



FACECLAIM Rhiannon Leigh Wryn

AGE 12

BIRTHDAY March 1st 2034


SEXUAL ORIENTATION (Straight/Bisexual/Gay/Other)

WAND 10in Cedar Phoenix Feather wand that is pliable and knobby

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR second

HOUSE Gryffindor

DREAM JOB is professional prankster a valid job?


SASSY Aubrie has a tendency to retort back and is more than happy to express her opinions on things. She's speaks her mind as soon as she thinks it
CRAFTY Aubrie loves a good prank especially on her brothers. She does it mostly for fun but she's not above a revenge prank. She swears she's not petty
STRONG-WILLED Aubrie is a determined and firmly stands by her decisions and beliefs nothing shakes her resolve. She knows to get what you want or need you got to be firm sometimes
FOOL-HARDY having grown up with two brothers Aubrie didn't exactly have a good example of personal safety. She tends to act and speak after very little thought.
PERCEPTIVE Aubrie tends to see the small stuff. She had no issues telling her brothers apart even when they try and fool her. She can tell when someone is acting differently than usual even when they try to hide it.
FRIENDLY Aubrie likes people she loves even small conversations and small talk. She has no issues when talking to strangers. Everyone is a potential friend and/or partner in crime.

■ eggs
■ pickles
■ cats
■ fall
■ rodents
■ pranks

■ being bored
■ others being sad
■ frogs
■ fish
■ hot weather

■ perceptive
■ determined

■ can have an attitude sometimes
■ lack of risk assessment

■ Fire ants


Aubrey is the youngest of the Hepburn kids. She has two older twin brothers Kameron and Ignatius. She loves to tease her brothers and get teases in return. She was jealous when they went to Hogwarts first, but knew her time would come. She was just as surprised everyone else when the shy bookworm Kam got Hufflepuff and the social butterfly Iggy got Ravenclaw. She probably noticed it first but she could see Kam was less attached to Iggy's hip. She not sure what happened but the coming back for summer before her first year they were split. Kam was angry and wanted nothing to do with Iggy and Iggy was sad and quiet and stayed in his room a lot. After her parents got them to at least call a truce Aubrie was determined to not let them fighting make her summer gloomy. When her letter arrived she was most happy to see it got positive reactions from her depressed brothers. Kam was proud of her and was happy albeit for a short time and she even got a laugh and bear hug from Iggy. A few of Kam's old books (as it looked like Iggy either over used them or tried to eat his) and a trip to diagon she was ready to conquer Hogwarts!

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


UPDATED (date of most recent update)

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PENDED BY Weasley 3/11/19
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