Treachery begins to play as the lights dim down. As the beat kicks in, blue and white lights begin to flash while a thin layer of smoke comes across the stage and down the ramp. Finally, Drako steps out onto the stage and the fans begin to cheer as he raises the championship in his right hand, moving to the beat of the music. Dressed as usual in jeans and his personalized t-shirt, covered by a leather jacket. His hands are taped with no gloves for once

The champion lowers the belt and looks down to the ring for a few moments before he finally begins to walk down the ramp, throwing the championship over his shoulder.

JR: There is our WWFG World Heavyweight champion, and his new attitude paid dividends at King of the Canvas when he defeated Salem Croft to retain his championship

King: Word is, Salem hasn't been heard from since. I may not be the biggest fan of the Damones, but I hope Drako sent Salem packing

Drako stops at the end of the ramp and looks in at the challenger for a few more moments before he turns and walks up the stairs and into the ring, taking the championship back in hand as he does. He walks across the ring and steps onto the bottom rope, one foot on the second rope as he raises the title to the cheering fans. He steps down and walks to the opposite side to do the same.

Finally, the champion takes up a mic and the music dies out as he looks out into the cheering fans. Eventually, they quiet down enough for him to raise the mic to speak.

"So, the King of the Canvas tournament and pay per view has come to an end. Let's address the obvious elephant in the room, I beat Salem Croft. He played his games, he injured my arm, had fun with a belt, which by the way, after I took back, I had Cartwright replace with a brand new one. Burned the old one. No one wants to keep what Salem has sullied. He wanted to test me. He wanted a darker version of me. Well, I gave him exactly what he asked for. Also kicked him where he'd feel it most and pinned him to keep my title. And yes, this is still my title no matter what others of no authority here think."

the crowd cheers again.

"But let's get down to business. The fact is, last year, I didn't get my WrestleMania main event. Due to circumstances beyond my control, last year WrestleMania didn't happen. I did my part. I showed up at the Rumble even though management did not book a title defense for me. I showed up on Octane and they found an opponent. A contract signing was made, I was here and I signed. Yet WrestleMania did not happen. The fate of the WWFG was in question. Then, my opponent for last year stepped up and took over the company. I can't lie, I was looking forward to that match. I expected changes, and there have been changes, but one thing that did not change was my holding the World Heavyweight title. After all, I was here every show so I guess there was no need to vacate the belt. Now as we move to WrestleMania this year, I have a new challenger. The Winner of the King of the Canvas tournament, Bad Boy."

JR: That's right, the finals ended at the PPV and Bad Boy is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight championship at WrestleMania.

King: Yeah, and there's some history between these two.

"Now, this is interesting for me. To finally get my main event at WrestleMania and against a man I'm a bit familiar with, shall we say? Bad Boy is once again main eventing a WrestleMania and challenging me for the World Heavyweight title. How many times have we fought now? Three? A singles match where you had some very big help in the form of Good Question. Then I beat him. Then we got booked in a four way neither of us planned and you beat, ah, what was his name, and am I using the right pronoun? Kamonio? Whatever, you won the Intercontinental title. s**t happened, I wasn't around, then I came back and I got my win. The win I deserved in the first match. I beat you clean, but one could say we have the rubber match here. It's time to settle the score here. With the lights on bright and the biggest prize in our business on the line, we're going head to head one last time."

Drako pulls the title from his shoulder and holds it in his hand.

"But after what I just went through, enough with the nicey nice crap. When I came to King of the Canvas, I had one goal. To kick Salem's teeth down his throat. I did that. Going into WrestleMania, I'm not looking to respectfully wrestle an old foe. To hell with that. I'm coming into WrestleMania to kick Bad Boy's a**, keep my title, and knock him back down where he belongs, beneath me, at the bottom of the mountain that I sit on top of. There's no respect between us. I think he's a mouthy cheating little p***k that isn't coming to fight clean and get his a** kicked like a man. Especially with this on the line."

Drako holds the title up.

"This makes men do things they know they shouldn't do. So I'm not under any delusions about who I'm facing. Bring everything you've got, Bad Boy. Bring your big dumb follower too. Bring your tricks, play like the dirtiest player in the game. I know you and I know what you'll do. With this on the line, I can get just as down and dirty as you. So bring it all, Bad Boy. I'm ready and waiting."

JR: The champion is ready for his next challenge, it seems. The gauntlet has been laid down here tonight.

King: Don't expect Bad Boy to take this lying down. He's going to knock Drako off that mountaintop he's talking about. I predict a new champion at WrestleMania