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Sister's of the storm. That was what she called them in her mind, quite possibly she'd say it aloud if anyone was listening. Aside being in a pride called the 'Stormborn' her life had quite literally been nothing but a whirlwind since the day they had been torn from their mother's womb. A storm of emotions between them, a disaster of a youth where they were not only the reason their mother died, but their new mother was almost killed and driven from the lands with the rest of their family.

So they were in essence orphaned not once, but twice. Of course they were old enough to remember their siblings and 'mother' disappearing from the pride and they were left with an aunt, though that didn't prove to go very well either. They basically raised themselves, or at least Alstroemeria liked to think they raised themselves. Their father liked to pop in now and again, though she wasn't certain he had spoken to any of her sisters, not likely given how she'd been giving him the cold shoulder every time he tried.

Seeking out her darker sibling with milky paws she gave a small shake of her shoulders. Perhaps she should mention him? "Wisteria, are you around?" She called out as she found a place she liked to frequent.

Wisteria was a creature of habit. Every morning she stood at the edge of the sea and took in the salt and waves before going for a morning hunt. While most lazy males in the Pride forced their thralls to hunter and gather, the brown lioness took pride in her ability to hunt for herself. After her morning kill she ended up at the edge of the forest, where she took time to question the Gods in private, damning them for her life of emotional torment. She would curse every God, finding little hope in a greater good. The Divine would all be damned if she had her way.

Life was cruel, that was just how things were.

After her time alone she would return back to her favorite place, a small den she had found all for herself. She was starting to grow into her own, so it was only a matter of time before this happened. Still, she missed the only family she had left.

Wisteria loved her sisters dearly, and while she often times came off crass she was always open with them. They were all she had after all.

At the sound of her sisters voice she turned, her tail settling at her side as a softer expression crossed her creamy maw. "Sister?" her voice was small, something she only did when she was with her siblings.

The one thing Meria did like was the smell of salt in the air. It wasn't as strong as one might think, just enough to make you breath it in nice and deep, savoring it. Just like she was right now, before her sister's voice called out and her gaze softened as her expression moved to form a small smile.

"What do you know about our father?" That was one way to lead off with it, just ask her if she knew anything, if not then she could go into how she'd caught him hanging around and kept driving him off. She was certain it wasn't her actually driving him off as much as it was him giving them the space they needed to sort through things.

"Also, how are you? I feel like it's been a while since we've spoken and I'm sorry for that." There had been a lot for her to deal with emotionally, mostly their father being WHAT he was and then her finding out the hard truth about many things in their life.

Her sisters swift question left the darker female puzzled as she moved to nuzzle her sibling before speaking. "Our father? I don't know much, I just know fragmented bits of what I was told after mother died." her eyes narrowed on her siblings face as she flicked her tail, speaking once more, this time her tone was a bit more uneasy. "Why do you ask, sister?" Something was up.

This topic had never honestly crossed her mind, Wisteria had so much to deal with, thinking about some deadbeat dad just complicated things.

"I'm been... well, I guess? Just surviving." she paused and gave her sisters a half-smile.

"What about you? Why have you come so far out? Is everything okay?" it was hard not to worry about her sisters, Wisteria was very much a mother hen when it came to them. Her eyes shifted as she looked her over once, as if making sure the pale female was unharmed. "If someone is messing with you..."

Nodding her head she figured that was going to be the typical response she would get from most of her siblings, she wondered if she should tell her what she saw when she had touched him once. Fur bristled at the idea, no, she wouldn't do that to her siblings, especially not the one's that remained with her, it was something for her and her alone to burden.

Rubbing one of her legs for a moment she took a seat and waved a paw, "No one is messing with me exactly. I would say more that we have a visitor that keeps coming around and I keep chasing him away though that isn't my right to do so. You should each have your own say in the matter......" Might as well just put it out there.

"Our father keeps coming around and I keep chasing him off.... You can be mad at me if you like but I did it for us." Her tone was rather stern, not that she was trying to defend her actions but it was just, so much to deal with.

"If you'd like to see him you may though.. I'm sorry i've kept this from you." Looking towards her sister with soft eyes she hoped she didn't hate her.

"Our... father?" the lioness glared at her sister as she spoke, frowning deeply at the lie. Her heart raced against her chest as she snarled softly. "What do you mean he keeps coming around? Why now, after all this time?!" It was easy to see her anger, still, she needed to stay relaxed. This was her sister speaking after all, she couldn't be mad at her for long.

Her tail flicked in annoyance as she looked away from her pale sibling. "Why would I want to see him now? What does he have to offer me now?" Wisteria was rightfully annoyed, frowning under the weight of this news.

"He can not bring mother back..."

She gave a shrug, as if to say she wasn't sure why. "I do know he's been here since before mother's passing and he has stuck around waiting until we were old enough to understand everything that happened." She wasn't trying to take his side or anything, just explain the situation to her chocolate sister. "He just want's to know we are well, but I've told him that countless times already but he's determined."

Should she mention he was a God? The warlord had known apparently but she had also disappeared but had she told anyone else? "Have you had any strange visions?" Maybe that would be a way to break the ice. She'd seen their mother when she'd touched him once and it was a beautiful thing.

"Visions?" the darker female frowned as she looked away, again finding some peace in her distaste. She would turn herself slightly before speaking, her tone a bit deeper than before. "I have nightmares I can not underhand." was that the same thing as a vision? It was hard to say for sure, but something deep in her belly knew what her sister meant. "I guess you could call them that.... why?"

It was hard talking about their father, and Wis wouldn't pretend to understand her sisters feelings, however, for the sake of their kinship, she would listen.

Rubbing her paw against her leg she gave a small wave, "We all suffer from them in some form of fashion..... Our large size is also because of who our Father is, apparently. We are Demi-Gods, our Father is an immortal and you're the first sibling I've told about it." Well, it wasn't like the rest of them were around to talk to anyway. Just her and one other sibling the rest were somewhere else, who knew if they'd ever see them again.

Frowning she wondered how everyone else was doing, if they were even still alive. "It's a lot to take in. I'm not even sure how I feel about it myself... At least he keeps trying to come around? It wasn't fair for me to keep him from you.... I just was so Angry with him for not protecting our mother."

As her sister spoke Wisteria gave her a soft nod. She wasn't upset at the truth, no, it was just hard to hear these new truths. Life wouldn't be the same after this moment, and apart of her knew this in a really big way. Her eyes narrowed as she gave her sister a faint smile, nodding in a silent agreement. They were of God blood. They had visions, and deep down, maybe their father did care about them.

This wasn't going to change the darker female's bitter feelings, but perhaps it would help mend some of her opened wounds. "All we have is time, so we can use that to... figure this out." at her admission of frustration and mention of their mother she sighed, speaking. "I feel like we will carry this anger with us for a long time, sister, but let's try not to dwell now. Would you like to come back to my den for a meal?"

If she was being honest, she hadn't expected her to remain so calm about the whole thing and her words struck a cord, they were something she had needed to hear. They didn't need to focus on any of that now, so she wasn't going to say another word on the matter. Giving a smile, you could see the relief in her features as she approached her sibling and gave her a loving nudge with her muzzle. "I would like that very much." Truly she was blessed to have such a sibling and she wasn't sure what she'd do if the day came in which she lost her as well.