The lights dimmed to a dark blue as Strange Clouds begins, the crowd erupting to an ovation!

Bad Boy steps out to the stage, a smile on his face as he looks at the fans, wearing his black pants with the purple stripe and black vest. A few seconds to look around before walking down the aisle, high fiving the fans on the way down, a big smile on his face.

Once he reaches the end of the aisle Bad Boy walks up the steps, stepping through the ropes and looks out to the fans. Stepping back to the camera side, Bad Boy turns 180 and throws his fist up, sparks shooting out from the ring posts!

Lowering his fist, the sparks continue on for a few more seconds before simmering down. Bad Boy backs to the center of the ring, a microphone in his hand, letting the crowd quiet down before starting.

"To use a familiar line, that's 'One more, for the good guys'!"

Bad Boy took a moment to look around at the crowd before starting up again.

"I said it last night, and I'll say it again, it doesn't matter what you do in the back, or what you say happens behind the curtains; what matters is what you do here in the ring! I've proven it last night, I've proven it throughout the King of the Canvas tournament, and I've proven it throughout my entire career!

Last night, White Tiger, I give you all the credit in the world. I knew about the technical abilities, and yet you still took me by surprise. You took me to a new limit last night. However much like many past challenges before me, I'm capable of adapting and overcoming. Last night I was capable of making history and winning a second King of the Canvas tournament!"

Bad Boy paused for a few seconds, getting a bit of a breath, pacing back and forth a few steps before going back to speaking.

"Winning the King of the Canvas, I look onward and upward. I drive back onto a road that I've been on before, a familiar road to face a familiar opponent......

Drako, you and I have gone face to face numerous times. No matter what directions we take, the roads we take tend to lead into a crash course. Both of our one on one battles have been unforgettable. We each hold a victory over one another.....

Fitting that our third encounter will be for the WWF Championship, and it takes place in the main event of Wrestlemania!"

Bad Boy takes that very moment to point to the Wrestlemania sign for a few moments to let the crowd cheer.

"Drako, I learned from our first two encounters that you are one of the most skilled competitors in the ring!

However, since our first two encounters, you've become the WWF Champion! Let it not be mistaken, you are a phenomenal champion. You've stepped up and become one of the best in the business!

We were destined to be the main event of Wrestlemania. I've seen the main event of Wrestlemania numerous times in my career. I know I have what it takes to compete on the sacred ground that is Wrestlemania.

At Wrestlemania, Drako, your reign as the WWF Champion will come to an end. I will step into the arena and prove that I am the better man, prove that I am the better Champion."

Bad Boy drops the microphone as Strange Clouds plays him out, looking around at the crowd with a nod before leaving the ring.