Ok, I'm going to go on a little rant about what people don't exactly understand in wrestling psychology, and maybe enlighten some ignorant people on their lack of psychology. Because, I'm starting to get tired of fifty people interfering in a promo they have nothing to do with, and only because they want to look like a bad a**/rebel.

First of all. In a feud, the heel should be in control of the god damn feud. He should be doing all the beat downs, sure the face can retaliate, but is should be less successful. The only time a face should get the genuine revenge is at the climax of the feud. If the face does get revenge before the climax, the heel should do something back, except maybe a little bit more underhanded. If this happens, the climax will mean a lot more. Its fine if the face attacks the heel backstage, but it shouldn't be from behind, it should be upfront, and then separated. Give the face something to lose, pride, his job, money, a girl, anything. I know this all sounds like it makes it more fun for the heel, but the face should normally win in the end, unless you’re...putting someone over

Putting Someone Over:
A lot of people dislike putting the guy who is supposed to be on a roll over. Say there is a guy who is supposed to be a monster, a psycho or something of the sort. When he comes out for the debut, don't have your character get all in his faces, and try taking him down, especially if your character is a heel. Have the character get out of the ring when he makes his interest, or if he's a face, have him act kind of nervous. Unless their gimmick wouldn't have them do so. (Like if the character is insane and doesn't know better, or has a history with him.)

Bad Asses:
Everyone wants to be the bad-a**. I’m OK with it, I don't like it but I’m OK with it. What I don't like is that people don't give them social or mental weaknesses. I would say their Mary Sues. The only flaws they do have are the ones that make them look cool. If a heel is so cool, then why don't the fans just cheer him, and if the face is so vicious, then how is he a face. My character, is has a slightly dark persona, BUT, he's a disgusting human being, and paranoid. So please, give your character some UN redeeming quality's. In-fact, the most fun person to RP is someone you wouldn't want to meet in real life.

The Flow Of A Match:
I'll let the master of psychology Explain
What Raven is trying to say is, don't do big moves in the very beginning of the match. Start the match up with standard wrestling (Lock up, into a take down, head scissors out of the take down, kip up, face off) Almost halfway through, start doing little spots. Every match, or at least hardcore match should have only one big spot, or even no spot at all. If you have a whole bunch of brutal spots, they seem less important because, the one before may have been better and you cant top that. And if I hear, I RP as Jeff Hardy, as an excuse, I'm going to kick a infant.

To this, your teacher (who is not Matt Striker) adds: A match sold the right way shouldn't be predictable on who's going to win before the last 3 posts before the finisher.

Is it just me, or does it seem like every time someone does a debut promo, or a stable promo, or any god damn promo. Someone always has to come out to put themselves over, and effectively ruin the flow of the promo. I know interrupting promos will improve the "Rebel Gimmick" That everyone seems to have. But it's not exactly needed, it’s increasing your characters reputation of being a bad a**, but it'll also make you seem like an a*****e OOC. Only do it, if you’re setting to debut and you don't have a match, then make sure its an open challenge. Too many promos have been ruined because of someone wanting to be a every single segment they could possibly be in. In the words of Lex Luger I'M PISSED NOW!

Well...put the guy over. The debut match is a show case of the wrestlers talent. Not a showcase of the other guys awesomeness, the person making the debut is a new addition to the roster, not a jobber. Put as much personality into the character as possible. Also, try not to do double debuts, someone’s going to lose someone’s going to win. Losing the first match is showing a future of an instant jobber, and nobody wants to look like a jobber...And yes, this is coming from a guy who lost his first ever RP match, its very demoralizing, and somewhat annoying if the guy won't put you over.

Asking for a title shot:
First of all, its more acceptable for a heel to ask for a title shot, because it makes him seem like he wont work for the shot (But only if you come in knowing its simply for heat purposes, and your not serious about it. The thing that I do hate, is Faces asking for title shots, and they say that the fans are behind it. Now how does it make sense, that the heel is asking for a title shot and he's begging and whining when a face does it he's asking for what he deserves.)

STOP! I'm not saying that you can't be young. Just if you are young. For Christ sake act young. Your a new guy, so in a match, show off that your a rookie, and you make mistakes. If your RP'ing in a pro circuit, don’t be too young. I know, there are some young guys in The E, but there all JOBBERS! Limit your 18-22 year olds to the indies. Also why are they ********! Most guys around that age also are puny, but a lot of people make them mounds of muscle. Also a lot of times, the younger characters have "Veteran instinct" But I doubt a 20 year old is a seven year veteran.

A few notes I'd like to add to this.

Putting someone over can be more than letting them win a match. You can put someone over and still win the match, it's a good tactic for heels. Like for debuts against your open challenge, let's look at the Kurt Invitational from 2002. I seem to recall a young kid answering one...what was his name again? Oh right, John Cena. They had a match for about 7 or 8 minutes that saw Cena just pwn Kurt in the opening, then Kurt took over the flow. John got his shine and almost upset the Olympic Gold Medalist, even reversing the Angle Slam. Sure, Kurt won the match with a small package, but Cena was put on the radar by that match, even with a losing effort.

Just a little comment on the Promos section, it's perfectly acceptable to interupt every promo on a show if you're fine being precieved as an a*****e OOC. It's not so bad wink Disclaimer: Only follow this tip if you have permission from the promoee.

For the debuts, look back to my putting them over section, and remember, it's not the W or the L, it's the impact your character made. Double debuts are not always good, but they're also not always a bad idea.

Captains, VCs and Crew are reading your mathes you put on, so if you think you deserve a title shot, impress them in the matche, don't turn your character into a whiny b***h. I scouted people for over three years in WWE:U, and I always spoke up about who I thought deserved title shots. Most of the time, it went to the people who could run with the title, not to the people who bitched.

I'd like to add a little something to The Flow Of The Match. If your storyline is a blood feud between two enemies, you might not want to start with a hammerlock! Look at Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins at WWE TLC 2018 as an example of this! Start with a vicious brawl! Think about the type of match that you wish to portray!