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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] How Far We've Come (Nadry/C'lusi)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:45 pm
That was...a lot of eggs, and even that was an understatement.

As she peered through the entrance to the Sands, Nadry didn't look much different at all from the neverending trickle of hopeful candidates who'd been coming by for a peek at the golden sisters and their clutches. She felt just as shy now about peeking in as she had nearly a turn and a half ago, although this time she felt out of place for a very different reason! She had her own dragon now, and thus no more unseemly dreams about eggs, so her only excuse for snooping was sheer curiosity, though she was far from the only non-candidate who'd come by for a look. With nearly five dozen eggs, and their rather non-conventional parents besides, it seemed everyone was eager to see for themselves.

They will be wonderful, Menankith thrummed in anticipation as he saw them through her eyes. He was particularly interested in Rhianth's clutch, of course, since it had been sired by a brown, and consisted of thirty eggs. Solid proof of just how capable browns were! Oh, how he wanted to see them himself! But not today, no. He would have to wait a few months for that. What a Hatching that would be!

I know, right? I almost feel bad for the candidates. The twenty-two eggs - and the dragons who had hatched from them - of Menankith's clutch had been overwhelming to touch and stand before, and to have nearly three times that many...Faranth, what a trial that could turn into! I'm glad I won't be at that Touching! Especially since they seemed to have a tendency to go awry in some way! The brownrider frowned as she recalled the abrupt ending to the Touching for Uridith's clutch, that had pulled her away from her Menankith before she'd been ready to leave. Before she'd known that he was hers, and had only been able to hope that he was.

Of course I was. Unconditional love and reassurance flooded her, washing away the remembered desperation. And look at us now!

All grown up, or something like it. The girl she'd been then would have had trouble imagining the young woman she was now, capable of far more than she'd been led to believe she ever could be. Terrible, unladylike things that were absolutely glorious, and never got any less thrilling, and she grinned to herself as she regarded the eggs. There were an awful lot of lives about to be changed, and she couldn't wait to see!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:23 pm
Taking some liberties, but I'm happy to edit if it's too much

The eggs had finally been laid, and the Weyr was celebrating by spreading gossip like wildfire, and forming betting rings. With not one, but two clutches, there were riders who were going to be down plenty of marks by the time the last egg hatched and impressed. All morning he'd wanted to steal a peek at the eggs, but morning sweeps had kept him busy. Having finally returned back from flying three hours over Nabol, the rider was glad to be home.

He didn't bother getting Macuith out of his straps, or return to his weyr to change. No, he wanted a glimpse at the eggs first, and Macuith insisted he go; the dragon wanted to gossip and knew he couldn't when neither of them had witnessed the clutches firsthand. Comfort could wait.

Making his way to the entrance of the Sands, he removed his helmet and goggles, carrying both in the crook of an arm. As he neared, though, he found his curiosity over the eggs replaced by delight at the sight of Nadry. He could recognize her figure out of a crowd almost anywhere, just as he could R'shahar. Don't get so distracted you forget to look at the eggs! His blue teased, mirth and affection lacing his words.

The dragon had crept as close to the entrance as he dared, but would not risk either gold's wrath. It was also a popular spot at present, and he didn't want to get in the way. So he stretched his wings, and in usual Macuith fashion, struck a pose in case any eyes happened to land upon him. If Nadry was here then perhaps, he mused, Menankith was not too far. And Viandarth might well be back at their ledge! Leave it to the blue to want to ensure he looked stunning just in case either of their eyes glanced his way.

"Rumor has it the eggs are gorgeous, but they pale in comparison next to you." His purred greeting to Nadry was with his usual flirty flair, but in her case, much more sincere than he would have given a stranger or acquaintance. He slipped up next to her without hesitation, stealing a moment to offer her a kiss on the cheek, before turning to give the eggs a good, long, look. Both clutches were rather magnificent to behold, and he was proud of both of the golds. A brown sired clutch was sure to be the talk of the Weyr, though Krahsujunth playing clutchdad would only add fuel to the gossip. "It's nice to get to appreciate the eggs without all the stress or regret or fear that accompanied it previously."

For as confident as C'lusi could be, he'd had his heart broken by rejection since he'd been old enough to stand. Six Turns of rejection had been difficult, but Macuith had been more than perfect and well worth the wait. The blue dragon sent a wave of adoration and fondness to His at the thought. You were perfection incarnate, and were far too good for any of those other dragons. You just had to wait for the best to hatch.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:34 pm
Menankith was indeed nearby, doing his very best to not fidget like a little hatchling, wanting terribly to be closer but knowing better. All he could do was heave out a wistful sigh, because eggs. Even the knowledge that they were there stirred up wonder, nostalgia, and possibly even a little envy. How wonderful it would be to have tiny hatchlings to teach, like Fenrith had taught him...but he was quite sure none of these would need such a surrogate, not with a brown father for one clutch and a blue for the other. Oh, he hoped that Elzebuth would have eggs one day! Surely his brother would let him dote on the babies, wouldn't he? He hoped so.

Another sigh, before an unmistakable flash of blue caught his attention. The brown perked up immediately, crooning softly to his most handsome clutchmate as his eyes whirled blue-purple. Macuith! He picked his way carefully over to his blue beloved to offer an affectionate headbump and nuzzle. Isn't it wonderful? There are so many!

The surge of happiness from her dragon upon spotting one of his loves was unmistakable, drawing Nadry out of her own fascination with the two clutches in time to hear C'lusi. The compliment and kiss earned a characteristic blush, but also a smile as she leaned in and slipped an arm around him. As she'd opened up, she'd quickly proved to be rather tactile, and given half a chance, liked to be close. "You're not looking so bad yourself," she replied, looking him over while he looked at the eggs. It might not be as elegant as the rest of his wardrobe, but flight gear was always a good look on the bluerider. "Isn't it? I only had to go through the one, and that was more than enough. I'd much rather see it from this side."

Not just because of the stress, regret, and fear that C'lusi mentioned, but the heartbreak that he didn't. If she had gone through all that only to watch Menankith choose someone else, as she'd so feared he would, she wasn't sure she'd have been able to bear it. Nonsense. You were stronger than you knew even then...but you were always Mine. I knew from the moment I felt you, and I know that you did too.

psh, never too much!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:49 pm

Macuith was only too pleased when Menankith not only looked his way, but also bridged the distance between them. The posing blue gave a happy croon in return, a touch of purple entering his blue-green gaze, and he happily soaked up the brown’s attention. He was quick to give a fond nuzzle in return, sending the brown a wave of pleasure at his nearness. What do you think of the eggs, my sweet? He asked, curious of theo thers opinion. More slyly he asked, Shall you ever try your hand in a queen flight? Are little Menankith’s in our future? While he knew the brown hadn’t had much of an interest in ladies, the blue dragon wasn’t sure if that also extended to the queen’s; not, of course, out of a desire to catch the lady, but perhaps there was a drive to sire a clutch?

C’lusi, for his part, didn’t mind a more tactile Nadry--in fact, he rather relished it. The blue rider had always been a touchy-feely individual, and having both Nadry and R’shahar enjoy and return such affections was a dream come true. He leaned close to the brown rider, enjoying the view, but much preferring her company to the sight of another clutch.

“Is that so?” C’lusi mused, glancing down at Nadry with surprise. “I forgot that it was your first time standing--lucky wherry, you Impressed right out of the gate.” He grinned and gave her a little squeeze. “I stood for six Turns, though I don’t have an ounce of regret. Everything worked out beautifully,” he mused. And oh boy, wasn’t it true? Never in a million Turns could he have guessed at how wonderful Impression truly was, despite having grown up most of his life in a Weyr. Additionally, to not only have Macuith, but R’shahar and Nadry in his life? Things were too perfect. Had he not Impressed, perhaps Nadry and he would have never met? Or Menankith and Macuith? And what of his love of R’shahar? Would they still be together? Where would they all be now? “We’ll be sure to enjoy this Hatching together, and have a good time of it. Maybe make a few bets, eh?” He wasn’t usually a gambling man, but there were a few types of bets and deals he’d make with R’shahar and Nadry alone.

Leave it to C’lusi to always turn something relatively innocent into something blush worthy.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:14 am
They're wonderful!  It's all quite marvelous, really. Perhaps if they had been 'normal' clutches by High Reaches standards, he'd not have been so interested, but one with a brown clutchsire and the other with a blue for their father?  It filled his progressive, subversive hearts with glee, and he fairly wiggled before finally settling comfortably beside his blue beau.  Thoughtfulness over the next questioned quickly tempered that enthusiasm, though. ...I would dearly love to have hatchlings, he admitted after much near-audible thinking, But I do not think that it would be proper.

For while he knew that his mates would not begrudge giving him such an opportunity, after everything that had happened with Cynosuth, it simply...didn't seem right.  And even without that, might have felt somehow dishonest, or as though he was using someone as a means to an end, and while he might not be fond of most golds...well, in truth, that would make it all the worse to do, wouldn't it?  No, it just didn't feel right, in any way at all. I will have to wait for Elzebuth, I think.  He'll surely manage it sooner rather than later. And he was deeply fond of his larger, darker brother, a rather unlikely affection at the start given some of their differences, but no less true.  He was very nearly as happy to cuddle up next to Elzebuth as he was to Macuith and Viandarth.

"I'm not sure I would have made it to a second," Nadry said with a faint laugh. "If Menankith hadn't been mine..." It would have broken her heart completely, after what they'd shared.  Oh, she'd never have gone home, but...but, well there was no use thinking about such alternate realities, and she shook away the thought and nestled a little closer. "But I am glad Macuith kept you waiting, even if it's a little selfish of me." Never would she have guessed that any of this would happen - why, much of it hadn't even been within the scope of her imagination.  A brown dragon?  Two boyfriends?  Not proper at all, and nothing that had ever occurred to her as even being in the realm of possibility.

"Oh?  And did you have any particular gambles in mind?" She'd never bet any marks on anything, let alone made any other sort of wager, but she had certainly proved to be...very open to experimentation.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:55 pm

The blue dragon considered Menankith's words, idly twining his tail as he settled close to the larger brown. He'd always been a tactile creature, but now that things with Menankith and Nadry were at a much more comfortable and intimate level, he had taken it up a notch and was always quite happy to all-but-crawl on his brown and bronze loves. The more contact, the better, in his opinion, and now was no exception. Isn't it your duty to catch those golden ladies, though? Isn't it what they expect of you as a brown? He asked, genuinely curious. Giving a small honk he gave Menankith a fond nuzzle, his eyes whirling a bright blue-green. The Weyr doesn't expect me to do much but flame thread and listen to orders. You and Viandarth have far more responsibility resting upon your lovely, large shoulders. He gave a happy sigh, daydreaming about the strength of Menankith and Viandarth, before continuing. I think you'd make a great clutch father...but I also don't mind keeping you to myself. If we must wait for Elzebuth, than we must wait--what fiends they might well wind up becoming! Perhaps he'll loan you one or two? He gave the equivalent of mischievous laughter echo through their bond.I suppose we'll just wait and see who among us fathers a clutch first, for it most certainly will not be me.

C'lusi smiled at Nadry, giving her a small squeeze as she thought about, however briefly, the possibility of having watched Menankith Impress to someone else. "There were eggs I thought for sure were meant to be mine in past Touchings," he confessed, thinking about the few Turns he had spent anxiously hoping to find His. "And the disappointment of walking away without a lifemate is as miserable as they say." Even his own confidence had been tested; while C'lusi had always thought he'd jumped back quickly enough, there were some out there that seemed to struggle with each and every rejection. And there were some, he knew, who might never find their match, like his mother. "But, it worked out quite nicely for all four of us, didn't it?" He mused. "Macuith was better than any dragon I could have hoped for, and I'm glad Menankith and he get along so swimmingly. Life's just full of surprises, and sometimes, they're far better than you could ever imagine." And that was the truth. He never would have guessed that he would have fallen in love with, not just one, but two individuals. R'shahar made him happy, but Nadry did too; long gone was any desire to fall into another arms--not when he had two sets waiting at their weyr. And Macuith certainly enjoyed having two strapping dragons to fuss over and adore.

"I sort of hope my sister finds hers this first time." He admitted, glancing back at the eggs. There were a lot of them on the Sands, but that also meant, a lot more Candidates would be called in on Search. "It's hard to even think about what life had been like without Macuith; I lived twenty odd Turns and it almost seems as if a dream. I only remember how lonely an existence it was without him... and it makes me wonder how every-other-Pernese does it." He gave a thoughtful sigh. To make it through without all that earnest love and support. Even if Nadry or R'shahar left him; even if his hearts were smashed into a thousand pieces, he would always have Macuith, always have that support. But for all the non-riders on Pern... living such a life alone seemed so much more unbearable.

He wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone now that Mac was in his life.

When Nadry questioned his idea, the young man gave a wicked little smile. "Well, I'd say we should get R'shahar involved and play a little private gambling game. Instead of marks there are always little favors," he purred, pleased as punch with this idea. "A massage here, a kiss there," he grinned. "Though with how many eggs there are on the Sands, it could be mighty disastrous for the losing team. Then again, if we went less on each egg, and more on who made the most correct calls, the losing two could perform a sevenday of favors, perhaps." He tilted his head at Nadry, curious as to whether she'd be interested in such a game.

Why lose marks wen they could all wind up winners instead?


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:29 am
Menankith was all too happy to have Macuith so close, so affectionate.  He'd hardly been the most tactile of dragons upon hatching, but time spent with cuddlier and more hedonistic siblings had been well-spent, and he was readily demonstrative, eager to both give and receive affection from those he was closest to.  There was a low rumble of contentment as he returned the blue's attentions, his own gaze whirling with happy colors...with perhaps just a hint of yellow flitting through as a result of the subject at hand. They can expect it all they like, but that does not make it my duty. If anything, it would lead to a certain amount of recalcitrance on his part, as he never had been fond of doing as he was told simply because he was told to do it. Much as I would love hatchlings, it does not seem right to chase someone I don't want, someone I only want something from.  I know that others do it, but...it does not feel right to me.

Perhaps one day, if he and His were ready and something more than hatchlings was at stake, he might seriously consider it, but in the meantime, he had no reason to be greedy. Fiends indeed, he agreed then, amusement chasing the flicker of yellow from his eyes. Surely he wouldn't begrudge us one or two!  Or perhaps I will imitate Fenrith and swoop in and adopt someone else's if they look to need it.

As C'lusi reminisced about what it was like to walk away from a Hatching without a dragon, Nadry nestled closer, and stretched up to kiss his jaw.  It was quite a reach, but not the impossible feat that doing the same to R'shahar would have been.  That practically required climbing. "It couldn't have worked out any better, for all of us," she agreed.  Not only for all this, but for having G'ran and Ichta as the best friends she could possibly imagine, and Fela too. "Menankith was such a serious little thing, I'm glad he had clutchmates like Macuith and Aurinkoth to show him how to loosen up.  Not that I didn't need a bit of the same."

The admission came with a grin, because she had very much needed the same.  Menankith had gotten her started, shaken loose a lot of the notions she'd been raised with, but it was Turns' worth of habit and thought patterns to break, and some had gone more easily than others. "It does seem like a different life - it was a different life.  I can't imagine ever going back to it, even if I had him with me.  I never really realized just how awful it was until I met him." She'd been unhappy and unsettled, true, but the depth of it had escaped her. "But I hope Lusialu finds Hers, too.  Then the three of you will be a complete set!"

"Mm, losing doesn't sound too disastrous, either way," she chuckled after a moment to consider his proposal.  Her cheeks did flush at the thought, but by now she was getting fairly accustomed to discussing such subject matter - quite a long way from being scandalized by it. "I'd absolutely be up for it." And if she had to hazard a guess, she'd probably wind up one of the 'losers,' but that really didn't sound so bad.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:41 pm

The blue dragon understood Menankith’s position, surely, but he wasn’t entirely swayed it was a terrible idea. And what if the lady in question wanted to give you a family in return? It wouldn’t really be using another, you know. The golds must choose someone to clutch with, after all, and it might as well be yours or Viandarths. There was mischief in his words but he was not here to pressure or change Menankith’s mind. He was an indulgent creature, though, and would never have a clutch his own— not that he really wanted one, truth be told. If Viandarth or Menankith were ever fly a queen though, he would be much more interested, indeed. But I think I might also be terribly jealous to see you high up with all those sparkling boys. I’d have to snatch you from the sky and make sure you remembered who loved you best. He gave a happy honk, before shoving his head right underneath’s Menankith’s, and placing a wing protectively about the brown.

What a prize he had.

Maybe adopting the ones that are less wanted by certain golds would be best. Even his own golden mother seemed to play favorites--something this little blue had never quite forgotten.

C’lusi had no problem leaning down so Nadry might more easily plant a kiss. He listened to her admissions with a small sigh and a little shake of his head. He remembered life back at the Hold, with That Man, and how boring everything had been. He suspected all Holds were that way now that he’d come to the Weyr, though some individuals certainly seemed happy to live there. “Hold life baffles me, if I’m completely honest. I guess I feel like they’d want their people happy--and most of the Hold folks that come here seem anything but.” It was a gross stereotype, he knew, but it seemed that way. He certainly hadn’t been happy outside of Crom, nor his mother for that matter. “Now if I were in charge of a Hold—” he grinned and gave a laugh. “Aw, who am I kidding? I’d be lousy at it. The whole thing would probably go under because I’d be too busy turning it into a hedonists paradise, I’m sure.”
He could only imagine it. The finest food, the finest clothes, pillows everywhere, comforts of fashion and lots of sweets and pastries for his accompanying Lord R’shahar and Lady Nadry.
“I’m glad you’re here though, and am all the more glad we found each other along the way.” His words were serious, tender, and entirely genuine. Daydreams aside, there was no denying his fondness and affection for the brown rider.
“To further our corruption of you, a bet it is! I have no doubt we can get R’shahar in on it, and we’ll make a nice mix of winners and losers between the three of us. I promise, even if you lose, you’ll win.” Because those sorts of games were the best.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 4:16 pm
Either of us would sire an excellent clutch, he agreed.  But Menankith's feelings on the matter of goldflights and eggs were...complicated, to say the least.  Though he didn't view it as cheating, as he had a fairly expansive interpretation of relationships, and also knew that neither Macuith or Viandarth would object, well.  There were other concerns. Still, it does not seem right.  If I could not give Cynosuth her due, no matter my feelings, how could I take to the sky after a gold? Guilt and angst still haunted him, internalized as they were, buried under every positive thing he could distract himself with.

He nuzzled and snuggled into contact with the blue, letting it chase some of the gray from his eyes. You would distract them all if you took to the air after me.  And who knows what might happen then? Truth be told, he found nothing disquieting about the idea that someone else might pursue Macuith, now that he'd realized there was so much more to relationships than what he'd initially seen through His and her then very narrow, traditional perspective.  He loved Macuith and Viandarth, and had no room in his hearts for jealousy as long as they were happy.  Perhaps if they left entirely, it would be a different story, but he knew that would never happen.

There are bound to be some who are less wanted, so it will be just as well if we hold out for that and adopt them. He had, in all honesty, never sought a relationship with Uridith or Takarath.  He had had His, and his brothers, and Fenrith, and had felt no need to have the gold and bronze in his life.  Perhaps it had been unfair of him to dismiss them so, perhaps not, but he'd done it all the same.  He couldn't really say he regretted it.

"I know plenty of people who'd perish at the very thought of a Hold like that," Nadry laughed, "But I'm sure they'd come around in spite of themselves.  After all, you can be very persuasive, Lord C'lusi." She purred out the title, but a giggle bubbled up behind it - being able to keep a straight face while flirting was a skill she was still working on, but she at least didn't lack for opportunities to practice.  She couldn't actually say whether or not she was getting any better, but by Faranth, she tried!

At his tender words, she cuddled up as close as possible (as if she wasn't already), and looked up with adoring eyes.  She could never have imagined everything ending up the way it had, and couldn't have been happier with how it had.  She'd never thought her feelings on the handsome, charming bluerider would be reciprocated, and R'shahar?  Even more unexpected, and just as adored. "I would never have thought it would turn out this way, but I wouldn't change a thing."

"I think you've been doing a fine job of corrupting me so far, but if you think there's more work to be done~" She twined her hand into his and tugged, starting to move away.  Wouldn't want to be too inappropriate too close to the Sands while there were eggs on them!  In case that was a thing.

someone apparently finds the thought of Lord C'lusi very...appealing. emotion_sweatdrop
[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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