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In the dark he moved through a forest that whispered and giggled. As he passed, the trees themselves seemed to shake and move from him. Here between the thickness of the trees, he did not bother to hide what he was. None who mattered would see him. The only creatures of note that inhabited this forest were lions known to some as Skadi and his children. It was his only purpose in passing through, to keep an eye on the children he had lost to the forest.

They were not in the most capable of paws, but he would not change their fate for them. It was better this way. His bloodline inevitably needed to spread itself, and he did not view it as a useless endeavor to let his children be raised by whispers. The ones under his personal care were tasked with living up to what he had envisioned them to become. The others had more freedom to choose their purpose in life, and he hoped they chose well.

Mkhai had not abandoned them, but he would not interfere now. When he was satisfied that they were well, he moved on. The whispers tried to tempt him back. But Mkhai was no fool, and he had never listened very well to others.

The forest thinned, and he stepped out underneath clouded skies. In a moment, he cast that illusion over himself, hiding away his favored form for that of a more mortal ilk. Unlike other gods, he did not have much to hide. Only his wings and his immense size needed to be supressed. This did not bother him, he was a simple god. Here, he wanted to be nothing more than a mortal. In the Myrsky Syntynyt he had earned his status as reaver, and held his cover as a god close to heart. The only one who had found out was Zjarri'fol, and what had happened to her was unfortunate but... also the way of mortals.

Mkhai often forgot how quickly the world changed with them. He had expected to raise his offspring in the Myrsky Syntynyt as his mortal heirs, but instead they had been cast out. Refuge had been found in the Skiringssal, but conditions were not ideal. They would persevere regardless, they were his children after all.

He had been gone away from the Myrsky Syntynyt too long, and knew that if he disappeared for much longer the value of his name would weaken. He was Mkhai, a Reaver. Not Mkhai, the God of Warriors, and here he would play his role as a mortal. With a characteristic grim expression on his face, he left the forest edge and headed towards the pride.

The night held her tightly against the cold abyss as the heavy eyed lioness stood at the edge of the sea. She was surrounded by a thicket of wood and waves, lost in the immense size of the world. As her eyes settled on the salty waves that came toppling in one after another she found peace in nature's restlessness. Back at her den a sleeping Ably lay, unaware of her disappearance, unaware of her strain. The female had spent the past few weeks dueling and tending to the needs of others, so when she was able to forgot herself for a moment she would. If only for a moment.

Heavy paws brought her closer to the water as Maya stood tall, leaning her weight into every step she took. Her tail flicked from side to side as green eyes narrowed in discontent. When would this feeling pass? Lately nothing seemed to bend in her favor and everyday that passed her felt less important than the day before. Maya was truly stuck in a limbo she had created for herself.

The female knew she needed to return home soon, she knew the albino that slept on her pelts still needed her help, but apart of her felt torn in two. It was a complex feeling, being and needing in return. Her eyes shifted as she found herself glancing back at the ocean.

Maybe if she just... walked into the water the waves could carry her away.

Maybe if she just closed her eyes-

Before the disfigured female could act on her impulse the sound of another made her brace herself before she turned to glare at a lion she had never seen before. His pelt was ivory, painted in black and blue with eyes that matched her own. Something about this settled her enough to speak, though her tone was faint and cold. "-you startled me."

Perhaps he was lost in limbo himself? Her eyes left his figure as she turned her back to him, glancing back out at the sea. If he looked close enough he would be able to see her burns and every tiny scar her brown pelt bore. She wore her history with pride, this much was easy to see.

"It was not my intent." The words were spoken clearly by a deep, firm voice. Mkhai was not a subtle god. He did not have the time nor the patience for clever games or sneaking around. For him, a direct approach to any situation was preferred. He had not intended to surprise the lioness, though that did not mean he was unsurprised by her presence. There were a few reavers who lurked around the border of the pride awaiting challengers, but that did not seem to be her purpose here.

Mkhai looked down at her. Others may have turned their gaze away from her burns to be polite, but Mkhai had no need to be. For a moment, he was curious about what she had gone through. It took a strong will to survive such an injury, and if she felt a lingering pain from it he could not tell. The scarring was extensive - the wounds were old, but permanent. "You have endured," he commented, abandoning any form of eloquence and sensitivity.

They were in the Myrsky Syntynyt and this was no place for such things. It was what had attracted him to the pride. If they had merely worshipped him he would have had no interest. Mkhai was not a god one could please with simple flattery. He was attracted by the strength and will of the pride. There was a persistent desire here to fight and win, and it drew in the God of Warriors like a moth was drawn to flame.

Her ears flicked as the lion spoke, though her body did not move. Maya turned to face him as green eyes settled on his figure, searching the lion over as the trailed past every marking and scar. He was large and carried himself with a presence that demanded respect, yet he spoke to her frankly and without hesitation or false politeness. These were qualities she could respect. For a long time now the female had grown use to being a caretaker, so escaping like this, even for a short while helped the lioness regain apart of herself Maya felt she was losing.

Slowly her body turned as she spoke, aged burns on full display. "To live is to suffer." her voice was low and raspy, and while Maya lacked conventional beauty she carried herself with a respect of her own. Her eyes would demand it as they settled on his.

"What brings you to this place? I do not recognize your face." to be fair though, she didn't know every face in the Pride, that felt borderline impossible. The lions of the Storm were nothing short of a grand army, full of killers, and warriors alike.

"I come here to escape this mortal coil and suffering, you see. Even if only for a moment-" The brown lioness could only assume his reasons for being this far out, still, she was interested all the same. "Maya." she offered her name before returning her gaze to the sea.

"Yes," he agreed, because he could not find fault in her logic when she bore her own scars so clearly. "To suffer is to learn, and through learning we can prevent further suffering. Pain is a necessity of life, one does not strive to be better if they are content." Pain was a pure motivator, and so at times Mkhai embraced it. It was why he was so fascinated with the Stormborn - they were bringers of pain, capable of changing the world. Either the world adapted to them, or suffered.

"Their strength drew me in, and their resilience keeps me here. I am a reaver of this pride, aspiring to be more." He gave a short nod of his head, which was as much of a greeting as anyone would be able to get out of him. "I find this pride to be... fascinating." The way he spoke of it was as if an outsider was looking in, estimating the value and worth of the place rather than living in it. It was difficult at times for the god to fully immerse himself into his role as a mortal.

"Do not escape, embrace." He advised, though she had no reason to listen to him. He was just a stranger, a member of the pride that she may never come across again. But, right now, he was here and intrigued by her. The lioness had so clearly suffered, yet remained with her head held high.

"I am Mkhai, I am interested in you." It would have been considered a very weird fliratious maneuver if he was actually flirting. Mkhai was just being honest.