xxxxxMargaux Héloïse Lévesquexxxxx

Other Aliases and Nicknames: Mon Chère and Mon Favori(by her parents)

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 4, 2033
Age: 16
Place of Birth: London, England

Magical Status: Pureblood Witch
Wand: Almond Wood, Veela Hair Core, Unbending, Decorated, 11 inches
Magical Heritage: Purer than your family, she is sure of that much
Family Heritage: French

Blood Type: AB +
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Complexion: Warm, tanned skin tone
Will Stop Growing at: 5'11"
Current Height: Tall for her age
Distinguishing Features: slightly imperfect teeth that she will correct as she gets older

Face Claim/Reference Looks: Danna Paola

xxxxxPersonal Information
AMBITIOUS: Not in the take over the world sort of way, but all her dolls were either royalty or billionaires that built empires on their looks and creativity. Her parents have high expectations for her as she is an only child, and she refuses to let them down planning to inherit the Lévesque Jewelry Empire and strengthen its legacy.
CRUEL: Margaux doesn't believe in inflicting physical pain or harm to others, but she has a sharp tongue she does not temper if you see her wrath or dislike. Psychological warfare is her game. She's the type of girl that would spread a devastating rumor against an enemy or rival and not think about how it would affect the person the false rumor was against would feel. For others she says "it's just words, I don't see the big deal."
CREATIVE: Margaux is a creative person with a passion for design and fashion. Having grown up surrounded by beautiful fashion and jewelry has influenced her art greatly.
BIGOTED: Margaux not only believes herself superior to muggleborns but to halfbloods and most purebloods as well. She believes her and her family to be superior and sees few as worthy of her. She doesn't believe lessers should be eliminated though, just in their own separate place where she doesn't have to deal with them. This belief is not an original idea, but one she learned and like many things does not question. (It is just the way of the world, she was taught).
SMART: She is "quick as a whip" in intelligence and is quite clever, though, she does not embrace this fact and takes for granted most academic endeavors come easily to her.

Fears: Disappointment (especially of her family)

xxx(1) Artistic
xxx(2) Quick Witted
xxx(1) Narrow sighted
xxx(2) Spoiled
Favorite Things:
xxx(1) Sparkly things
xxx(2) Jewlery
xxx(3) Fashion
xxx(4) Make-up
xxx(5) Magic
Despised Things:
xxx(1) Muggleborns (like why can't they have their own school)
xxx(2) People who do not know of her family
xxx(3) Dirt
xxx(4) The rain
xxx(5) Milk Chocolate

xxxxxEducation/Training/Professional History
Dream Career: Jewelry Designer and Charmer

Magical and General Education:
xxxxxxHome school via tutors
xxxxxxCurrently Attending: Hogwarts
xxxxxxHouse: Slytherin
xxxxxxYear: 6th
xxxxxxO.W.L. Scores

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ EE
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O

Alchemy ~ O
Arithmancy ~ EE
Art ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ O

xxxxxxN.E.W.T. Scores


Background Information: Raphael Lévesque, Margaux's father, is the third born child and second son of Alexandre Lévesque and Chloé Lévesque. Alexandre Lévesque was the heir of the 353 year old dynasty of jewelry charmers. Not any old jewelry but jewelry of the finest materials and craftsmanship in Europe (or so many claim). Raphael while having the most interest in his father's business knew that he would never inherit the dynasty over his older brother and sister. To prove himself and make a name of his own he began to design and creating his own lines.

One of his clients in 2025 was the renown Beauchêne family. Jon-Clement sought out a necklace for his beloved daughter Manon. Raphael created a custom designed piece without much thought, till the most beautiful woman walked through the doorway of the London store he ran (having earned that much distinction by his father). She introduced herself as Manon Beauchêne and explained she insisted on meeting the man capable of making such beauty. Two years later the two married and after much trying, their sole child and daughter was born in 2033.

The two had decided to remain in London as Raphael designed and Manon acted as a muse for Raphael and a local socialite. In the meantime, both doted on Margaux and gave her the very best of everything. The question of who will inherit the dynasty has come into question over the past two decades as the oldest son of Alexandre Lévesque and Chloé Lévesque decided to elope with a muggle man! However, Raphael's older sister Emma does have a son even though he is younger than Margaux.

Margaux attempts not to be bothered by family politics and wants to follow her father's footsteps and be one of the best (if not the best) designer of jewelry in the world. In the meantime, she studies as needed finding academic and musical and artistic pursuits not particularly difficult. She is looking forward to studying magic even if it is with the riffraff that Hogwarts lets in.

Past Plot Involvement: None so far

xxxxxFamilial Connections
Birth Order: Only Child
General Family Links: Lévesque
Family Rank: Eldest Grandchild.
Extended Family: Alexandre Lévesque (grandfather) and Chloé Lévesque (grandmother); Jon-Clement Beauchêne (grandfather) and Emma Beauchêne (grandmother)
xParents: Raphael Lévesque and Manon Lévesque
xSiblings: none

xxxxxRomantic Preferences
Sexuality: Straight (She is sure of it)
Current Relationships:
xxxxxDating: no one currently
xxxxxOther Relationships of Importance: August Li (older student she respects), Canaan Gray (casual friend), Annabella Sheehan and Jessalyn Prescott (annoyances that exist at Hogwarts with her)
Past Relationships:
xxxxxFormer Boyfriends/Girlfriends: none
xxxxxNon Specified Relationships:

xxxPets: none
xxxLanguage Fluency: English and French (fluent in both), Latin (Basic Understanding)
xxxExtra Relevant Skills: will be talented in charms and struggle in divination and herbology.
xxxAny Other Important Information: none

Pended By: Weasley 1/30/19
Accepted By: ~ Dia [4/22/19]
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