Kody “Kodiak” Gordert
The Creeker

Tag/Stable Name:
The Marines

Combined Weight:
475 lbs

Entrance Music:
"Let You Down" By Seether

Entrance Moves:
If I could speak I’d tell you all my fears and depravations
If I could feel I’d take away your pain
If I could bleed I’d show you all my scars and imperfections
If I could breathe I’d hold you in my veins
You’ve got me feeling like an animal beat down in fear and paralyzed
You’ve got me feeling like I have no other hand to hold in this assisted suicide

“Let You Down” By Seether roars through out the arena as The Marines made their way to stage. The Marines are greeted by mixture of boos and cheers from the fans.
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“Coming down to the ring weighing in at total 475 lbs,” The Announcer says “THE MARINES!”

The Marines perform a military salute as the announcer finishes introducing them. Creeker lays his barbwire bat onto his shoulder as he walks down giving fans high fives as he goes. Meanwhile, Kodiak places his hands behind his head avoiding the reaching hands of the fans.

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Signature Moves:
Creeker powerbombs an opponent as Kodiak springboards over the top rope hitting a splash

Creeker stands side-to-side and slightly behind with the opponent, facing in the same direction, and reaches behind the opponent's back to hook the opponent's head with the other hand extending the opponent's nearest arm, then while hooking the opponent's leg the wrestler falls backward, pulling the opponent to the mat back-first. As Creeker is pulling the opponent backward Kodiak would hit a running dropkick into the opponent chest.

Individual Finishers:
Kodiak Plunge: This move is performed when a wrestler (facing backwards to the ring from the top turnbuckle jumps, turns 180° and performs a 450° splash.

Going Down the Creek-This is a move in which a brainbuster-type slam is performed from a fireman's carry. The wrestler falls in the direction that the opponent's head is facing, driving the opponent's head into the mat.

Team Finishers:
Carpet Bomb: Creeker hits a repeating powerbombs before rolling out of the way for his partner. Kodiak hits a frog splash off the top rope.

Devil Dogs Aka D.D.: Kodiak sits up an opponent and unleash fury of kicks to the opponent’s chest as Creeker bounces off the ropes hitting a big boot into the face of their opponent.

Military Outfit


Title History:
EEW Tag team champions

EEWS Tag team champions

EWA Tag Team Champions

EWA Turmoil Tag Team Champions

PHCW tag team champions

CWO2 Tag team Champions