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Word Count: 1311

Terang wasn't really use to living with so many other bunnies. In fact he couldn't really tell you the last time he had been around this many other bunnies, at first the bright pink bunny was a little hesitant to join a colony at all but he had begin to realize as he was getting older that he was getting lonely and maybe there was more to life than just wondering around alone. He had even started to think maybe he didn't want to single anymore, maybe he even wanted kits. He gave his head a little shake and chuckle at the thought, what kind of father would he make he barely took care of himself, but hey he hadn't became anyones meal.

Coming up from the tunnels Terang emerged into the fields of sunflowers, this was really Ternags favourite part of Ah'naadi. Ternag loved to bounce through the sunshine field enjoying the flowers and the cover the provided him from anyone who might be in the area. He always had a good run up here before flopping over on his back and just staring up through the flowers watching the sun filter through the golden petals.

Vieno was quite pleased with how the weather was for the day. They couldn't smell any rain coming either, so it would be sunshine for at least the foreseeable future. They really only had to warn when their was rain coming, so they could take the time to explore the fields of sunflowers before them.

Vieno loved living among other hares, feeling safe and secure in the fact that if someone saw something, there would be adequate warning and enough space to hide. They also loved the smell of the flowers in the morning.

They moved along an almost path through the flowers, one that was familiar to them, for a bit, but they took a new direction as soon as they smelled another hare. They hoped their company would be welcome, but everyone here was friendly so far, so they had no reason not to think this new hare would be any different.

Terang perked up when he heard movement around him and flopped over to see who was coming. He was fairly confident in the fact that it wasn't a predator since the movement was way too small and they weren't disturbing any of the flowers as they moved. Peering around it didn't take long to see the orange hare coming his way. Terang put on his smile that he had practiced since joining a colony and living among others. It wasn't that he was unfriendly it was more that he didn't really know how to live with others.

Upon seeing the other hare Terang spread flat onto his stomach deciding he was going to continue along his relaxation above ground, he didn't think his new companion would mind. "Hello" he said happily. He wasn't the best conversationalist but he did like the company of others so he was pleased that someone had happen to come along.

Vi was quite pleased with they came through the flowers to find a brightly colored hare lounging under the flowers. They could so comfortable, but Vi didn't want to intrude too much, even if company would be nice.

"Hello," Vieno greeted in return. They didn't remember the other from when their joined this colony, so the other was definitely newer than they were. "How are you enjoying the weather?"

Weather was their thing, of course, they would always ask about the weather - or be asked about the weather. They enjoyed their job very much after all.

"Its beautiful" Terang practically sang. "Sunny days are the best days in the flowers" He didn't look at the other hare he stayed looking at the flowers and the way the light was playing through making designs, "don't you think?" he asked finally turning his head towards the other.

Terang had a genuine large smile on his face when his eyes fell on his new friend. "My name is Terang by the way." he felt bad for the delayed introduction but he had been enjoying he flowers. "Lay with me look at the flowers," he said happily.

Vieno agreed that it was a beautiful day. They enjoyed lounging among the flowers when the days were nice and calm, but occasionally they enjoyed an adventure.

Today was a day for relaxing, though.

"I'm Vieno, but you can call me Vi if you like," they replied. Their voice was unintentionally gentle not to break the serene mood that seemed to envelope the area.

"Thank you for letting me join you." Carefully, Vieno stretched their body out near Terang. The soil was cool beneath their stomach and the sunlight danced through the petals like drops of golden honey instead of rain.

"What a nice spot..."

"It's one of my favourites! The sun this time of day makes the best designs. " Terang spent a few quiet moments and then turned towards Vi.

"How long have you been in the colony?" he asked them. Terang had only been here a short time himself and had yet to really make any friends perhaps Vi would be his first! It was an exciting prospect to say the least.

"It does," Vieno agreed with a gentle smille. They weren't a super excitable hare themself but Vi found Terang's enthusiasm endearing.

"I've been here for a little while, I guess," Vi shrugged with one shoulder. "When I joined there were only four - Taro, Taisho, Bijou, and Koshi," They ticked them off mentally. The little colony had grown a little bit, and Taro was out seeking more members right now so they were sure it would grow again and quickly.

"Those four knew each other long before I came in though. I still feel a little bit like an outsider, but I think I'm settling in ok. What about you? How are you liking it?"

Vieno didn't want to seem ungrateful for their home, but as more hares came to join them, they felt more at home.

"I am adjusting" Terang answered honestly which he found easy to do after Vi had been pretty upfront with their answer. "It is a bit of an adjustment. I am pretty use to being alone. So even though we are small group its still a lot more hares then I am use to being around." he said it with gentle smile on his face.

"I was tired of being along though so this is a welcome change." The sun was slowly starting to set and Terang was sad to see his dancing designs start to fade. He also felt a yawn rise within passing over his lips. He giggled a little. "I guess it's been a bit of a longer day than I thought."

Vieno gave a smile but nodded. It made sense. Being along and then suddenly being in a group could feel jarring, just like Vieno felt alone when they had first left their family. They hoped their family would find their way here soon though.

However, the yawns were contagious and Vieno found themself yawning as well. "I guess so..." They huffed a small laugh. "I wouldn't be opposed to a nap..." They laid their head down on their paws and closed their eyes. They would move in Terang had any objections, but they were content to just lounge here and perhaps nap with the other hare...

Ternag didn't feel a need to say anything to the suggestion instead he moved a little closer to Vi and settled his head on his paws as well and quickly fell asleep in his field of sunflowers. The move the colony had been the right decision and one Terang would be happier and happier he made each and every day.