That soft, gentle, desperate song still lingered over both Martirae and Anakumath’s heads after some rest. It felt inappropriate to be deciding what to wear for a Feast with such sadness hovering. A whirl of grey remained in the eyes of the gold who was still curled up so prim and properly on the bed, watching her rider. It didn’t stop the day from being the best day of Martirae’s life, however. Small traces of purple and hopeful flex of blue bled thru the grey of Anakumath’s eyes - the most beautiful shades of any color Martirae had ever seen. Because of me? the petite dragon asked with no hint that her question was instead hiding a statement.

“Yes, today is wonderful because of you,” Marty answered out loud, not only finding the flavor of speaking those words out loud nicely, but that it sent small surges of delight through her lifemate - shards hers - to know she’d say it so everybody could hear it. The fact that responsibility would be hefted onto both of their shoulders in droves hadn’t quite settled yet, but tangentially, Marty was aware that she had become a very important person. Not just to a newborn gold dragon who looked at her with such devotion and affection.

She’d never fancied herself on a gold - but perhaps that was her Western Heart speaking. A position of power had always been about capability her entire life. Now it felt like she’d been handed good fortune and wouldn’t have to work her way higher. There would be many who would frown at all of her hard work because of what they saw as a golden stepladder. Anakumath creeled softly, shifting from her spot and nearly fumbling off of the bed to go to her beloved when Marty dropped the dress she’d been holding onto, reaching out to catch her. Settling on her knees next to the bed, she rested her head against that of her lifemate’s. I’ll just have to work twice as hard so there are no questions, Martirae thought across their bond.

How awful she’d been to make Anakumath think for even a moment that she’d held her back somehow.

I would have taken you as far there as I will here, she said, more of a plea, than a promise. A plea for Marty to not fear that somehow by being perfect and wonderful and wanted she had undermined her own ability and work ethic. “And I would have loved you even if you’d come to me here and white,” looked down upon and thought to be capable of nothing by the more traditional mindset of High Reaches.

Together they were an asset - even if the starting lines, parameters, and expectations were going to be different than anything they were prepared for. For all the leisure it supposedly offered, life in a glass box of observation didn’t scare her. Let them look in.

She knew they were looking in. Anakumath had ceased being a dragon in the eyes of some, and it would be up to Marty to know who those were. Not because they would value her as nothing, but because they would see a prize to be had - a golden rope to higher places, perhaps. How bad would it be? For all the reputation and her week of experience in the midst of it, the actual scope of such flavors had yet to really be tested. No, she had been just a candidate walking the halls. Just looking at her beloved and imagining anybody wouldn’t see warm love and sweetness and so many other things that just made her heart want to burst?

There would, unfortunately, be many who wouldn’t see it. But you do, because you are my Martirae. I knew you would, it was a bit of a stretch of the truth. She’d wondered only for a moment if the proud woman would want a stronger dragon. I only ever wanted to be wanted with your whole being - and you’ve offered up so much more, it made her heart flutter to think about it. How deeply a dragon could love to offer up their entire life like this. How easy it was to offer up just as much back.

She lingered for a moment longer, idly stroking the side of Anakumath’s head adoringly, before finally standing again. Hints of grey still edged her eyes, but for all the love that was poured into her, there was more purple and blue and green to be had. She didn’t expect the grey to be gone anytime soon. Instead, Marty took solace in how little there now was as she picked up the purple and gold dress she’d tossed to the side in her scramble to keep her beloved from tumbling to the floor.

I held onto this dress for a long time, Marty informed Anakumath, though she had a feeling the little gold already knew that. You like it. It will look beautiful, she’d seen no other dresses in her life, but the little gold could see the image so clearly in the woman’s head - a dark skinned, dark haired woman in the arms of a well-dressed man with dark, curly hair, each holding a little girl’s hand as she balanced between their feet. A clumsy, but sweet dance. For the tints of sadness there were, it seemed to be a happy memory. Therefore, the dress was the most beautiful one in the world.

“And then, perhaps more people will look at me than you, hmm?” it was clear already that neither had a fondness for the spotlight, but if for just one night Anakumath could not be on display, Martirae would do her best to make it happen. It….is just one evening, Anakumath answered hesitantly. No lovely dress would outshine a newly born gold being introduced - even if Mictecath would be there taking some of the limelight off of her. No, she would be looked at no matter how dressed up Martirae was. No matter how beautiful, how strong, how wonderful her Martirae was.

We will look well...while looking must happen, yellow whirled through the purples and blues and it felt like Martirae’s chest was going to clench so hard she could barely breathe. Her own confidence pushed against the natural anxiety that threatened to choke her. Laying the dress out on the bed, she again sat down to lean her head against Anakumath’s. Breathe in, she urged,….out…..there you go…. Anakumath forced herself to breathe in time with the woman’s instructions - and Marty herself. The gentle stroke of fingers along an eye ridge and head knob were easy to focus on.

Then focus on me for the Feast, love. You will be fine, I’ll make sure of it, she could still feel that tightness in her chest, even if the focus on deep breathing had eased it some. If we must, though in her hearts, Anakumath knew it was only proper they did. They could check on theirs, make their hellos…...oh it would be such a crowd, though……. If you don’t want one, I’ll see to it. Certainly, the natural charisma that had made most people avoid the serious woman could be put to use for a worthy cause such as this. For such a thought, the gold offered a soft creel.

For such worry, Marty offered only love to focus her on. To give one less thing to worry about was a good use of preparation time when she already knew what she was doing otherwise. They would both be ready to be seen - and there would certainly be a lot of seen to be in both of their futures.