Renee Young is shown backstage, waiting for an interview. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the WWFG World heavyweight champion, Drako."

Drako steps into view, dressed in his ring attire with the championship on his shoulder.

Renee: "Drako, tonight is a big night in so many ways. The King of the Canvas tournament finals are tonight and you are set to defend your championship against Salem. What are your thoughts on the tournament and your opponent here tonight?"

Drako shifts the title. "You know, I think I need to address something else first. I saw that little in ring fiasco earlier. So our boss, and let me emphasize, our boss got laid out by the Leone family. Oh and in this little issue, the head of said family, Cyrus Leone, claims that first, he had a twenty year deal even though the only person in history in any company anywhere ever signed to that type of deal is Bret Hart and that ultimately led to the Montreal Screwjob when the company could no longer afford it. Then he claims the board of directors gave him the power to fire the guy that owns the company if he so chooses. In addition to that load of not possibly legal bullshit, he then brings out an old championship belt and claims this one, which by the way the belt he brought out is part of the lineage of, is not a real title. Funny, didn't you have this title before GBL, who took it from you before I took it from him? Didn't you main event WrestleMania as this very champion? So by implying that this title isn't valid, you mean any time you held it isn't valid either. Your main event at WrestleMania where you held this title, not valid. I mean, sure, it probably wasn't your best work but damn. So essentially you think you have the ability to create your own championship, which you don't because it has to be recognized by the company, specifically the owner, who even though he might still be unconscious I am positive will not recognize your title. And what's all this over? Because your family got stripped of their titles? Question, what has any of you done lately? You barely even show up and you're mad because your titles were stripped and made defunct while the world title still stands. I guess it sucks to be you."

Renee looks a bit put off by the response but continues on as she always does. "Do you have some form of inside knowledge on this situation that you can share?"

Drako smirks. "No, not inside knowledge. Just basic common knowledge that no board of directors anywhere for any reason actually turns over any form of control to an employee, nor would the board have the power to actually fire the guy that technically owns the company. But let's face it, I shouldn't be surprised at the stunt, at the name drop. Seems like a lot of people have my name in their mouths these days. So many people seem concerned with what the Soaring Dragon has got going. Some run their mouth behind the scenes and make it known that they're rooting against me as if their opinion ever mattered to anyone anywhere when they aren't part of the equation here in WWFG. Or you have Cyrus, who technically has no reason to have beef with me unless he wants my world heavyweight title, who goes out to the ring, lays out the boss, and drags my name into it because....really I have no idea why. He can't challenge for the title. Even if I lose, the tournament winner gets Salem. When I win, I have to deal with either White Tiger or Bad Boy. Was his goal just to lure the boss into the ring for a match at WrestleMania? There are easier ways to try that without shitting on the entire company you have done nothing in the past couple of years to keep going."

Renee: "Speaking of the tournament, you mentioned the finals. Any favorites to win?"

Drako: "Favorites? I have history with Bad Boy, that much is known. I don't know White Tiger personally, but I respect the drive. I respect the heritage. Some might say as the veteran, Bad Boy is the favorite to win. I think it comes down to who wants it more. As he said, the work gets done in the ring and both of them are willing to put it down in the ring. Personally I can't wait to see who comes out on top in that match because they'll be meeting me at WrestleMania."

Renee: "Any comments on your opponent tonight?"

Drako looks into the camera for this. "Yeah, I got a few words. Tonight, I'm cutting the head off the snake and burning his corpse. Salem made this personal. He tried to break my arm. He got a win over me and stole my belt. Tonight, when he finally leaves this arena, he won't be physically capable of being consoled by any red headed hookers because his equipment likely won't be working. Remember that you started this. I'm just ending it."

the champion walks off to prepare for his match