins

Recipients: Atlantis_Darts, TerashiLeonGoken, Espeon_Commander, Darksol88, Blizzard120, Reno Vantas, Requiem of Whyspers, Cecile Silverstone, Not a Noise, SubonicXP, RCCaughtem

Regular Rewards:

1 Snag Emblem
20 Snag Coins
2x Elemental Gems of choice
Star Piece
2 Colored Shards, 2 Vivid Scents, or any two berries of choice
Pokemon Egg or 1 Snag Emblem Piece
3 Gengar Tokens, go play.

Furthermore everyone receives a special one-time-only item, a ZNA Crystal. See what it does at the end of this post.

Recipients: Everyone who participated.

Evolution, Purification, Happiness Points: Each Pokemon that was used in the RP receives the following appropriate points:

Evo Points: 15

Purification: 12

Happiness: 1.5


On top of the MVP reward I will also be recognizing four others based on certain aspects they showed in this massive mission. While you all did so amazing I feel it's only right to keep the acknowledgements at a certain amount as to not diminish their value. Everyone 'acknowledged' below, sans MVP, receives 2 Snag Emblem Pieces or another 10 Snag Coins. So here we go.

Story Within Story (Acknowledgement for expertly advancing personal character story alongside the mission): Requiem of Whyspers

100%!!! (Acknowledgement for utilizing everything a character has at their disposal and some): Reno Vantas

Plot Pusher (Acknowledgement for helping keep the plot moving): Not a Noise

Independent Storyteller
(Acknowledgement for inserting clever story points on your own): Cecile Silverstone

And last but not least, the title of MVP. For the second time, nonsequentially, and I think you all have to agree with me on this one, the MVP for Team Mission 4 is...Blizzard120! The Cold One had cometh and snuffed out the fires of Flare.

Furthermore your battles were all just so amazing I couldn't just pick out one to give any kind of acknowledgement so I rather reward all of you together and recognize how amazing you all did in your battle posts. As such you may have one Pokemon evolve/purify regardless of point, item, or other requirement. Make up any kind of plot excuse you need for the evolution/purification in an HQ post or Side RP thread. If you do not wish to act on this then give yourself an extra 7 Snag Coins.

And now as promised, what is a ZNA Crystal? The ZNA Crystal a fragment of the crystallized remains of the Expansion Suit utilized by Sub to Channel with Deoxys and empower his teammates. The suit, left behind in the explosion, was irradiated by Zygarde's energy, combining the energies of both legends in the remains of the suit. The power boosting aspects of Deoxys' energy tamed and purified by Zygarde's own.

When using a ZNA Crystal the item is immediately destroyed (can only be used once and never again earned) and for one post a character is able to access two moves/abilities they normally cannot along with a general power boost. If the character is maxed out on moves then they have access to a Z-Move/Mega Evolution/Ultimate instead, along with the general power boost. Use it wisely, you only get one.

Phew! That's a lot! Any way, I hope you guys enjoyed the mission, I know I sure did. The next Team Mission will not be scheduled for some time as we are taking a short break from this arc but as soon as there is a date planned you will be notified. Until next time, small ya later!