Sphinx - normal
Kasai - Bold

Aldan x Yorshka


Aldan felt as if he were on cloud nine. He and Yorshka had been married for weeks now, and during that time the reaver had grown even closer to his beloved. He was not pulled onto viking missions, which meant almost every moment he could spend with his pale wife.

Soon though, soon he knew he would need to return to the regular grind of the pride. The marriage high would wear off, and he'd be beckoned out to the rogue lands, bringing back spoils to their War Lord.

But hopefully that wouldn't come for just a little longer.

Aldan purred as he nuzzled the female next to him. The two had become relatively lazy during their time together, only leaving the den for reasons such as meals, restroom, or otherwise stroll down the path. Other than that, he enjoyed the feeling of the female pressed against hhim.

"Should we do something today?" the winged male asked, his eyes drifting open just slightly as his head rested on her shoulder. "I am rather comfortable...."

In the back of her mind Yorshka knew that Ny was right, giving Aldan cubs would help solidify his legacy here as well as her importance to the pride as a whole, so the past few nights had been spent trying to make that a reality for the couple, even if Aldan was unaware of her intentions. The lioness hoped that someday soon she could give him good news, maybe it was pushing her luck to a degree, still, the seer hoped that her dream would become a reality in the near future. "-mmm?" the lioness smirked as she rolled over to glance at her husband. "I am always comfortable beside you." bright blue eyes narrowed as the lioness used a paw to softly press into his chest. "Maybe we should leave the den for a while, we have been pretty selfish lately."

As she spoke Yorshka laughed and nuzzled her forehead beneath his chin, sighing in deeply as she took a moment to recover from the long nights of passion and laughter the couple had shared. "I hope no one heard us..." she whispered under hushed breath, smirking softly to herself. It was embarrassing to think about being spied on, and it was even worse thinking about her unintentional loudness. Yorshka only hoped Ciro had not heard.

"We could wash off at the beach-" as quickly as the joked the lioness snapped back to reality. "-I think I'd like you to train me to fight, too."

It was something she wanted badly but had a hard time bringing it up to her now husband, what would he think about the request?

"I wouldn't say selfish...per say...." Aldan chuckled reaching to n** at her lightly. The two barely left the den after all. Poor Yorshka hadn't really seen her other family since the wedding night. He didn't think she mind...that much...

"And if they did," he said, almost deviously. "I think they would just be jealous." He felt a small heat rise to his cheeks at his suggestion to the female. The two hadn't been the most quiet in their actions, so anyone passing by would know what was going on.

At the suggestion of washing, Aldan nodded, but his ears swiveled at her next suggestion.

"You want to...learn to fight?" His head tilted as he thought. He liked that idea, actually. Her knowing basic fighting skills would make him feel more comfortable on the times he would have to leave the pride for a raid. He stretched his limbs, before rising to all four paws, dark eyes glancing at her curiously.

Pale cheeks went turned blush as the lioness slowly rolled to her paws to meet her husbands gaze. "I think if I am going to be your wife learning to fight is important. I want to be able to go on raids with you, to see the world, and not just be cargo-" Yorshka nodded as her eyes moved along his larger frame, she searched for the right words, sometimes being brave was hard - but every time the lioness thought of him things felt easy and free. "I want to be able to be with, always, and in battle too if it came to it."

This meant a good deal to the lioness, the idea of being able to defend herself was exciting, and she wouldn't deny it. Nothing mattered more to her than this family they were building together, so when the time came for her to be a mother she hoped to at least understand the fundamentals of battle.

"Besides, aren't you curious?" The pale lioness questioned with a soft smirk. "How well I'd do? If I could beat you even?" The tease came followed by a soft laugh as Yorshka nudged into his side playfully.

As Yorshka explained herself, Aldan found a small smile placed on his maw. "I would very much like for you to travel with me." He started. "The world outside pride lands are...can be a dangerous place. Learning how to defend yourself is definitely a necessity, although, I don't know how the new war lord will take having a married lioness join their husband on an expedition." Aldan said thoughtfully. "Once you have the skills, we can either ask permission or just...go...?" Maybe by then, Aldan would be a Captain. He needed to petition him one of these days.

A small smirk lifted to his lips as she questioned his curiosity. "I would be lying to say I wasn't." The winged male said quietly. "But, I think you are in some fantasy world if you think you can beat me," at this, Aldan puffed out his chest. "Should've taken me down when I was younger!" he laughed at the nudge, nodding his head in the direction towards a small clearing.

They could practice first, then bathe later. It was likely the two would end up doing more than cleaning themselves after all, so better get this out of the way first.

"Have you ever fought in combat before?"

Aldan's questions made the lioness smile under some internal stress. "Well, I have fought before-" Her words cut a little, it wasn't like what she was saying was untrue, the past was still there lingering over the couple and any day Kirs could show himself and attack, it had become the normal for them for so long after all. Was the demon even aware of her marriage to Aldan? She was sure it would boil his blood and cause him to strike, Yorshka just didn't know when. So learning to defended herself mattered more now than ever. For the sake of the future and the cubs she hoped to bring into the world.

"Someones cocky." She mused as her eyes followed him outside.

"Still, even if I can't take you on yet, I would like to be able to someday." While she spoke Yorshka joined him in the light, basking in the day before standing beside him, answering; "So, yes, I have, to defend myself, but no, not with any form of training."

The scar on her side was a reminder of her lack of ability and knowledge.

That would soon change.

Aldan's eyes wandered to the scar on Yorshka's side. Ah....that should have been a constant reminder of the battle she had done with the reaver. He wasn't thinking of that in his comment, but now a frown on his maw was ever evident.

"Am I?" Aldan grinned, puffing up more before deflating. He could only keep the rouse for so long.

"Well, I won't go easy on you, when that day comes." Aldan said with a smirk. "But, I do like the idea of you learning to fight. You already have the looks of a stormborn, now we just need to get you the skill sets of one." Aldan chuckled.

"We can probably ask Ciro to help. Maybe Ny or her mate? The thing with the pride is everyone has their own style. It is best if you learn different types, and then decide what you like the best? You can even make it your own, once comfortable." Aldan advised.

"So, shall we get started?" Once in the clearing, the male hunkered down, getting in a position to launch at the female.

As Aldan spoke the pale lioness smirked at his confidence. Something about the change in him made her extremely proud. Becoming a husband was no easy task, but he was as confidant as ever and nothing could take that from him, nothing would change how beautiful he was to her. Slowly Yorshka moved herself back as her eyes shifted from his frame. "I know Ny would help us. She would want this for me."

Her eyes quickly found his face once more as she made her way outside, finding herself facing her husband with a rather cocky expression, perhaps he helped boost her own confidence, perhaps seeing him so interested in teaching her made Yorshka feel closer to him somehow, whatever the case was the lioness was loving it.

"Good. Never hold back. Beat me into the ground if you have to, but ever go easy on me, never let me win because I am your wife." The request felt more like a demand as she lowered herself to the ground, it was important that he took this training seriously, it meant life or death after all - and now with them trying for cubs this meant everything to Yorshka. Someday soon he would have to leave her, Yorshka wanted to be prepared for anything and everything.

"Let's do this." Her final words slithered away from between her clinched teeth as her wide eyes set sharply on his.

"You know," Aldan stalked towards his wife, a gleam in his eyes. "The next time your mother comes to visit, she is going to want to know what happened to her innocent little daughter," he found himself purring, as he began to circle her.

"I don't know if I will be able to come up with an excuse on the sudden change." He grinned, before quirking an eyebrow at her. "I would never beat you to the ground." He found himself commenting, stopping his movements, taken aback from the comment. His stalking and circling commenced just a moment later.

"Alright then." His paws dug in the dirt. He launched for the female, ready to show her his skills, and see her own.

His words made her stomach turn, and it wasn't because she was upset by the implications behind them or his presentation, rather... Yorshka knew she had changed long ago. This chance meeting, fate took her innocence without warning or regret, nothing would ever be able to bring that part of her back from the dead. Not now, not ever. Wide eyes followed his every move as the lioness danced around him, circling her lover as he circled her. "No excuses will be needed. This is just apart of who I am now." As Yorshka spoke she smiled at Aldan, as if to reassure him one final time, before...

Before she knew it Aldan had made his first move, and in the back of her mind she knew what this meant. Everything in her life had come to this, every action, every turn, it all laid out before her as her mate lunged at her full force.

Tomorrow Yorshka would be someone new, just like this morning, and the day before that. Here in this place change was her most consistent friend. The one constant in a wild world she had been thrown into. Quickly the female turned as she unsheathed her claws, sliding toward her husband.

She was going to make Aldan proud.