'Heeeey-o ....
Here comes a danger up in this club
When we get started and we ain't gonna stop
We're gonna turn it up 'til it gets too hot'

Ev'rybody sing, Heeeey-o
Tell'em turn it up 'til they can't no more
Let's get this thing shakin' like a disco ball
This is your last warning you're Courtesy Call'

A pause in the lyrics as the intro of the music played out for a few moments. All the while, the Full Blue Moon appeared on the Titantron with clouds rolling past the image. With one final 'Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey-o' being screamed out from the Lyrics, a blast of lightning would strike the moon and reveal the name of 'The Lotus Eclipse' now burnt into the moon.

With that burst, the Courtesy Call theme would stop and be replaced with a new song.

'I'll endure... this exile'

Lights out across the arena with blue flashes hitting the ramp and stageway as the music began to build and pick up.

The darkness of night falls around my soul
And the hunter within loses control
Gotta let it out - gotta let it out Gotta let it out - gotta let it out

This demon inside has ahold of me
Clenching its power - trying to break free
Gotta let it out - gotta let it out
Gotta let it out - GOTTA LET IT OUT

The lights would kick back on with the reveal of the man that dawned the feathered hat. Head tilts down with a hand on the hat, he would turn himself around and stand himself up straight for the back of his vest to show the 'Lotus Eclipse' title on the back along with an arm slowly extending out from his side.. After a few seconds, he would finally swing his other arm around to give his momentum of a one-eighty turn back to the front that would be followed up with his knight-like bow. With a leap of a foot, the wild soul would finally begin his way down the ramp but not before letting out a yell of 'always insane'. Possibly the response toward the roaring crowd for the living legend.

Move fast, baby - Don’t be slow
Step aside – reload – time to go
I can’t seem to control
All this rage that’s inside me

Pullin’ shots – aimin’ dots – Yeah I don’t miss
Branded by Fire – Born in the abyss
Red hot temper – I just can’t resist
All this vengeance inside me

As he neared closer to the ring, he would make a deadbolt to leap up to the apron with one knee planted on it and a foot placing down soon after. A hand moving back to his hat, he would giving a good push off his planted foot to leap and arch over the top rope, landing into the ring with a spin of a foot and hands dropping to his side to look off into the crowd. As the music began to die out, the Eclipse would move over to get a microphone. Some small tosses of the mic before finally cutting loose, not waiting for the crowd to die out before he began to speak.

"Breakdown! The Eclipse had fallen after a defeat by Drako for the Title, and the Eclipse have remained unheard until now? Why, oh why did the Eclipse disappear? So many questions outside of that, and tonight I address those very issues while also making an important announcement regarding my career. SO! With that said, let's hit the Recap!

Fourteen insane years have passed since my signing into this company, and it's been fourteen insane years of back and fourths. Up top, fall down, up top, fall down. Each one of my tales always have one constant repeat, and that's always getting back up. Granted that it has been taking me longer as of late, and that's partially my fault with much more personal matters outside of life. Last time I was here, I came back ... relatively around this same time of year for one more run. I came back to not only prove to the world but to prove to my doubting self that I still had what it takes. I entered the rumble, numero dos."
Holding up two fingers. "And I took him a victory that shocked the world. Hell, just getting into the rumble was a shock to the world considering the massive wall that was put in front of me. Another little repeat of my life story is right there: No matter the walls, I bust through those walls may it be with my head or... an elbow." Coming to a stop, he lowered the microphone with eyes watching the crowd with their reactions.

Mic back up.

"I took home the rumble, I secured Wrestlemania, and I took home another Wrestlemania moment. I came back and not only did I prove to everyone and everything that not only I still had it, but I proved that even if an Eclipse falls ... It just comes right back. A bigger, longer Eclipse to take that light and leave the fallen in darkness. I may disappear, and I may be gone for awhile ... but I'll always come back stronger, I'll always come back better, and I'll come back more head-strong and defiant. An Eclipse exists only for one purpose ... a very greedy and selfish purpose. To take the light from everyone else and force the world to watch as I pass. From the past and to the present, that fact will always remain. The future is far no different, my friends. So now that recap is out of the way, let's get to the good s**t shall we?

The Intro! Standing in this ring is the man that's gone by several names! The Anarchist, defiant Eclipse, the Guardian Angel of the WWFG, The wild spirit that can never be tamed, The knock-out artist with an elbow that makes kings bow! Multi-time champion with an embrace of madness, The Lotus Eclipse! Jay Blue Lightning..."
he ended the introduction before taking another quick bow. Standing himself back up, he would begin once more.

"The Now! Why now did I come back? Why have I stayed quiet? Minus the personal reasons I have no reason to get into live, I've been wondering myself as to why I should come back. What else is there left to prove for myself? Climbing up to fifteen years in the company, I've reached the top and sat there for several times. Could I go for records? Could I go for more gold? I contemplated over and over why... Just why I should return. I love the job, I love being here in the ring. Performing for the world? It's always been my greatest masterpiece. The dance I take in this ring is the biggest joy I get out of my life. What is a dance without meaning? I could come back and annoy a few faces and rile up a war, sure. There's no point without that deeper meaning. I sat at home, and I contemplated. I thought and thought... Maybe my time was simply finished. By all logical means, I have nothing left to prove. I've cemented a legacy here that will go on. From past battles to great alliances, I've found my happiness in being content with all I've done. Until ... a phone call."

Another pause as the Eclipse began to pace around the ring. "I got a phone call from a very good friend. A very powerful friend that asked me, 'Hey, it's been awhile. How about another go? One more shot.' I answered back with a very TL;DR version of what I've said. He came back with, 'So?'. One tiny word had me not only confused but rather antsy. So? Was that not a good enough answer? That wasn't it. Oh no. That wasn't it at all. My answer was good, sure. What wasn't good was the reason. No, no. Scratch that. It wasn't a matter of good or bad. It simply didn't make sense. 'When did you need a reason? When did you decide you needed a purpose?' Questions were bombarded at me, and that's where I realized something very, very important. It was all right there hidden behind the legendary. How did I get here? How did I make it this far? Why was I the anarchist Eclipse? From day one to year fourteen, the answer of hows and whys ...

I did it simply because I can.

You see! From day one to now, I've dealt with the doubters and I've dealt with the rage of those that never wanted me around. I didn't care about any of that, and that hate became my burning fuel to push onward and knock out everyone that dared to get in my way. No one was safe! Family, friends? Not a single soul was safe if they dared got in my way of doing what I wanted to do. I won titles because I decided 'Hey let's do that'. I tried to take over this company, and I accomplished even that even if it was just for a split second. The basis of the Eclipse was and has always been the poison in the mind that fueled you with ambition and desires. The Eclipse existed to control that poison that corrupts and turn you into an unstoppable force. NOTHING was safe. If I wanted it, I would take it!

'So ... What do you want?' the voice over the phone would ask me that one question. I paused ... I waited. What did I want?

The next? Is it gold? is it more titles to my name? Records?"
he paused and looked over to the big screen that still held his Moon etched with his name.

"Let me ask you all this. What defines a wrestler? What defines a legacy? Is it wins? is it the amount of gold around the waist and the titles they can claim? What defines a legacy is what is left in their wake. As I mentioned before, An eclipse is a selfish, greedy event. The Eclipse is a title I've held to my name longer than anything else." Turning to face the camera.

"What's next for me is simple. I'm going to dig up old roots. Next on the list is to take my step forward and leave a path of Lunar Madness and destruction all for the sake of 'because I can'. I normally would end something like this with 'See you in the future', but that isn't fitting right now. Why? The future is black."